
  • 网络Advertising Regulation
  1. 第四部分从三方面对法国网络广告规制的成果和不足进行了分析并提出了对我国的借鉴意义。

    Pan IV analyzes the results and deficiencies of network advertising regulation in France in three aspects and proposes a particular significance for reference in china .

  2. 试论我国虚假广告规制制度的适用与完善

    The Research of Application and Improvement on Legal Regulation of False Advertisement in China

  3. 内容既包括两个国家和地区对植入式广告规制模式的选择,也包括在信息披露、特殊限制等细节上的规定。

    It covers the selection of the mode of regulation on product placement in both the two countries and regions , and also includes the details in the information disclosure and special restrictions .

  4. 略论我国比较广告法律规制之完善

    On Perfect of Legal Regulation of Comparative Advertisement in China

  5. 不正当比较广告法律规制研究

    Research on the Legal Regulation of the Unjust Comparative Advertisement

  6. 药品广告法律规制研究

    The Study of the Legal Regulations about the Medicine Advertising

  7. 论虚假广告的规制对策

    On regulating countermeasures of false advertisements

  8. 最后,救济途径的单一性。第三部分&国际比较广告法律规制现状。

    Finally , the relief route unity . Part ⅲ - Current status of comparative advertising Legal Regulation in other countries .

  9. 本章第二部分分析了我国名人代言虚假广告法律规制的不足与问题。

    In the second part of this chapter , I analyze the shortage and problems of restriction on celebrity endorsement on deceptive advertisements .

  10. 其目的是使消费者产生此种商品或服务优于其他竞争者的商品或服务的比较效果。第二部分&我国比较广告法律规制现状。

    The aim is to consumers of such goods or services superior to other competitors , comparative effectiveness of goods or services . Part ⅱ - Legal Regulation of comparative advertising in China .

  11. 基于名人代言虚假广告法律规制的现状,本部分用了大量的笔墨为规制虚假广告代言行为提出了完善立法、加强执法、健全事后救济制度的建议。

    Based on the present situation of legal regulation of false celebrity endorsements , a large part of this thesis is devoted to the suggestions as regards legislative perfection , law enforcement , relief system improvement .

  12. 该章从现行立法状况、实践方面、现行立法和实践的缺陷三个部分对我国比较广告法律规制的现状以及存在的缺陷进行了分析。

    This sector from the current state of legislation and practice , the existing deficiencies in legislation and practice the three parts of the Legal Regulation of comparative advertising in China , as well as the shortcomings of the current situation are analyzed .

  13. 试论不良儿童电视广告的法律规制

    The Legal Regulation upon Bad TV Advertisement for the Children

  14. 网络广告及其法律规制

    On Network Advertisement and Its Legal Regulations LAWS AND REGULATIONS

  15. 论违法手机短信广告的法律规制

    On Advertising Regulation of Illegal Mobile-Phone Messages

  16. 虚假广告的法律规制

    The Legal Regulation to False Advertisement

  17. 并在最后提出了名人代言广告法律责任规制的完善方案。

    And put forward the celebrity endorsement ads at the end the improvement of the legal responsibility regulation scheme .

  18. 因此,如何实现对网络广告的法律规制成为我们亟需解决的问题。

    Therefore , how to achieve the legal regulation of web advertisement is the important problem which we need hardly to solve .

  19. 对比较广告进行法律规制不仅是经济发展的要求,更有利于促进社会稳定和发展。

    Legal regulation on comparative advertising is not only the demands of economic development , but also more conducive to the promotion of social stability and development .

  20. 第四部分:针对前文提出的不足之处提出完善的建议,以期能更好地规范广告市场、规制广告媒体、维护社会利益和消费者权益。

    Part 4 : with view of the above deficiencies to put forward some suggestion , hoping to better regulate advertising market , regulating advertising media , maintaining social interests and consumer interests .

  21. 谈谈广告活动的法律规制

    Talk on the Laws and Regulations of Advertising Activities

  22. 比较广告及其竞争法规制

    The Comparative Advertising and the Regulation of Competition Law

  23. 而目前我国关于广告的法律法规并不完善,对比较广告的法律规制也不完备。

    At present , the laws and regulations on advertising in China is not perfect , the law of comparative advertising regulation is not complete .

  24. 在现代经济社会中,广告作为市场经济最重要组成部分,像空气一样无处不在,我们需要运用法律对广告进行规制。

    In the modern economic society , advertisement , being the most important part of the market economy , likes air everywhere . We need to use the law to regulate advertisement .

  25. 我国现有的广告法律法规尚不够完善,应借鉴国外的相关立法及管理经验,加强对不良儿童电视广告的法律规制。

    At present , advertisement laws in China is not enough mature , so it is necessary to borrow and absorb foreign legislation and administration in order to enforce the legal regulation upon bad TV advertisement for the children .

  26. 我国应当完善广告法律体系,加大执法力度,提高广告经营者的素质,并实行广告行业自律以加强对虚假广告的规制。

    Our country should improve the legal system of advertisements , strengthen the execution of law , improve the quality of operators of advertisements and practise self-discipline in advertisement business so as to enhance the control of false advertisements .

  27. 这一部分针对植入式广告存在的问题,借鉴典型国家和地区植入式广告立法经验,并结合我国实际情况提出对植入式广告进行法律规制的建议。

    This part presents the recommendations of the legal regulation on product placement in China , targeting the problems of it and using the foreign legislative experience on it .

  28. 植入式广告因发展不规范而引发的种种问题必将对广告相关主体尤其是消费者的权益以及社会公共利益和现行广告法律规制体系造成损害。

    The problems caused by the development of product placement must damage advertising related subjects especially the rights and interests of consumers and social public interests and the current advertisement law regulation system .

  29. 商品经济时代,广告业的发展如日中天,但相伴而来的各种虚似代言门事件也层出不穷,究其根源则在于代言广告法律规制的严重缺失。

    The era of commodity economy , the development of the advertising industry flourishing , but that often accompanies a variety of false endorsement door event after another , its root is the endorsement of the serious lack of advertising legal regulation .

  30. 虚假广告对消费者的福利造成非常大的损害,为了使广告行业健康发展,提高社会福利,对广告企业的广告行为进行了规制。

    False advertising do great damage to the welfare of consumers , in order to make the advertising industry develop healthily and increase the social welfare , the regulation on the advertising is necessary .