
  • 网络Advertising Experiment
  1. BuzzFeed是美国知名的新闻聚合网站,最为人所知的是它各种被广为分享的榜单和原生广告实验。它的视频业务部办公室位于洛杉矶,虽然只成立了两年时间,但却像野草一样在悄悄地疯狂生长。

    BuzzFeed is known for its highly shareable lists and native advertising experiments , but the company 's two-year-old , Los Angeles-based video operation has been quietly growing like a weed .

  2. 所提方案的用户体验测试采用了100多部视频节目和7000多个广告商标,实验结果表明AdOn不管是广告的相关度方面还是用户的体验度,都大大优于现有的广告模式。

    The experiments conducted on a video database with more than 100 video programs and 7,000 ad products indicated that the proposed solution is superior to existing advertising approaches in terms of ad relevance and user experience .

  3. 自传体广告优势效应的实验研究

    A Study on the Advantages of Autobiographical Advertising

  4. 然后本文做了一个关于大学生解读广告语言情况的实验。

    Then a survey of the advertising language interpretation by college students is made in this thesis .

  5. 二是通过编制和数据分析,得到适合服饰奢侈品大学生消费者评价的服饰奢侈品牌期刊广告视觉传达设计实验问卷及量表。

    The second is through questionnaire development and data analysis , getting experiment questionnaire and scale of clothing luxury brand periodical advertisement visual communication design for college student .