
dǐ xì
  • background;the ins and outs (of a matter);ins and outs;exact details;unapparent details;unknown background
底细 [dǐ xì]
  • [the ins and outs (of a matter);exact details] [人或事情的]根源;内情

底细[dǐ xì]
  1. 没有人知道这个情况的底细。

    No one knows all the ins and outs of this situation .

  2. 她了解事情的底细。

    She knew the ins and outs of the matter .

  3. 他休想骗我,我把他的底细摸得一清二楚。

    He can 't fool me ─ I 've got him taped .

  4. 把新上司的底细告诉我吧。

    Give me the dope on the new boss .

  5. 我们不了解这件事的底细。

    We don 't know all the details of the matter .

  6. 我娶这个姑娘前,应先审慎打探一下她的底细。

    I should make a few discreet enquires about the girl before I marry her .

  7. 我应该先审慎打探一下这家公司的底细,然后您再签字。

    I should make a few discreet enquires about the firm before you sign anything .

  8. 记得你要我查DJ的底细吗?

    Remember you wanted me to check up on DJ ?

  9. 你不会瞎聊、不会感情用事、行事高效,是团队的领袖,也许比起鲁布托(Louboutin)的血红底细高跟鞋,你会更喜欢托里・伯奇(ToryBurch)的平底鞋。

    No-nonsense , unsentimental , and efficient , you are the leader of the pack , and probably prefer Tory Burch flats to Louboutin blood-red-heeled stillettos .

  10. 他鞋上露出马脚的泥土漏了他从何处来的底细。

    The telltale clay on his shoes shows whence he came .

  11. 别跟我哭穷了,我还不知道你的底细?

    Don 't poor-mouth to me . I have your number .

  12. 但是它们之前的名字皇家直辖殖民地泄露了底细。

    But their former name Crown Colonies gives away their origins .

  13. 我来告诉你们怎么进一步摸清他的底细。

    Let me tell you how to learn more about him .

  14. 她这么利害?我要查她的底细。

    Is she so great ? Let me check her out .

  15. 他低声给我有关他们的底细。

    In an undertone he gave me the lowdown on them .

  16. 河口近底细颗粒悬沙运动的声散射观测

    Acoustic backscatter measurements of estuarine near-bed fine suspended sediment transport

  17. 我担心的不是他们的底细。

    It 's not WHO they are that worries me .

  18. 她想知道我的底细

    She 's trying to find out who I am .

  19. 你可以让他查查Applewhite母子的底细。

    You could have him do a background check on the Applewhites .

  20. 告诉我那新经理的底细。

    Give me the lowdown on the new manager .

  21. 她不敢对我怎么样的,因为我对她的底细一清二楚。

    She dare not do anything to me , I have her number .

  22. 不知道底细,那说说多容易啊。

    How simple it is when one knows nothing .

  23. 他太骄傲了。让我们揭穿他的底细。

    He is too cocky , Let 's cut him down to size .

  24. 她肯定仔细查过他的底细。

    I 'm sure she had him thoroughly vetted .

  25. 真可惜他们不知你底细。

    If they only knew what you 'd done .

  26. 你是不是想知道背后的底细?

    Aren 't you curious about what lies behind the face of things ?

  27. 杰克想知道新娘子的底细。

    Jack intends to know something about the bride .

  28. 他似乎对近一世纪中发生的一切恐怖事件都深知底细。

    He appears toknow every detail of every horror perpetrated in the century .

  29. 带你来之前,我已经摸清底细了

    I scoped it out before you got here .

  30. 彻底了解事物底细,弄清真相他们已经弄清了事情的真相。

    They have found what o'clock it is .