
  • Radio and TV industry;TV broadcasting industry
  1. 作为其的重要组成部分,广播电视产业正处在大转型、大整合、大发展的时期。

    As an important part of the reform , radio and TV broadcasting industry is undergoing a period of large transformation , integration and evolution .

  2. 纪录片是广播电视产业的重要组成部分。

    Documentary is one of the chief components of TV broadcasting industry .

  3. 当代美国广播电视产业重组探析

    The Regrouping of America 's Broadcasting Industry in the Contemporary Era

  4. 第二章主要致力于对此次美国广播电视产业重组的背景分析。

    Chapter Two mainly analyses the background of the regrouping .

  5. 我国广播电视产业化进程中的矛盾及其化解

    The Way to Solve the Problems in the Industrialization Course of National Broadcasting and Television

  6. 中国广播电视产业化研究

    Research of Chinese Radio and Television Industrialization

  7. 第六章分析了美国广播电视产业重组对中国广播电视业发展的意义。

    Chapter Six analyses the significance of the great change for China 's broadcasting industry developing .

  8. 当前,广播电视产业已经进入大发展、大变革时代。

    At present , the radio and television industry has entered an era of great development and great change .

  9. 其次,对我国广播电视产业的外部环境和内部要素进行分析。本文分析了广播电视产业宏观环境、产业环境和国际环境,对广播电视产业的五种产业要素进行了论述。

    Secondly , the outside environment of the trade such as macro-environment , industrial environment and international environment has been analyzed .

  10. 此外,还对当代美国广播电视产业重组作了一个总结评论,对中国广播电视业发展提出了建议和愿望。

    Additionally , the thesis sums up the regrouping of America 's broadcasting industry , and puts forward the suggestion and wishes .

  11. 在广播电视产业人力资源管理实践中,三大维度影响员工的忠诚度:薪酬管理、组织文化与政策、工作设计。

    On the whole , influence factor of employee 's loyalty is compensation management , work design , culture and policy of organization .

  12. 全国广播电视产业化发展己全面启动,产业化发展是冀州广播电视业面临的现实选择。

    Now the national broadcast television industry has a comprehensive beginning . The industry development is the realistic choice of Jizhou broadcast television industry .

  13. 作为文化产业的一部分,广播电视产业化不仅是一个实实在在的现实,而且伴生出五光十色纷繁复杂的激烈竞争。

    As a part of culture industry , broadcasting and TV industry is not only a reality , but also generates various complicated and fierce competition .

  14. 同时,在发展的过程中,也存在着诸多问题,与西方发达国家广播电视产业存在相当的差距。

    However , there are also many problems in the process of its development , and it still lags behind its counterparts in western developed countries .

  15. 第四章集中于分析美国广播电视产业重组的基本动力,即市场和信息技术。

    Chapter Four puts the focus on the basic driving power of the regrouping of America 's broadcasting industry , and that is market and information technology .

  16. 中广视新国际广播电视产业资讯网,一直致力于中国及国际广播电视产业的技术发展与资讯交流项目。

    China Radio and TV international wideviews infomation web is committed to be on the technology and communication item of chinese & international radio and TV industry .

  17. 要支撑文化产业的发展,离不开广播电视产业的发展,广播电视是目前文化传播的主要媒介。

    To support the development of cultural industry , the development of radio and TV industry is very important , because broadcasting television is the main cultural transmission medium .

  18. 但国内作为广播电视产业基础业务的有线电视的经营管理的专门研究很少,本文作为尝试进行了初步的研究。

    For there are few researches done on operation management of cable TV , which is basic business of radio and TV industry , the author has done a preliminary study .

  19. 第五章探讨了美国广播电视产业重组对价值体系的影响,其主要表现为对传统的新闻、社会、文化价值体系的巨大冲击。

    Chapter Five discusses the effects of the market regrouping on the value system , and the main behaving is the deep impact on the traditional news , society and culture value system .

  20. 对广播电视产业人力资源管理实践和员工忠诚度之间的关系进行了深入研究,并为提高该产业员工忠诚度,在人力资源管理方面提出了一些改进建议。

    The relationship among the HRM practice of broadcast and television industry and the employee 's loyalty were discussed and we studied the relationship under the factors such as different employee 's characteristics .

  21. 第一章介绍了当代美国广播电视产业重组的主要内容和特点,并列出了作为重组结果的媒介集团。

    Chapter One introduces the main content and feature of the regrouping of America 's broadcasting industry in the contemporary era , and lists the media groups as a result of the regrouping .

  22. 文章先介绍了中国现阶段的广电集团化及其合理性与困难,再探讨了美国广播电视产业重组对中国广电业改革的借鉴意义与形成的挑战。

    The thesis introduces the rationality and difficulty of the current China 's broadcasting industry reform , then discusses the reference meaning and challenge of the regrouping of America 's broadcasting industry for China 's broadcasting industry reform .

  23. 但是我国面临的状况是由于地域辽阔,以及历史原因,每个地方都有自己的广播电视产业,因此每个地方的战略发展都不一样。

    However , because of vast territory , as well as historical reasons , the condition is that each place all has its own broadcast and television industry , therefore each of the local strategy development is dissimilar .

  24. 尤其是当前广播电视产业结构布局的调整、模拟电视退出历史舞台、数字电视的大力推进、新媒体、新技术革命的更加深入发展,教育电视站在了时代的潮头。

    Especially the current layout of the broadcast TV industry structure adjustment , digital TV , analog TV from the historical stage of push , new media , more in-depth development of the new technological revolution , educational television station in the tide of the times .

  25. 广播电视的产业特性及其改革与发展

    The Industrial Characteristics , Reform and Development of Radio and Television

  26. 国家对广播电视的产业发展政策也越来越开放,电视传媒的市场化经营实践活动就此日益频繁。

    The attitude of state to policies of radio and television industries development is more and more open , so that market-oriented operation practice of television media is increasing frequency .

  27. 进入到数字信息时代的广播电视传媒产业更是为我们提供了一个无边界的世界,而这个世界同时也为我们提供巨大的挑战和无穷无尽的机遇。

    Access to digital information age of radio and television media industry is to provide us with the world a borderless , and this world , Tong Shi Ye provide a great challenge for us , and endless opportunities .

  28. 针对实践领域的发展与存在的问题,明确提出广播电视新媒体产业政策的目标,即增长、效率、公平。

    This study proposes that the goals of new-media policy are : improvement , efficiency , and fairness . These aims are targeted at eliminating the problems that exist in practices .

  29. 广播电视规制主要包括产业结构规制和内容规制。

    Television Broadcasting regulation consists of both structural and content regulation .

  30. 我国广播电视网络经营与产业化发展思考

    China Broadcast Television Network Management and Industrialization