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chén jìng
  • quiet;calm;be gentle and quiet
沉静 [chén jìng]
  • (1) [quiet]∶寂静,没有动静

  • 夜深了,村子里沉静下来

  • (2) [be gentle and quiet]∶(性格举止)沉稳;文静

  • 三小姐陈文婕,今年才十五岁,性子又温柔,又沉静,人人称赞。-- 欧阳山《三家巷》

沉静[chén jìng]
  1. 她沉静勤奋,与她妹妹形成了鲜明的对照。

    She is quiet and studious , in marked contrast to her sister .

  2. 他站在走道里,听着她那沉静而规律的呼吸声。

    He stood in the doorway , listening to her quiet , regular breathing .

  3. 夜深了,村子里沉静下来。

    It was late at night , and all was quiet in the village .

  4. 孩子们沉静无声的行为异乎寻常。

    The children 's quiet behaviour was unusual .

  5. 这姑娘性格沉静。

    She is a placid girl .

  6. 他过去一向很沉静,自从他住到这里来以后,确实变得快活了。

    He used to be quiet , but he has really blossomed out , since he came to live here .

  7. 是的,当妈妈还是个少女时,它已在她的心里,在爱的温柔与沉静的神秘中潜伏——甜蜜柔嫩的新鲜气息,在婴儿的四肢绽放。

    Yes , when the mother was a young girl it lay pervading5 her heart in tender and silent mystery of love -- the sweet , soft freshness that has bloomed on baby 's limbs .

  8. 但是,这位被《经济学人》(theeconomist)称之为“沉静的美国人”的男子,接下来让人们对美国领导地位的稳固性产生了怀疑。

    But the man whom the economist dubbed the " Quiet American " had in turn raised doubts about the firmness of US leadership .

  9. 为此,霉霉专门写了新歌“BadBlood”作为反击。在长达数年的沉静只有,水果姐不仅多次主动示好求和,还顺便宣传了她的新专辑“Witness”.

    Taylor penned " Bad Blood " in response to the situation and then , after years of silence and veiled references , Katy addressed the feud head-on - multiple times , actually - while promoting her latest album , Witness .

  10. 怀昂(Wyong)是位于澳大利亚东海岸的一个沉静的小郡,因其风景如画的海滩、湖波和湿地而著称。

    Wyong is a sleepy shire on Australia 's eastern coast renowned for its picturesque beaches , lakes and wetlands .

  11. 繁荣之后我感谢生活,它给我沉静;

    I thank living after prosper , it brought me stillness ;

  12. 江宁0808号台风暴雨天气特征分析孕育着暴风雨的晴天,暴风雨前的沉静

    Analysis on Characteristics of 0808 Typhoon Rainstorm in Jiangning weather breeder

  13. 怎会不爱上她那沉静的双眼?

    How could one not have loved her great still eyes .

  14. 在某种光里的震动沉静地流经你。

    What trembles in the certain light passes silently from you .

  15. 她沉静而机械地为每天晚间的聚会作准备。

    She prepared quietly and mechanically for every evening 's engagement .

  16. 忽然,一阵急促的脚步声打破沉静。

    Suddenly , a burst of rapid footsteps break the silence .

  17. 那一扫而过的冷漠沉静的目光使我深感不安。

    The swift and indifferent placidity of that look troubled me .

  18. 空气沉静了,不再听见鸟歌

    The birds have flown , we hear no more their clamour

  19. 《沉静的美国人》的道德境遇

    The Moral Situation of Graham Green 's The Quiet American

  20. 然而那沉静的面庞却能掩盖住心中的无比恐惧和忧伤。

    I can hide the blueness and fear in my deepest heart .

  21. 这个决断震撼了沉静的日本的会议室。

    The assertiveness has sent shivers through staid Japanese boardrooms .

  22. 沉静、易怒、开朗、自负等的性格。

    A calm , irritable , cheerful , boastful , etc disposition .

  23. 需要在忙乱中寻得一点点的平衡与沉静呢。

    My style is disturbed , needing to seek for new balance .

  24. 不过,谁也不知道在他沉静的外表后面藏着什么。

    But nobody guessed what lay behind his calm appearance .

  25. 女人要在沉静中受教,事事服从。

    Let a woman quietly receive instruction and be submissive .

  26. 暴风雨过后,镇上一片沉静。

    After the storm the town was as silent as the grave .

  27. 他们学生演出时,都由这位沉静的学生现场伴奏!

    The teachers and the students are friendly to us .

  28. 沉静下来,你会发现一个新世界。

    Come down , and you will find a new world inside .

  29. 它的衣袍宽大,沉静舒展,所到之处

    Its robes are large , quiet and stretched , wherever you go

  30. 女人要沉静学道,一味地顺服。

    Let the woman learn in silence with all subjection .