
  • 网络Advertising Guidelines;Advertising codes
  1. 更严格的广告准则会给ebay造成一定困扰,但鉴于2008年的判决得到维持,这家拍卖公司目前基本已无大忧。

    Stricter advertising guidelines would be a nuisance for eBay , but the with the 2008 ruling upheld , the auctions company is mostly in the clear .

  2. 酒精饮料的广告受到自愿准则的约束。

    The advertising of alcoholic drinks is regulated by a voluntary code .

  3. 国际商会关于在因特网做广告和推销的准则

    ICC Guidelines on Advertising and Marketing on the Internet

  4. 论广告语言与谦虚准则

    On Advertising Language and Modesty Maxim