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kě qiú
  • Desire;craving;thirst;yearn;be eager for;lust for;hanker for;ask earnestly
渴求 [kě qiú]
  • [ask earnestly] 迫切地要求或追求

  • 渴求进步

渴求[kě qiú]
  1. 有大量毕业生渴求工作。

    There are plenty of graduates anxious for work .

  2. 似乎没有什么能满足他们对真理的渴求。

    Nothing seemed to satisfy their hunger for truth .

  3. 面对母亲的情感渴求,其他几个女儿都疏远了她。

    Other daughters , faced with their mother 's emotional hunger , pull away

  4. 他渴求知识。

    He was eager after knowledge .

  5. 雅典达到了一个状态,当时她真正渴求的自由是排斥责任的自由。

    Athens reached the point when the freedom she really wanted was freedom from responsibility .

  6. 然而,对于镇上渴求阳光的居民来说,新的光线似乎已经足够了。

    However , the new light feels like more than enough for the town 's sun-starved residents .

  7. 不论身处什么环境,我们一般还是有梦想、有希望、有渴望——我们总为自己和自己爱的人而渴求某些东西。

    Whatever our circumstances , we generally still have dreams , hopes and desires — that little something more we want for ourselves and our loved ones .

  8. 我不渴求生命;

    I don 't want to live ;

  9. 对于MBA毕业生的渴求并不限于北美地区。

    The thirst for MBAs is not limited to North America .

  10. 最重要的是,市场需要对CDS有真正的需求,最关键的是来自最终投资者、而非渴求赚取手续费的银行销售员的需求。

    Most importantly , there needs to be genuine demand for CDS & most crucially from end investors rather than fee-hungry banking salesmen .

  11. 有些干醉者会和Sarah一样疯狂地渴求赞美,可是由于太害怕消极注意力,从而执迷地回避一切注意力。

    Some dry drunks lust for tributes as insanely as Sarah but fear negative attention so much they obsessively avoid getting attention at all .

  12. 因此,客户关系管理系统CRM(CustomerRelationshipManagement,简称CRM)在这种市场的需要和企业盈利目标的渴求下继ERP之后应运而生,成为解决这一问题的有效途径。

    So , after the appearance of ERP and with the thirsty of the market and the enterprise , CRM ( Customer Relationship Management ) emerged as the time requires , became a key to the situation .

  13. 经过5d的恢复,3组大鼠再次测定CPP时间,确定其药物渴求的程度。

    After 5 d recovery , the 3 groups underwent the CPP testing again to observe the extent of drug craving .

  14. 邮件中概述了即将到来的CASP竞赛以及我们对计算能力的渴求。

    The letter outlines the upcoming CASP contest and our greater need for computing power during that time .

  15. 这也许古怪,但是尝试之后才知道:当Janice拉起毛线,开始打毛线,她对威士忌的渴求就消失了。

    This may seem strange , but the proof of the pudding is in the eating : When Janice hauled out her yarn and started clicking needles , her whiskey-thirst actually did diminish .

  16. (哦,他说过他渴求批评的。)

    ( Well , he did say he craved criticism . )

  17. 戒断症状和心理渴求现象并不明显。

    Withdrawal symptoms and phenomenon of psychological craving were almost absent .

  18. 首先当然是欲望,包括对性的强烈渴求。

    Lust , of course , involves a craving for sex .

  19. 女人们都失去本能,没有一点神秘感或渴求了吗?

    Have women no instincts anymore , no mystery or mettle ?

  20. 持续不断的核聚变是电力工业所渴求和探索的“圣杯”。

    Sustained nuclear fusion is the Holy grailof the power industry .

  21. 道格拉斯的动力来自对真理的渴求。

    Douglas was driven by a need to learn the truth .

  22. 因为它们只是以特殊的方式在奋斗或者渴求罢了。

    Because it strives or desires to act in that way .

  23. 人类永远需要马,永远渴求它。

    Human kinds always have a need and desire of horses .

  24. 没有一个生命&没有生命是没有渴求的。

    There is no life - no life without its hunger .

  25. 为什么发现心灵渴求如此重要?

    Why is knowing the soul 's desires so important ?

  26. 对爱的渴求带来痛苦,爱的归属带来痛苦。

    It hurts to need , it hurts to belong .

  27. 知识的渴求,是否已让你不计代价?

    Do you thirst for knowledge no matter the cost ?

  28. 你的爱是我今生唯一的渴求。

    The only thing I expect on the world is your love .

  29. 当我读完一本精彩的属灵人物自传后,我也产生类似的渴求;

    A similar yearning awakens when I read a good spiritual autobiography .

  30. 渴求知识是桩好事。

    It is a good thing to hunger after knowledge .