
  1. 广告创意表现的元素和方法,在广告创作中发挥着举足轻重的作用。

    The representation of an advertisement play an important role in its creation .

  2. 电视广告创意表现初探

    A Survey of Creativity in Television Advertising

  3. 图形在平面广告创意表现中占据核心的地位,广告通过图形元素传达信息,达到宣传目的。

    Graphics in graphic performance status , occupying the core advertising through the graphic elements convey information , achieve propaganda purposes .

  4. 六书原理中的各个造字法在部分华文广告创意表现中有着很多的运用。

    The methods of " six book " have a lot of applications in the performance of some advertisement creation in China .

  5. 如鱼得水、相得益彰&浅析数字化时代动画广告的创意表现

    Analysis of Animation Advertisement Idea in Digital Age

  6. 浅谈平面广告的创意表现

    The Expression of 2D Ad Conception

  7. 首先认为语言对抗贯穿广告创意、广告表现等过程之中,其次讨论语言对抗在广告创作中的作用。

    It first raises the opinion that contrary language penetrates the processes such as advertising inspiration and advertising expression .

  8. 幽默广告图形创意的表现手法很多,如夸张、象征、讽刺、怪诞与置换等。

    This article has elaborated the meaning and characteristic of several creation techniques , for instance , the exaggeration , the symbol , the satire , the weird and replaces .

  9. 电视广告创意是为了表现广告主题的一种创造性思维活动,是广告的思想内涵和灵魂,是广告成功的基本要素。

    The purpose of the creativity in the television advertisement is one kind of creative thinking activity to display the advertisement subject , the advertisement thought connotation and the soul , and basic essential factor for the advertisement succeeding .

  10. 独特广告创意背后的文案表现实质

    The Nature of the Letter Expression Behind the Innovation of Advertisement

  11. 论现代广告创意设计的间接表现策略

    On the Indirect Strategy of Expression in the Design of Modern Advertising

  12. 电视广告视觉创意的画面表现

    The Picture Showing in the Visual Creation of TV Advertisement

  13. 广告摄影的创意与表现研究

    The Research about Creation and Expression of Advertising Photography

  14. 广告视觉传达与创意表现

    Visual Transmission and creative expression in Ads

  15. 现代广告创意中的性别表现存在着一定的不合理因素,广告中的性别与社会角色之间的关系经常是极度模式化的,其中不平等的权力关系随处可见。

    Certain unreasonable factors exist in the originality of modern advertisements . Gender differences and social roles of genders are always of the same model which demonstrates the inequality of power .

  16. 性感广告作为广告重要的创意表现形式之一,已备受广告主及媒介的青睐。

    As an important form of creative strategy , sexual advertising often finds favour with advertisers and media .

  17. 当今,广告信息铺天盖地,广告设计创意表现日益同质化,观众对五彩缤纷的街头广告已产生免疫力,这是平面广告设计发展现状。

    Nowadays , advertising information covered every corner . The audiences have immunity with the colorful street advertisings due to the homogenization of the ad design , Which is the growing situation faced with the graphic ad design .

  18. 进而阐述了广告策划创新的内容:广告市场调查的创新、广告定位的创新、广告创意表现的创新、广告媒体投放的创新。

    And than , the thesis illustrates the four solutions of creative ads plan , including ad market research innovation , ad targeting innovation , ad creative performance innovation , ad media delivery innovation .

  19. 本文讨论广告创意的视觉化转型对于产品竞争力提升的意义和作用,提出了广告创意中视觉化表现手法运用过程中的主要实施策略。

    This paper discusses the significance and function of visual turn in promoting product competitiveness and proposes main strategies to be used in the visual expression of advertisement creativity .