
ɡuǎnɡ ɡào rén
  • Advertisers;adman;advertising man
  1. 他是我们认识的最有才华的广告人。

    He was the most brilliant adman that any of us knew .

  2. 成为公司最积极最热忱的广告人。

    Become the most positive and enthusiastic adman in the agency .

  3. 从前台成为公司CEO的卡普兰,对《财富》杂志(Fortune)讲述了自己出乎意料的职业道路,上世纪80年代广告人的实际处境,以及她得到的最好建议。

    The receptionist turned CEO talked to Fortune about her unpredictable career path , what it was like to work in advertising in the 1980s , and the best advice she ever had .

  4. 不做老板的不是好广告人!

    Those who won 't be Bosses are not Successful Admen !

  5. 和谐社会下的广告人职业道德与传统伦理思想

    Advertisers ' professional morality and traditional ethics in a harmonious society

  6. 上世纪80年代的广告人是一种什么样的工作状态?

    What was it like working in advertising in the 1980s ?

  7. 关联性原则是广告人无法摆脱的一个紧箍。

    The Principle of Relevance is an nuisance inevitable to advertisers .

  8. 论新世纪广告人的专业素质

    The Professional Quality of an Advertiser in the New Century

  9. 2005-2006年度中国最具影响力优秀广告人

    The Best Influential and Outstanding Advertisers During 2005-2006 in China

  10. 我期待广告人的绿色灿烂

    I 'm Looking Forward to the Grassy Resplendence of Admen

  11. 他成了纽约最好的音乐广告人。

    And most successful music publicist in New York city .

  12. 创新素质是广告人必备的一项基本素质。

    Innovational quality is a Essential diathesis of advertising talents .

  13. 业界很多广告人喜欢标榜个性,将创意奉为圭臬。

    Many advertisers like to flaunt personality , regarding creativity as only standard .

  14. 如今,广告人的工作要复杂地多。

    Today , the job of the advertiser is a bit more complicated .

  15. 儿童是广告人不可忽视的一大市场。

    Children are thought of a giant market which can 't be ignored .

  16. 德雷帕作为广告人而获得的成功也依附于那个美国梦形成继而破碎的年代。

    Draper 's work lives on the fading fumes of the American dream .

  17. 广告人生态环境需重建

    The Living Environment of Admen must be Rebuilt

  18. 广告人会说,更应该担心平庸。

    The ad man would say they should worry more about not being boring .

  19. 他想找出这个人出庭指证那个广告人。

    He wants to find out the man to help him issue the agency man .

  20. 生活,以广告人的姿态

    Life , with the Poses of Admen

  21. 性别隐喻就是这样一种被广告人用来隐藏其易引发争议的意识形态的工具。

    Gender metaphor is such a tool used by advertisers to promote their controversial ideology .

  22. 广告人,你过得好不好?

    How are you , Admen ?

  23. 由于读者减少,广告人寻找新的媒体,报纸利润缩减。

    Profits have been shrinking as newspapers lose readers and advertisers to competition from new media .

  24. 广告人与市场分析家?

    Advertisers and market analysts ?

  25. 广告人的反省

    Self - reflection of Admen

  26. 广告人可能称之为「说服」,我喜用直率的「强制」。

    Madison Avenue man might call this persuasion ; I prefer the greater candor of the word coercion .

  27. 我们发现一些优秀的广告人已经将这些地铁空间用极具创意的想法利用起来了。

    We 've found some advertisers who 've thought of some pretty creative uses of this underground space .

  28. 在当代广告人描述的“美好生活”中总是有性的暗示。

    There is always a sexual connotation in the way contemporary advertisers depict the " good life " .

  29. 广告人会在比赛期间投放广告,“因为那仍然是主要的宣传渠道”,她解释道。

    Advertisers run their ads during the game ," because it 's still a mass vehicle ," she says .

  30. 运用此理论框架,作者分析广告人怎样通过理性诉求和感性诉求的表达方式来顺应受众的心理世界,从而达到说服受众进行购买的交际目的。

    Using the framework , the analysis is carried out on the continuum between rational appeal and emotional appeal .