
  1. 每则房地产广告的诉求点比较多,热销和生活质量是两个重要的诉求点,多数广告(72.5%)还提到价格,广告中的促销和活动介绍越来越多;

    Almost every real estate advertisement appealed to several points among which well-sell and the quality of life were often mentioned . Besides 72.5 per cent of the real estates advertisements referred to prices , while the tool of sales promotion was also used more and more often .

  2. 试析汽车商品广告词的诉求点

    On Appealing Point of Advertising Claims of Cars

  3. 首先,第一章选取2010年度合肥市主要纸质媒体中刊登的房地产广告为研究样本,对房地产广告的诉求点进行分类总结和一定的阐述。

    First of all , the first chapter select 2010 annual hefei in the main paper media published as research samples , and real estate advertisement for real estate advertisement of claim points classification summary and discussed as well .