首页 / 词典 / good


kě wàng
  • desire;desirous;long for;aspire to;crave for;yearn;yearn for;thirst for;hunger;be anxious for;dying to;on tiptoe;lust after;fall over oneself
渴望 [kě wàng]
  • [aspire to;long for;be anxious for;crave for;yearn for] 迫切地希望;殷切盼望

  • 经过战争和动乱之后,人们渴望得到和平与安全

渴望[kě wàng]
  1. 我渴望克服我的羞怯心理!

    I 'm dying to get over my shyness !

  2. 我知道你渴望知道我这儿的一切生活状况。

    I know you 're dying to hear all about my life here .

  3. 她渴望毕业找一份工作。

    She was anxious to finish school and get a job .

  4. 他骨子里是一位浪漫的人,渴望历险。

    He was a romantic at heart and longed for adventure .

  5. 我无法掩饰想回家的渴望。

    I couldn 't hide my eagerness to get back home .

  6. 他们渴望能得到第二次机会。

    They were eager for a second bite of the cherry .

  7. 作为一个孩子,她渴望吸取知识的养分。

    As a child , she was starved of intellectual nourishment .

  8. 她渴望有什么事情能排解她日常生活中的烦闷。

    She longed for something to relieve the tedium of everyday life .

  9. 她渴望回到自己家中,不再担惊受怕。

    She longed for the sanctuary of her own home .

  10. 我一直非常渴望周游世界。

    I 've always had a yen to travel around the world .

  11. 他的目光里有一种强烈的渴望神情。

    His eyes had a wild hungry look in them .

  12. 动完了手术,她渴望回到工作岗位上去。

    She is raring to get back to work after her operation .

  13. 她渴望回到她的祖国。

    She longed to return to her native land .

  14. 历经多年战乱之后,人民渴望永久和平。

    After years of war , the people long for a lasting peace .

  15. 他们渴望经济改革计划一定持续下去。

    They are anxious to ensure the continuation of the economic reform programme .

  16. 她渴望得到父母的赞许。

    She is eager for her parents ' approval .

  17. 他两眼流露出渴望的神情。

    There was a yearning look in his eyes .

  18. 他一直渴望有机会与著名音乐家一起工作。

    He had long coveted the chance to work with a famous musician .

  19. 他渴望再去爬山。

    He was burning to go climbing again .

  20. 他厌倦了没完没了的风流韵事,渴望安定下来。

    He was tired of the merry-go-round of romance and longed to settle down .

  21. 这个孩子只不过是渴望得到爱。

    The child is simply hungry for affection .

  22. 她渴望回到澳大利亚。

    She hankered to go back to Australia .

  23. 露西一直渴望有个弟弟。

    Lucy had always longed for a brother .

  24. 他渴望成为他们的下一届领导人。

    He aspired to be their next leader .

  25. 我渴望再次见到你。

    I 'm longing to see you again .

  26. 我们都渴望健康和幸福。

    We all desire health and happiness .

  27. 她渴望旅行。

    She has an itch to travel .

  28. 他渴望知道更多信息。

    He was avid for more information .

  29. 两党都渴望掌权。

    Both parties are hungry for power .

  30. 她渴望安宁,渴望独享清静。

    She longed for peace and solitude .