
  1. 文章分析地铁广告视觉语言系统的理论构架以及在新媒介发展下的实践方法。

    This paper analyzes the theoretical framework of the visual language systems of metro advertising and the utilization in the new media times .

  2. 本文试图从汉语语言学的视角,从不同侧面对化妆品广告语言进行较为系统深入的探析。

    This thesis carries on systematic and thorough analysis on the advertising language of cosmetics in view of Chinese linguistics .

  3. 总而言之,运用语言学理论,特别是具体到语用学领域中的言语行为理论对公益广告的语言运用进行系统的定性与定量研究则非常少见。

    In a word , there are few systemic qualitative or quantitative studies of the language use of PSA applying linguistic theory , specifically Speech Act Theory in pragmatics .

  4. 本文作者尝试运用互文性理论解读广告语言的内部功能系统,从而找到广告翻译的密码。

    With the help of intertextuality theory , the author of this paper tries to probe into the most inner functional system of advertising language and uncovers the password of advertising translation .