
  1. 这则广告暗示ipad比老式印刷品有多种优势,但也不是万能的。

    The ad implies that the iPad is superior to old-fashioned print in all sorts of ways , just not every way .

  2. 他举例说,房贷机构Nationwide的广告暗示,其它金融机构只关心如何吸引新客户,而不重视现有客户。

    Nationwide 's ads , he says by way of example , suggest that other financial institutions only care about attracting new customers and do not look after existing clients .

  3. 许多网上销售广告暗示加快制定网簿规范,使其能够运行微软的WindowsXP操作系统,而不是在许多网簿上作为标准提出的自由与开源的Linux系统。

    Much advice on offer online suggests souping up the specification of a netbook so it can run Microsoft 's Windows XP operating system , rather than the free , open-source Linux system that is offered as standard on many netbooks .

  4. 拍卖广告暗示,由于几乎没有希望从债务人处索得现金,竞买者实质上在买下其土地使用权、厂房所有权和设备所有权。

    The advertising suggested that bidders were essentially buying rights to land , buildings and equipment , with little expectation that they could recover cash from debtors .

  5. 正面和负面的两岸广告弹性暗示在场的双方合作和掠夺性的影响。

    Positive and negative cross-advertising elasticities imply the presence of both cooperative and predatory effects .

  6. 广告的文化暗示与女大学生的女性意识生成

    On Cultural Hints of Advertisements and the Feminine Consciousness Formation of Female Undergraduates

  7. 这则广告欺骗性地暗示产品能帮助你迅速减轻体重。

    The advertisement deceitfully suggested that the product would quickly help you lose weight .

  8. 论广告的心理暗示作用

    On Functions of Mental Suggestion in Advertisements

  9. 广告的文化暗示对女大学生的女性气质、女性意识生成具有重要影响。

    The cultural hints of advertisements greatly influence the feminine consciousness formation of the female undergraduates .

  10. 论广告中的暗示

    On the implications of the advertisements

  11. 多数广告都是通过暗示而发挥作用。

    Most advertisements work through suggestion .

  12. 广告的成功依靠暗示联想的威力。

    The success of advertising depends on the power of suggestion .

  13. 广告心理学认为,广告心理暗示的作用一般分为五个方面:自然情景、社会文化情景、时间情景、任务情景以及以前状态情景。

    It is thought in Advertisement Psychology that functions of mental suggestions in advertisements generally can be divided into five aspects as follows : natural circumstances , social culture , time , tasks etc.