
  • 网络advertisement time;Advertising time;Commercial break;advert
  1. 让我们快速进入广告时间,马上回来。

    Let 's take a quick commercial break and we 'll be right back .

  2. 卡尔森觉得小睡一下也无所谓,因为正好是节目的广告时间。

    Carlson also thought he was fine to take a nap because the show was on a commercial break .

  3. 在广告时间,荧幕下方会出现一块用于向观众推销的遮挡区。观众点击一个按钮就可以中请获得一份免费的样品或订购一本产品目录。

    During commercials , an overlay will appear at the bottom of the screen , prompting viewers to press a button to request a free sample or order a catalogue .

  4. 接下来是广告时间回来之后Brad要宣布什么时候结婚

    We have to take a break , we are gonna come back . Brad 's coming announce when he 's marrying and then also

  5. HBO台的《朽木》(Deadwood)等电视剧去掉了广告时间,也不顾电视网的内容限制,成了堪与狄更斯的系列小说媲美的剧集。

    HBO series like " Deadwood " - which jettisoned the ad breaks and content restrictions of network TV - have been compared to Dickens 's serial novels .

  6. 写下这周你看过的电视剧,你看了多久(包括直播的广告时间),还可以算上看过的电影、YouTube视频等等,然后大概计算出你在电视前驻留了多久。

    Simply write down all the shows you watched this week and how long they were ( including commercials if it was live ) plus movies , YouTube videos , etc. and work out roughly how much time you spent in front of the screen .

  7. 下一个广告时间,我要上洗手间。

    I was going to the bathroom during the next commercial .

  8. 填满广告时间变得越来越困难了。

    It 's becoming increasingly difficult to fill the advertising slots .

  9. 广告时间时她总是把音量调小一些。

    She always turns the volume down when the ads come on .

  10. 他想让我保证留出广告时间。

    He wants me to make sure I leave time for the commercial .

  11. 一边跳舞一边洗洗盘子在广告时间跑去做个爆米花

    I wanna dancing while doing the dishes , Run for popcorn during the commercial

  12. 广告时间到。

    Time for a commercial . Stay tuned ;

  13. jenny--好吧,但得等到下个广告时间。别忘了,不超过五分钟。

    jenny--Okay.But wait until the next commercial.And remember -- no more than five minutes !

  14. 不要忘记在广告时间快进。

    Let 's not forget fast-forwarding through commercials .

  15. 我是杰克.萨尔茨。现在是广告时间。

    I 'm Jake Seltzer.Now a commercial .

  16. 你的问题并非都能在30分钟内解决(还要减去广告时间)。

    Your problems will not all be solved in 30 minutes , minus time for commercials .

  17. 营销既包括对节目内容的营销,也包括对广告时间的营销。

    The marketing already includes the program content marketing , also includes the advertisement time marketing .

  18. 梦想利用这种新的传播媒介使产品销售来个同样大飞跃的公司们,蜂拥而至抢购广告时间。

    Companies , dreaming of similar leaps in sales through the new medium , rushed to buy commercial time .

  19. 民营电视节目制作公司销售的方式为直接出售和以节目换广告时间。

    The sells methods of the privately owned TV programming company are directly sells and the program trades the advertisement time .

  20. 今年30秒的广告时间耗资350万美元;明年同一时段将上涨到380万美元。

    A 30-second spot this year cost $ 3.5 million ; next year the same spot will go for $ 3.8 million .

  21. 事实上,选择广告时间时,错开竞争性广告的时间安排,是对那些不按传统时间购物的消费者作出区分的一种方法。

    In fact , off-timing from competitive advertising patterns is a method of differentiation of consumers who will purchase during nontraditional periods .

  22. 经济衰退期间,传统电视广告商撤销了合同,广播公司有大量代售广告时间,电视购物得以井喷。

    Infomercial marketers got a boost during the recession as traditional TV advertisers pulled back , leaving some broadcasters with unsold air time .

  23. 由于涉及到广告时间因素,免费频道的节目差别策略比付费频道复杂。

    As a result of advertising involved , the programming differentiation strategies of the advertising-supported channel are more complicated than that of the pay channel .

  24. 是一种从全国各电视台购买广告时间并将这些广告时间打包预售,但不提供节目时间的组织。

    Organizations that acquire commercial time ( usually in similar types of programming ) from stations around the country and package that time for sale to advertisers .

  25. 然后我们就把剩余的时间都用来看电视。我们在客厅一边看电视一边吃晚餐,即使有谈话,也只是偶尔在广告时间聊聊。

    We 'd eat our dinner in the living room while watching , and we 'd only talk every once in a while , during the ads , if at all .

  26. 刚在广告时间里我们还说了话不过你看起来真好看你看起来很棒谢谢我其实没那么瘦你是怎么做的

    We were just talking in the break , you look fanstastic by the way , you 're looking fantastic . Thanks , I 'm not draining much , what are you doing

  27. 赢得他们的过程如下:一到广告时间,我就不经意地、假装很感兴趣地问起某个人的新年计划,这是一个万无一失的方法。

    This is how I squeeze boycott endorsements from them : I wait for a commercial , then turn to somebody and ask , casually , with feigned interest , if they have made a New Year 's resolution .

  28. 随着新技术的发展以及国家相关法令对广告时间的限制使得传统广告费用迅速飙升,其传播效果和受众范围已经严重下滑。

    With the development of new technologies and the national policy restricts on advertising of traditional advertisement , so the costs of traditional advertisement growed up , due to the time constraints , the results of communication worse than ever before .

  29. 美国电影艺术与科学学院在发送给成员们的电子邮件中还宣布,颁奖典礼将缩短到3小时以内,也就是说,全部24个奖项中的一部分奖项将在广告时间宣布,之后再剪辑进颁奖典礼的画面。

    In a letter sent to members , the Academy also announced that the telecast would now be kept to under three hours , which means that some of the 24 categories will be announced during commercial breaks and then edited into the ceremony later on .

  30. 实验结果表明:目前移动IP切换时延主要取决于协议数据包的传输时间和在进行协议栈处理以前等待路由(代理)广告的时间,缩短这两部分时间是提高移动IP切换速度的关键。

    Through analyzing the result , a conclusion that the handoff latency is lies on the transmission time of protocol packets and the time before getting router advertisement ( agent advertisement ) is reached .