
  1. 通知他们,这是一个“有价证券”每讯广告提案。

    Inform them this is a " PI " Per Inquiry advertising proposal .

  2. 虽然不是哈文最先提出的零广告提案,但她却是落实的最好的那一个。

    Although it was not Ha Wen who first proposed the style of Zero Advertising , it was she who best implemented the style .

  3. 虽然不是哈文最先提出的“零广告”提案,但她却是落实的最好的那一个。

    Although it was not Ha Wen who first proposed the style of " Zero Advertising , " it was she who best implemented the style .

  4. 电大开放教育广告专业广告提案教学环节缺失的对策思考

    Cause Analysis of Lack of Advertising Proposal for Advertising Major of Modern Distance Open Education in Radio & TV University and Countermeasures