
  1. 第一部分:广告违法行为概述。

    Part 1 : Summarization of illegal advertisement .

  2. 广告违法行为的法律原因,在于广告立法的滞后带来的广告执法机制的失灵。

    The causes lie in the malfunction of law-enforcement mechanism led to by the lagging legislation .

  3. 这一部分介绍了广告违法行为的概念、特征、现状和危害。

    This part introduces the concepts , features , current conditions and damages of illegal advertisement .

  4. 比起由普通商业广告的违法行为导致的纠纷,由商品房预售广告而引起的纠纷往往比较复杂。

    Compared to ordinary commercial disputes arising from violations , commercial housing disputes over pre-sale advertisements are often more complicated .

  5. 修订版《广告法》还将关注网络广告违法行为给消费者所造成的损失。

    The revised version of the law also focuses more on the harm to consumers caused by false online ads.

  6. 摘要虚假广告的不断增长使得其已成为危害性最大也最为常见的一种广告违法行为为此,各有关部门也采取了一系列打击广告主的做法来打击虚假广告的活动,然而效果不大。

    As the number of " false advertisements " increases , advertisement has been a common illegal practice with the most harmfulness , and for this reason , many relevant departments have adopted some measures to crack down upon the illegal practice , but the effect wasn 't great .