
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào xīn wén
  • advertisements that try to appear to be news
  1. 所以Cablevision,一家美国有线电视公司决定于10月6日全面向用户铺开互动广告的新闻遭到了不少质疑。

    So the news that Cablevision , an American cable company , was rolling out interactive advertisements to all its customers on October 6th was greeted with some skepticism .

  2. 我是位于CNN中心的卡尔·阿祖兹。今天一如既往不含商业广告的新闻报道首先从伊拉克开始。

    I 'm Carl Azuz at the CNN Center and today 's commercial free coverage begins in Iraq .

  3. 当CNN第一次推出不含商业广告的新闻节目时我们看起来有点不同。

    So we look a little different now than when CNN first launched a commercial free news program for classrooms .

  4. 我是CARLAZUZ,接下来将为您带来长达10分钟没有广告的新闻。

    I 'm Carl Azuz , taking you through the next 10 minutes of headlines .

  5. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛大家好,我是CarlAzuz,这里是CNN学生新闻。我们在亚特兰大CNN新闻中心为你带来没有广告的新闻。

    Hi , everyone , I 'm Carl Azuz , and this is CNN Student news , we 're commercial-free and coming to your classroom from CNN centre in Atalanta .

  6. NBA即席解说词正如NBA比赛本身一样精彩、生动、丰富,它与其他语言文体如广告、新闻、演讲等大不相同,表现出自身独特的语言特点。

    Impromptu NBA commentaries , different from other language style such as advertising , news and speech and so on , is as wonderful , vivid and colorful as NBA game itself , and shows its different style for the particular situation and the event itself .

  7. 这是你不含商业广告的新闻课堂。

    This is your commercial free news source for the classroom .

  8. 很荣幸带给你十分钟不含商业广告的新闻节目。

    Happy to bring you ten minutes of commercial-free current events .

  9. 我们十分钟不含商业广告的新闻节目首先从乌克兰开始。

    Our ten minutes of commercial free coverage starts in Ukraine .

  10. 欢迎来到这个周三不含商业广告的新闻节目。

    Welcome to Wednesday 's edition of our commercial free show .

  11. 又到了10分钟不含商业广告的新闻节目时段。

    It 's time for ten minutes of commercial free current events .

  12. 又到了10分钟不含商业广告的新闻节目。

    Time for ten minutes of commercial free current events .

  13. 对广告和新闻做区分,避免出现模糊二者界限的杂交式文章。

    Distinguish news from advertising and shun hybrids that blur the lines between the two .

  14. 我是卡尔·阿祖兹,马上带给你的是10分钟不含商业广告的新闻节目。

    I 'm Carl Azuz with ten minutes of commercial free headlines for the classroom .

  15. 传播媒体提供信息、娱乐、广告、新闻、评论和劝导。

    The media provide information , entertainment , advertising , news , commentary , and persuasion .

  16. 一个网页可能包含来自其它网站的内容,比如广告和新闻。

    A Web page might offer content such as ads or newsfeeds from other Web-site principals .

  17. 我们现在开始十分钟没有广告的新闻。

    I 'm Carl Azuz . 10 minutes of commercial-free headlines are coming your way right now !

  18. 在她的研究中,帕金集中参考了1904年以来明信片、广告、新闻专栏中提到的女性闰年求婚。

    In her research , Parkin pored over references to leap year proposals in postcards , advertisements and newspaper columns dating back to 1904 .

  19. 巴西及南美洲国家的主要媒体密集的广告和新闻活动保证了大量的访客。

    The large visitation is assured by a intense advertising and journalistic activities , including the main mass media in Brazil and South American Countries .

  20. 这些广告从新闻之外的角度,为读者提供政治、经济、生活等信息,为边区经济建设作出了贡献。

    These advertise-ment , like the news , provided information of politics , economics and daily life for read-ers and contributed towards border district 's economics .

  21. 汤普森说,该协议将让《纽约时报》“获得大量的新用户,他们通过广告发现新闻和商业机会”。

    The deal would give the company " access to new pools of users , people discovering your journalism and monetising through advertising , " he says .

  22. 选民打开电视,就能持续地看到有关竞选候选人正面和负面的广告的新闻报道,还有一些与竞选相关的政治人物的采访

    Voters turn on the TV and are presented with constant news coverage of campaigns negative and positive advertisements by candidates , interviews with political experts about the election

  23. 论文还通过对总统竞选电视辩论会上的发言、广告、新闻等不同语类的分析和新闻语类中不同语篇的分析来证明这一观点。

    This idea is proved through the analysis of three different genres & a presidential election speech on TV , an advertisement and a newspaper item and further proved by comparing two broadcast news items with slightly different discourse purposes .

  24. 后者是一家专门研究店内营销方案的公司,它声称在2003年到2004年期间,为了取得商业优势,销售优惠券和广告的新闻集团美国下属集团曾不止在11种情况下潜入其电脑系统。

    The latter specialises in in-store marketing and claims that News America , which sells coupons and advertising , tried to gain a business advantage by hacking into its computer system on no less than 11 occasions between 2003 and 2004 .

  25. 一些批评家经常质疑功能理论对于文学翻译的适用性,认为功能翻译理论仅适用于一些实用题材的文本,诸如说明、广告、新闻等类型文本的翻译。

    Some critics often doubt the applicability of functionalism to literary translation . They normally agree with this idea that functionalism can only work well for translation of some practical texts , such as instructions , advertisements , news , and etc. .

  26. 但是一些广告制造了新闻,比如一个共和党国家委员会的广告打击了HF。

    But some ads have made news , like a Republican National Committee ad against Harold Ford .

  27. 很荣幸的欢迎您做客CNN学生新闻,带给你的是10分钟不含商业广告的时事新闻。

    It 's a privilege to welcome you to CNN STUDENT NEWS , ten minutes of commercial free current events .

  28. 提示:文本转自普特听力论坛我是CarlAzuz,这里是CNN学生新闻,为您报道十分钟没有广告的头条新闻,将世界的精彩带到课堂。

    I 'm Carl Azuz and this is CNN Student News , bringing the world to your classroom with 10 minutes of commercial-free headlines .

  29. 震惊广告世界的新闻:电视广告没用。

    Shocking news in adland : television advertising does not work .

  30. 我是卡尔·阿祖兹,马上跟你分享的是今天不含商业广告的头条新闻。

    Talking you through today 's commercial-free headlines , I 'm Carl Azuz .