
  • 网络advertisement;Advertising works
  1. 平庸的广告作品无法在广告竞争中立足。

    A too ordinary advertisement will not stand out in competitive advertising .

  2. 广告作品评价系统的心理学研究

    Psychological study on the advertisement copy evaluation system

  3. 中西当代广告作品比较研究

    A Comparative Study of China and Western Contemporary Advertising Works

  4. 第一章为广告作品的含义及特性。

    The first chapter is the meaning and characteristics of advertising works .

  5. 这是一个主要的广告作品。

    This will be one of our main print ads.

  6. 平面广告作品创作程序探析

    Analysis on the creation procedure of the graphic advertising

  7. 第二章为我国广告作品保护的现状。

    Chapter II of advertising works for the protection of the status quo .

  8. 以家庭作为创意点的广告作品屡见不鲜。

    " Family " as a point of advertising creative works are common .

  9. 论广告作品的艺术化

    On the Artistic Quality of Works in Advertizing

  10. 广告作品也是一种文化产品,是文化价值观的反映。

    But meanwhile advertisement is a cultural product which is the reflection of cultural values .

  11. 第三章为对广告作品进行特殊保护的必要性及可能性分析。

    Chapter III of advertising works for the special protection of the necessity and possibility .

  12. 随着歌曲的畅销及广告作品的推出,她逐渐闯出名堂。

    With a hit song and work in commercials , she 's making a name for herself .

  13. 从立法、司法实践方面看我国对广告作品保护的现实情况。

    From the legislative and judicial practice in China for the protection of the reality of advertising works .

  14. 如果你不相信广告作品,那已经是在厨房太热了!

    If you don 't think advertising works , then it 's already too hot in the kitchen !

  15. 而从其结果来看则是以广告作品的形式表现出来。

    But from the perspective of its result , it is manifested in the form of advertising works .

  16. 所有符合条件的视频广告作品分别为公众投票和五大选票者张贴所得的奖品。

    All qualifying video ad entries were posted for popular vote and the five top vote getters received prizes .

  17. 广告作品中的图形与文字同艺术作品一样要可偿、可闻、可视、可读。

    Advertising works in the graphics and text as the same works of art should be compensated audible , visual , readable .

  18. 图形是广告作品中最重要的“视觉语言”,通过迅速传达主题来吸引消费者;

    Graphic ads work is the most important " visual language " to convey the theme through quickly in order to attract consumers ;

  19. 因此,品牌资产是中央的方式的广告作品,无论是作为一个本身的目标或其他目标作为一个调停。

    Brand equity is thus central to the way advertising works , either as a goal in itself or as a mediator to other goals .

  20. 优秀的广告作品所具有的哲理性、浪漫性、幽默性,文案与视觉语言最终达到完美的和谐统一。

    Excellent advertising works possess philosophical , romantic sex , humor , writers with the sign language and ultimately achieving the perfect harmony and unity .

  21. 程昱凡:您提到了“真实的”作品,那么请问您怎么看待那些只为奖项而做的广告作品?

    Cheng Yufan : You said " real " work , so how do you think of the creation that 's specifically done for award show ?

  22. 电视广告作品两性形象差异所持的价值判断,其着眼点主要是男女两性的社会性别和文化性别。

    The valuation of amphoteric figure in TV advertisement originality is the difference sexuality of society and culture of male of female which play in it .

  23. 在我国并没有将广告作品归于作品的一类给予保护,也没有把广告作品单列为保护对象。

    Ads in our work is not attributed to " work " a class for protection , nor did the ad work for the protection of separate objects .

  24. 平面广告作品创作程序依次是广告调查、广告定位、设计表现,其中重点为广告调查、设计表现。

    The creation procedure of the graphic advertising design is advertisement survey , advertisement positioning and design show in turn . Among them , the emphasis focuses on advertisement survey and design show .

  25. 在男权社会的主导下,广告商时不时把男权主义的一些消极的思想观念融化到广告作品当中,这导致广告女性形象出现偏差的现象。

    In a male dominated society , advertisements from time to time , to the patriarchal ideology of some negative advertisers , worked to blend into them , which lead to deviational advertising phenomenon of female images .

  26. 同时,大部分的户外广告作品中都能看到平面广告的影子,画面上大都是字体较大的广告语、清晰的企业标志,背景是图形或者图像,缺少创意和趣味性。

    At the same time , most outdoor advertising reflects the characteristics of print ads with larger ad script and clearer business logo , and the backgrounds are always graphs or images , lack of creativity and enjoyment .

  27. 一般起源于社交网站上的言论、影视广告作品、社会热点事件以及一些文学作品等。其主要生成方式为仿拟,有原作和仿作之分。

    The main production mode of " XX style " is parody , and it usually originated from the comments on the social networking site , the works of film and television advertising , social hot events and some literary works .

  28. 乌尔善来自内蒙古,以广告作品闻名。2010年他推出了电影处女作《刀见笑》。这部黑白功夫喜剧片讲述的是一把大刀在三个人之间易主的故事。

    Singularly named and hailing from Inner Mongolia , Wuershan is known for his commercial work and made his feature-film debut in 2010 with " The Butcher , the Chef and the Swordsman , " a martial-arts black comedy about a large blade traversing ownership among three men .

  29. 2006英国电视广告金奖作品评析

    Comments on 2006 Gold Awarded Works of British TV Ad

  30. 第18届艾皮卡奖影视类广告金奖作品选评

    Pick and Comment on Works with Golden Award of Film Ads in the 18th Epica Awards