
  • 网络advertising image;Advertise image
  1. 这有利于报纸广告形象优化。

    This helps advertising image of the newspaper to optimize .

  2. 现代广告形象,并不是只有名人独领风骚。

    The modern advertising image is not only dominated by the celebrities .

  3. 店内有一个巨大的广告形象柱子,上面展示着以纽约为背景的DKNY海报。

    Store the image of a huge advertising pillars , above the display with the background of New York DKNY poster .

  4. 女性广告形象性别角色研究综述

    A Literature Review on Gender Role Orientation of Female and Its Portrayals in Advertisements

  5. 广告形象性别研究述评

    Researches on gender of image in advertising

  6. 广告形象大使

    Image Ambassador of Advertisement

  7. 他就像是“面团宝宝”(美国贝氏堡食品公司的经典广告形象),米其林先生以及大号泰迪熊的综合体。

    He 's the Pillsbury Dough Boy , the Michelin Man , and a giant teddy bear all rolled into one .

  8. 本文以旅游城市户外广告形象定位设计研究作为研究主题,以承德市户外广告为例。

    The paper takes study on image design of tourism city outdoor advertisement as theme and takes Chengde city as an example .

  9. 它能使广告形象生动,风趣幽默,给所宣传的商品增添魅力。

    It can make the image of the advertisement vivid , charm and humor , so as to increase charm force to the commodity propagated .

  10. 成千上万的用户开始涌向成龙的微博发评论,对着他臭名昭著的广告形象duang个不停。

    Thousands of users then began to flood Chan 's Weibo page with comments , coining the word in reference to his infamous shampoo appearance .

  11. 加州牛奶咨询委员会继续使用其“快乐的奶牛”广告形象,但目前快乐的奶农已没有几个。

    The California Milk Advisory Board continues to ply its " Happy Cows " advertising campaign , but there are few happy dairy farmers right now .

  12. 创新的措施包括调整在欧洲国家的广告形象、更新亚洲市场的柜台设计、采用更时尚产品包装及坚持领先的科技等。

    Innovative measures include adjustment of image ads in European countries , Asian markets update the counter design , with more stylish products , packaging and adhere to the leading technology .

  13. 另一方面体现在广告形象的演变上,如今的广告创意人员应该着重展示女性丰富的个性心理以及独立自我的性格特征,理解女性承担的多重角色,并且力争给予女性与男性同等的性别认同。

    On the other hand , the images in the ads also began to change . The authors of the ads should pay more attention to show the women 's abundant personality and independent character .

  14. 通过实验二我们发现,当广告形象代言人性别、商品性别化倾向及广告受众性别一致时可以获得最佳广告心理效果;

    The second experiment showed that : when the sex of the image representative in an advertisement is in conformity with the gender orientation of the commodity and the gender of the testee , the advertisement can achieve the best psychological effect .

  15. 商品一方面通过广告形象的审美包装,获得了越来越接近艺术品的外观特征,另一方面,广告艺术也使商品生产在观念上越来越接近艺术生产;

    On the one hand , commodities have acquired some characteristics of artistic articles in appearance by means of aesthetical advertising images ; On the other hand , the art of advertisement also makes commodity production similar to creation of works of art in theory .

  16. 区域传播与户外广告视觉形象的关联性

    Regional Transmission Associated with Visual Image of Outdoor Advertisement

  17. 视觉文化:广告女性形象的看与被看

    Visual Culture : Female Images in Ads and Their Seeing and Being Seen

  18. 市场经济十年以来电视广告性别形象变化分析

    The Changing Gender 's Images in the TV Advertisements : 10 Years ' Market Economy

  19. 30年中国电视广告男性形象变迁研究

    A Research on the Change of Male Images in Chinese TV Advertisements of 30 Years

  20. 这六种神话原型具有一定的局限性,并不适用于所有的广告女性形象。

    The six prototypes do not apply to all of the female images because of certain limitations .

  21. 广告女性形象的看与被看是一种复杂的视觉行为和视觉文化。

    Advertisement female images ′ seeing and being seen is regarded as a complicated visual behavior and visual culture .

  22. 广告文化形象的中心在于情感,真而不俗,美而不矫的情感。

    The key to cultural image of advertisement is feeling which is genuine but not garish , beautiful but not artificial .

  23. 鉴于此,研究我国商业广告中形象代言的法律规制有着重要意义。

    In view of this situation , to study the legal regulations of image of our commercial endorsement is very necessary and important .

  24. 在全国人民的期待中,刘翔北京奥运会的偶像以及无数广告的形象代理此时只能在场外轻揉自己受伤的大腿。

    As a nation waited , Liu Xiang , icon of the Beijing Olympics and face of countless advertising billboards , sat backstage rubbing his leg .

  25. 近十年来,团队完成多部录像短片、电影、电视剧、广告及形象片,获得多个国际国内及政府奖项,在业界赢得广泛认同。

    We completed many shorts , films , TV series , CFs , and TVCs in almost a decade , and awarded prizes both in domestic and oversea .

  26. 研究表明:区域性户外广告视觉形象的构建与区域文化、区域受众、区域受众生活方式和消费习惯有着密切的关联性。

    As a result , there is a significant relationship between Visual image of a regional outdoor advertising and Regional culture , regional audiences , regional audience lifestyles and consumption habits .

  27. 本文最后根据视觉表现的调研结果及形象分析,总结出服装品牌广告视觉形象表现的发展趋势与前景。

    Finally , according to the findings of visual performance and image analysis , summed up the trends and prospects of development of the advertising visual image of the clothing brand performance .

  28. 在2005年,她在新加坡进行了首次广告代理形象调查,目前正针对中国广告市场开展一项更有深度的调查研究。

    In2005 , she led the research in the first ever Agency Image Survey in Singapore , and is now rolling out an even more ambitious in-depth study of the China advertising market .

  29. 为了考察中国女大学生对广告代言形象和广告语的选择倾向,及中西方代言形象和中英文广告语对受众注意水平和记忆效果的影响。

    In the interest of the Chinese girl 's choice of advertise saying and personal visualize , And studying the influence to notice and memory by the Chinese or foreign people and language .

  30. 广告女性形象的再现由社会机构操纵,充满了权力欲望。他们代表着美国白人优越主义的资本主义父权制,及其通过构筑和控制其它者,意欲维护其政治、经济、文化权力的欲望。

    Female representation in advertising is saturated with the power of domination by the social institutions which represent the white supremacist capitalist patriarchy of the United States , which attempt to maintain its social , cultural , economic and political power by fabricating and dominating the ' Other ' .