
  • 网络Advertising Media;advertising medium
  1. b.用户了解网上银行的渠道主要是网络及朋友介绍,而一些传统的广告媒介对于网上银行的宣传来说效果并不显著。

    B. users on-line banking channels mainly on network and friends , and some traditional advertising media for the propaganda effect of online banking is not significant .

  2. 不允许将电子邮件系统作为广告媒介。

    Thee-mail system should not be used as an advertising media .

  3. 投机主义和愤怒帮助权力康拉德对广告媒介生活的高度的M.黑市的上涨。

    Opportunism and indignation helped power Conrad M. Black 's rise to the heights of media life .

  4. 我还觉得,作为一种品牌广告媒介,Facebook现在的广告效果还有很大问题。

    I also think that Facebook falls pretty far short currently on its effectiveness as a brand advertising medium .

  5. 有几种不同形式的免费的或极为便宜的广告媒介可以使许多计算机使用者知道关于GNU的事。

    There are various forms of free or very cheap publicity that can be used to inform numbers of computer users about something like GNU .

  6. 下列哪种广告媒介最能吸引你的注意力?

    Which of the following advertising media do you pay most attention to ?

  7. 广告媒介形态的变化特征。

    The changed characteristic of the advertising media shape .

  8. 广告媒介的现实环境。

    The realistic environment of the advertising media .

  9. 商业电视是一种广告媒介。

    Commercial television is a medium for advertising .

  10. 广告媒介形态的现代化分析

    Analysis of the Modality for Modern Advertising Media

  11. 我们应该了解对于(我们)选定的广告媒介哪些人是真正的听众。

    We should get to know who are the audience for the selected advertising media .

  12. 电视看来要在全国广告媒介中牢固地占据头等位置。

    Television seems to be firmly entrenched as the number one medium for national advertising .

  13. 中国古代广告媒介是古代广告信息传播的工具和载体。

    The advertising and communication media act as information dissemination tool and the carrier during ancient China .

  14. 兰州市中学生广告媒介接触行为对其消费观念的影响研究

    The Effect Study of Commercial Media of the Lanzhou City Secondary School Students on Their Consumption Conception

  15. 中国古代广告媒介传递着中国古代社会丰富多彩的政治、经济、文化信息。

    The abundant information of political , economics and culture communicated through the advertising media in ancient China .

  16. 本文围绕着户外广告媒介在环境中的放置以及如何进行创新设计的问题展开研究。

    This paper focuses on the outdoor advertising media placement in the environment and how to conduct innovative design .

  17. 互联网广告媒介以其精准、互动性强、用户黏度高等特点得到了更多广告主的认可。

    Internet advertising medium has been recognized by more advertisers for its accuracy , interactivity and high user viscosity .

  18. 后者则深入探讨了消费者对产品的认知效果与广告媒介传达的贴切程度。

    The latter has discussed the consumer thoroughly to the product cognition effect and the advertising media transmission appropriate degree .

  19. 有时政府也用广告媒介以新闻的形式发表官方对世界大事的看法和观念。

    Sometimes government uses the media to communicate the official party view of world events in the guise of news .

  20. 当前的广告媒介发生了许多变化,包括共同演进、汇聚增值、混合性三大特征。

    Present advertising media take place a lot of change , including common evolution , assemble appreciation , and omnibus .

  21. 从其社会功用看,古代广告媒介大致分为肢体语言、借代物和手工广告媒体三大类。

    From the respect of sociality function , the ancient advertising media generally include Body Language , Metonymy and Manual Advertising Media .

  22. 广告媒介策划中使用的概念。指受众必须有一定的广告暴露频率,广告才能发生效用。

    A concept in media planning stipulating that a certain amount of exposure to an advertising message is necessary before it is effective .

  23. 它变得越来越像其它广告媒介了:你必须对它加倍关注,(并)科学地看待它。

    It has become a lot more like other advertising mediums : you have to pay it much more attention [ and ] look at it scientifically .

  24. 负责全面的媒体关系工作,包括广告媒介策略的制定和执行,公关活动的策划和实施;

    Lead the overall media relations process , including the development and implementation of advertising media strategies , as well as the development and execution of all publicity efforts ;

  25. 广告媒介是广告活动中的重要组成部分,广告媒介的选取和利用在很大的程度上决定着广告的成功与否。

    Advertising media is a important component of advertising activity , how to choose advertising media and use it determine the succeed or not of the advertisement at heavy degree .

  26. 纵观整个广告媒介的发展历程,从古时的札幌、牌匾、旗帜,到近代的报纸、杂志、广播、霓虹灯,再到现代的互联网、分众传媒。

    The course of development of the advertising medium , from the ancient Sapporo , plaques , flags , to modern times in newspapers , magazines , radio , neon lights .

  27. 手机正在变成人们随身携带、移动的多媒体中心,当然这也可能使手机成为未来最大的广告媒介,手机广告的出现使手机正在实现由人际沟通工具向大众媒介跨越。

    The mobile phone is becoming a multimedia center which People can carry and move it . Of course , this may also make mobile phones become the largest advertising medium .

  28. 把购物袋当做广告媒介来使用的行为正在高涨。有人可能想知道,还需要多久我们将会见到那种装有柔韧屏幕的购物袋,向我们播放着视频广告和商业信息。

    With the use of shopping bags as advertising media on the upswing , one wonders how long before we 'll see bags featuring flexible OLED screens showing video ads and commercials .

  29. 这是全球经济一体化发展趋势的必然选择,是以人文关怀消费模式为导向,辅助广告媒介塑造成功的广告效应的必要途径。

    This trend is the only choice of the global economic integration developed , is take the humanities concern expense pattern as the guidance , the auxiliary advertising media molds the successful advertisement effect the essential way .

  30. 前者倡导由原有呆板营销的媒介转变为交流的、服务的媒介,不断进行对自身个性化的延展,根据不同的目标消费群体因地制宜,进行不同的广告媒介投放。

    The former initiative transforms from the traditional ponderous medium to the exchange , serves media , and continue to develop own personality , in accordance with different consumer groups , to carry on the different advertising medium .