
  • 网络Guangzhou Medical University
  1. 广州南方医科大学护理学院的副院长蔡文智说,实际上许多医院都在设法减少剖宫产手术,但政府干预更为有效。

    Cai Wenzhi , deputy dean of the School of Nursing at Southern Medical University in Guangzhou , said that in practice many hospitals are trying to reduce C-sections , but government intervention will be more effective .

  2. 上个月30号,广州的华南医科大学兽医学院禽类疾病开放实验室报告,该实验室独立进行了对金丝桃素的测试,并肯定了其效能。

    On30 October , the Key Lab of Poultry Disease at the Guangzhou-based South China Agricultural University ( SCAU ) reported that it had independently tested hypercine and confirmed its effectiveness .

  3. 位于省会广州的南方医科大学的公共卫生与热带医学学院传染病专家陈晓光周四在一封电子邮件中说,今年将很可能是发病最多的一年。

    This will likely be the year with the most cases , Chen Xiaoguang , an infectious disease expert with the School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine at Southern Medical University in the provincial capital Guangzhou , said on Thursday in an email .

  4. 位于广州市的南方医科大学,是广东省唯一一所允许男女生住进同一楼层的大学。

    The university in Guangzhou was the only in the southern Chinese province of Guangdong to adopt the policy allowing male and female students to live on the same floors .