
  • 网络advertising;advertising art;advertisement
  1. 论城市户外广告艺术的现状与发展

    The Situation and Developing about the Outdoor Advertising Art in the City

  2. 论广告艺术的形成及其艺术特征

    On the Formation and Artistic Features of Advertising Art

  3. 图形创意在广告艺术设计中的重要性研究

    Graphic Art Design Creative Advertisement at the Importance of Research

  4. 中国传统价值观在商业电视广告艺术中的应用

    Application of Traditional Chinese Values in Commercial TV Advertisement Art

  5. 全国大学生广告艺术大赛分赛区评选告罄

    Finish Choosing in Regional Competition Area of China College Student Advertising Arts Competition

  6. 美感在广告艺术中的呈现

    The Presentation of Aesthetic Feeling in the Advertising Art

  7. 论作为审美对象的电视广告艺术

    On the Art of TV Advertising as Aesthetic Object

  8. 存在与超越:当代中国广告艺术的审美文化反思

    Aesthetic and Cultural Reflections on Contemporary Chinese Advertising Art

  9. 商业社会中广告艺术的人文关怀研究

    Humanities Concern Research of Advertizing Art in Commercial Society

  10. 影视广告艺术属于综合性艺术。

    Television Advertising Art is a comprehensive art .

  11. 互联网广告艺术形式研究

    Approaches to the Art Form of Internet Advertisements

  12. 广告艺术的文化美学透视

    Perspective on Cultural Aesthetics of Advertising Art

  13. 广告艺术的诚实表现

    The Honor Expression of the Advertisement Art

  14. 以广告艺术服从广告目标,突出广告的感召力。

    Advertisement art should follow the advertisement object with stress on the inspiration of the ad.

  15. 广告艺术的美学价值

    The Aesthetic Value of Advertising Arts

  16. 所以现代影视广告艺术化创作发展的道路是我们需要研究的问题。

    Therefore , modern television advertising art is the creation of the road to development issues .

  17. 广告艺术与欲望的生成

    Advertising Art and Occur of Desire

  18. 珠宝广告艺术初论

    Introduction of Jewelry Advertisement Art

  19. 广告艺术风格论

    The Advertising Style of Art

  20. 论城市形象的广告艺术

    Advertising Art for City Image

  21. 心的模仿&当代俄罗斯报刊广告艺术管窥

    The imitation from heart and soul & To have a limited view of advertisement art in modern Russian newsprint

  22. 广告艺术具有本质的商业性、义的附加性、技和艺术的统一性、义的“平面感”等独有的艺术特征。

    Advertising art is characterized by the business nature , added connotation , unity of technology and art and meaningful flat .

  23. 洛杉矶广告艺术总监艾丽西娅·希福尔和一些人坚信风水可以提升一个人的桃花运。

    People like Los Angeles advertising art director Alicia Schiefer insist that feng shui works to improve one 's romantic life .

  24. 广告艺术随着商品市场进一步饱和、品的同质化倾向日趋明显和电视传播的普及而兴起。

    Advertising art is emerging with the saturation of products in the market , increasing homogeneity of products and popularity of TV .

  25. 作为外来的广告艺术,在中国设计者的作品中,时时流露出传统的美学观潜移默化的影响。

    As an outside advertising art , it commonly reveals the influence of the traditional aesthetic concept in Chinese designers ′ works .

  26. 广告艺术发展到今天,已经对广告业的推动和艺术门类的丰富产生了深远的影响。

    Developing to this day , advertising art has had far-reaching effects on the impetus of advertising and enrichment of art classifi .

  27. 很多人认为,你一直秉承着消费主义美学;广告艺术的“冷眼旁观”为你后来的艺术作品定下了基调。

    Many think the consumerist aesthetic stayed with you ; that the " affectless gaze " of commercial art defined your own art ever after .

  28. 广告艺术设计素描教学大部分沿用传统绘画学科的教学程序和内容,方法有待改进。

    Most part of the sketch teaching of advertising design is still using the traditional drawing teaching procedure and content . Therefore , the teaching method should be improved .

  29. 通过城市形象的广告艺术论述可以进一步提升城市品位、构建城市形象、增强城市竞争能力;

    Pass the again create of the city advertisement art can further promote the city personal status , set up the city image and strengthen the city competition ability ;

  30. 影视广告艺术创作将朝着更新、更炫、更生动的方式发展,将会出现更好的经过艺术化处理的影视广告作品。

    Television advertising art will be updated , more energetic and lively approach development , there will be a better treatment through the art of film and television advertising works .