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guǎng kuò
  • broad;wide;vast;expansive;spacious
广阔 [guǎng kuò]
  • [expansive;broad;vast;wide] 广大宽阔

  • 从居庸关到呼和浩特大约有一千多里的路程,火车都在这个广阔的高原上奔驰。--翦伯赞《内蒙访古》

广阔[guǎng kuò]
  1. 一大片广阔的土地可待开发。

    A vast tract of land is ready for development

  2. 不远处那片广阔的田地就是他们曾经放牧的地方。

    The vast area not far away is the fields on which they used to graze .

  3. 飞机失事残骸散落在一个广阔地域。

    Wreckage from the plane was scattered over a wide area .

  4. 此项调查覆盖的地理区域非常广阔。

    The survey covers a wide geographical area .

  5. 管理人员需要有更广阔的视野。

    Managers need to become more outward-looking .

  6. 那个度假胜地被广阔的国家和地区绿地所环绕。

    The resort is surrounded by extensive national and regional parklands .

  7. 到他1986年去世前,格林伍德一直拥有并管理着一片面积广阔的梨园。

    Until his death in 1986 Greenwood owned and operated an enormous pear orchard .

  8. 它们在广阔的区域内搜寻腐肉。

    They range widely in search of carrion .

  9. 没有广阔的出口市场,英国电影工业无以为继。

    The British film industry could not pay its way without a substantial export market .

  10. 一片广阔的土地伸展在我们面前。

    A wide stretch of land spread in front of us .

  11. 画幅虽然不大,所表现的天地却十分广阔。

    The picture is small but it shows broad vistas .

  12. 士兵们分散在广阔的战线上。

    The soldiers were dispersed along a wide front .

  13. 中国国土广阔,资源丰富。

    China is a vast country abundant in natural resources .

  14. 青年们可以在广阔的科学领域里纵横驰骋。

    The wide world of science is open for young people to explore .

  15. 他是一个交游广阔的人。

    He is a man of wide acquaintance .

  16. 气象站分布在广阔的平原和山区。

    Weather stations are scattered all over the vast plains and the mountain regions .

  17. 但最近,多家公司已经开始计划更实惠的"亚轨道"飞行——在广阔黑暗的太空边缘进行更简短的冒险。

    But more recently , companies have begun to plan more affordable " suborbital " flights — briefer ventures just to the edge of spacers vast darkness .

  18. 但同时青少年也应该有崇高的目标,包括为更广阔的社会做贡献、热爱国家、有自己成为领导者的抱负。

    But there is also a place in a young life for noble purposes that include a dedication to the broader society , a love of country and an aspiration to make their own leadership contributions .

  19. 但同样重要的是,我们要从更广阔的角度来看当这么多人活到100岁时会发生什么。

    But it is also important to look at the wider picture of what happens when so many people live for 100 years .

  20. 人类用背部和颈部的疼痛,换来了广阔的视野和灵巧的双手。

    Humankind paid for its broad vision and skillful hands with backaches and painful necks .

  21. 山谷的广阔全景展现在我们面前。

    A vast panorama of the valley lay before us .

  22. 尽管在新约的伪经进一步详细地写这些细节,一些还写得十分广阔。

    Although New Testament apocrypha go into these details , some quite extensively .

  23. 来美国观光的人无不赞叹这块土地幅员广阔、多姿多彩

    The American scene awes the viewer with both its variety and size .

  24. 其中,一些木椽高达20多米,从而能够横跨在大教堂内部广阔的空间中。

    Some of them more than twenty metres tall to span the vast spaces inside the cathedral .

  25. 澳大利亚拥有世界第三大专属经济区,坐拥广阔的海域。

    Australia has the world ’ s third largest Exclusive Economic Zone , with access to vast areas of ocean .

  26. 他们的天赋就是胸怀广阔,总是对其他人在做的事情充满好奇。

    Theirs is the gift of a broad mind , constantly fed with the stimulant of being interested in what everyone else is doing .

  27. 当天依旧是那么的广阔,云依旧那么的潇洒,那就不应该哭,因为我的离去,并没有带走你的世界。

    If the sky is still vast , clouds are still clear , you shall not cry because my leave doesn 't takeaway the world that belongs to you .

  28. 小伙子说:“假若我们是两只小鸟,能飞到广阔的天地去,把我们的窝建筑在树顶上,那会多么自由快乐呀!”

    The young man said , " How free and happy it would be , if we were two little birds , then we could fly out into the great world and build our nest in the top of a tree . "

  29. 在全面建成小康社会、进而全面建设社会主义现代化国家的新征程中,我国民营经济只能壮大、不能弱化,而且要走向更加广阔舞台。

    On the new journey to complete the building of a moderately prosperous society in all respects and build a modern socialist China , our country 's private sector should only grow stronger instead of being weakened and march toward a broader stage .

  30. Web服务具有十分广阔的市场前景。

    Web services are very broad market prospects .