
  • 网络Advertising Analysis
  1. 评价理论指导下的英语书面旅游广告分析

    The Analysis of Written English Traveling Advertisements with Appraisal Theory

  2. 周文娟(2005)。楼宇电视广告分析。当代传播,(5)。

    Zhou Wenjuan ( 2005 ) . Analysis of buildings television advertisements .

  3. 在通过对城市户外广告分析,总结出城市户外广告的现状。

    In the urban outdoor advertising through the analysis , summarized the status of urban outdoor advertising .

  4. 今年8月,一项由一家移动广告分析公司发布的研究发现,大约40%的移动广告点击都“毫无价值”,因为它们要么是误点,要么是点击欺诈。

    Astudy released in augustby a mobile-ad analytics firm found that about 40 % of mobile-ad clicks were " worthless " because of erroneous clicks and click fraud .

  5. 在体育经纪人招聘广告分析的基础上,综合使用文献资料法和关键行为事件搜集,并通过向专家咨询,编制出体育经纪人胜任力评价指标调查问卷。

    Based on the analysis of the recruitment advertisement for sports agent , the thesis draws up a questionnaire for the competence index by adopting documentation method , collecting key event activities and consulting related experts .

  6. 当前我国电视公益广告状况分析&以中央电视台综合频道(CCTV-1)为例

    An analysis of the current public advertisements in China with the Comprehensive Channel of CCTV as a case study

  7. 06世界杯观众收视意愿与广告价值分析

    Audiences ' Will to Watch World Cup 06'and Value Analysis of Ads

  8. 国内外禁止或限制烟草广告现状分析

    Current status of banning or restricting tobacco advertising in China and abroad

  9. 双寡头垄断市场下的企业广告竞争分析

    Advertisement competition decision making analysis for double oligarchies monopolization market

  10. 基于消费者心理的网络广告策略分析

    Research on Web Advertising Strategy Based on the Consumer Psychology

  11. 报纸人力资源广告调查分析

    A Study and Analysis : Human Resources Advertisements on Newspapers

  12. 央视3·15特别节目广告价值分析

    Ad Value Analysis of CCTV ' 3.15 ' Special Program

  13. 农村市场开拓的广告传播分析

    Analysis on the Deploitation of Advertisement Spread in Rural Market

  14. 文化视角中的中英文汽车广告对比分析

    Auto Advertising in English and Chinese : A Comparative Analysis from Cultural Perspective

  15. 关于我国体育明星广告运作分析

    Analysis on Running of Advertising for Our Sports Star

  16. 本文通过对现代广告的分析,对其中所包含的中国传统价值观念进行了初步探讨。

    This paper tends to probe these values through the analysis of modern advertisements .

  17. 英汉约会广告功能分析

    Functional Analyses of English and Chinese Dating Advertisements

  18. 社会符号学与广告话语分析

    Social semiotics and analysis of advertising discourse

  19. 另一方面,运用理论符号学对图像广告的分析也为数不多。

    On the other hand , few pictorial advertisements take the approach of theoretical semiotics .

  20. 并通过实例论证了社会符号学在广告话语分析中的可适用性和优越性。

    Besides , the applicability and advantages of social semiotics in advertising analysis are explored .

  21. 两强竞争市场中的企业广告策略分析

    Advertising Strategy Analysis for Enterprise in Duopoly

  22. 肯尼斯·伯克新修辞学视角下的广告文本分析

    Analyzing Advertisement Texts : A Rhetorical Framework from the Perspective of Kenneth Burke 's New Rhetoric

  23. 用人本主义思想对我国汽车广告进行分析和探讨,并以此指导我国汽车广告的发展方向;

    Use humanism to analyze and discuss china automobile advertising , and steer its developing direction ;

  24. 本文通过对一些商业广告的分析发现其他语类对商业广告进行语类侵殖的机制。

    The thesis aims at discovering mechanisms for genre colonization of some genres over commercial advertisements .

  25. 广告语用分析

    Analysis of Advertising Language

  26. 通过对110个中文电视消费者广告的分析,作者试着总结了15类中文预设触发语。

    Furthermore 15 categories of Chinese presupposition-triggers are summarized through the analysis of 110 Chinese consumer advertisements on television .

  27. 并探讨中辅之以广告案例分析,以求具体说明相关问题。

    And what discussion complement at advertising analyses of cases , in order to concrete to prove relevant problems .

  28. 大量对广告的分析,集中在广告传播的内容层面,而较少注意到广告的信号作用。

    The great majority of analyses of advertisements concentrated on their contents , and very few on their signal function .

  29. 在本文中作者回顾了广告话语分析的理论背景,并随后提出了本文的理论研究方法。

    Therefore , the author reviews the theoretical background for advertising discourse analysis , and then offers the theoretical methodology for this thesis .

  30. 本文首先简要介绍概念隐喻理论,然后将其应用到英文广告的分析当中。

    This thesis first gives a brief introduction to the theory of conceptual metaphor , and then applies this theory to the analysis of English advertising .