
fèi shuǐ chǔ lǐ
  • waste water treatment;effluent treatment
  1. LCD行业洗净用水的制造及废水处理方法

    Cleaning Water Making and Waste Water Treatment Methods for LCD Industry

  2. NaOH-H2O2棉短绒浆及其废水处理生产实践

    Engineering Practice of Cotton Linter NaOH-H_2O_2 Pulping and its Waste Water Treatment

  3. 氯作为水和废水处理厂的主要消毒剂已有许多年。

    For many years chlorine has been the major disinfectant used in water and wastewater treatment plants .

  4. PID技术是废水处理中提高氮、磷去除的技术。

    PID is a technique used for improving nitrogen and phosphorous removal in wastewater treatment .

  5. IC厌氧反应技术应用于制浆废水处理

    IC Anaerobic React Technology Used for Pulping Effluent Treatment

  6. 从而提出了一套切实可行的ABS废水处理方法。

    Thus put forward a set of feasible ABS waste water treatment methods .

  7. 稠油废水处理的达标外排,其中处理的关键污染指标为COD(化学需氧量)。

    The key link of treating heavy oil sewage is pollution index-COD attaining standard .

  8. 集散控制系统(DCS)在不锈钢厂废水处理中的应用

    Application of Distributing Control System ( DCS ) in Waste Water Treatment of Stainless Steel Plant

  9. TiO2光催化反应及其在废水处理中的应用

    TiO 2 Based Photocatalysis and Its Applications for Waste Water Treatment

  10. 结合某屠宰厂废水处理的工程实例,详细介绍了SBR法的工艺流程。

    SBR technology process is specifically introduced through the slaughter-house wastewater treatment engineering example .

  11. 并以COD、SS的去除效果为分析对象,探讨了ABR反应器在屠宰废水处理中的作用。

    The test also discussed the contribution of ABR reactor in the slaughterhouse wastewater treatment .

  12. 选用三氯化铁作混凝剂,次氯酸钠作氧化剂,研究了混凝剂和氧化剂的投加量、pH及不同的反应时间对喹禾灵含酚废水处理效果的影响。

    Using ferric chloride as coagulating agent and sodium hypochlorite as oxidant , experimental research on optimun coagulating agent and oxidant dosage and effect of pH are conducted .

  13. TiO2光催化剂在废水处理、空气净化和材料自洁等领域具有诱人的应用前景。

    TiO_2 photocatalyst has an attractive application perspective in wastewater treatment , air purification and material ( self - ) cleaning .

  14. 阳离子高分子絮凝剂P(DMC-AM)在制革废水处理中的应用研究

    Study on Application of Cationic High Polymers Flocculant P ( DMC-AM ) in Leather Wastewater

  15. SPD型高效气浮装置在火电厂废水处理中的应用

    Application of highly efficient bubble floating equipment to waste water treatment in fire power plant

  16. 电化学高级氧化工艺(AdvancedElectrochemicalOxidationProcess,简称AEOP)因其能量效率高、便于自动控制、利于环保等特点而成为极具发展前景的废水处理技术之一。

    Advanced Electrochemical Oxidation Process ( AEOP ) becomes a promising technique in wastewater treatment in advantage of high energy efficiency , easy to autocontrol and without second time contamination .

  17. 玉米淀粉废水处理中UASB反应器内颗粒污泥特性及其影响因素的研究

    The Characteristic and the Influential Factor of the Anaerobic Granular Sludge in the UASB Reactor Treating Corn Starch Waste Water

  18. HCR工艺原理及其在工业废水处理方面应用与展望

    The Principle of the HCR Technique and its Application and Expectation in Industrial Wastewater Disposal

  19. 采用PFS物化混凝破乳及PAC生物处理技术,对炼油、皂脚混合废水处理工艺进行了研究。

    Study on treating technology of mixing wastewater containing oil and soap residue has been conducted by using PFS coagulation demulsification and PAC biological treatment system .

  20. 研究用于焦化废水处理的好氧颗粒活性污泥和传统普通活性污泥的同步培养及其对COD和NH3-N的脱除特性比较。

    To synchronously cultivate the granular activated sludge and the traditional activated sludge in the coking wastewater treatment and to compare the removal characteristics of COD and NH_3-N was involved in this article .

  21. 微生物絮凝剂M-25在酱油废水处理中的应用

    Treatment of soy wastewater by microbial flocculant M-25

  22. 根据该公司两期废水处理工程在7、8、9和11月份的运行情况,对IC、UBF和UASB反应器处理抗生素废水进行了对比研究。

    According to the operation conditions of the two wastewater treatment process in Jui ^ August ^ September and November , we compared the dispose effects of IC UBF and UASB in treating antibiotic wastewater .

  23. 结果表明,采用电化学催化氧化脱色物化处理、固定化微生物BAF和生物活性炭生化处理相结合的新型废水处理流程,能够实现制浆造纸中段废水的深度处理。

    The results show that the new effluent treatment process incorporated electrochemistry catalytic oxidation , decolour physico - chemical treatment , immobilized microorganism BAF and biological activated carbon biochemical treatment can realize the advanced treatment of papermaking bleaching affluent .

  24. 通过土豆食品加工废水处理的工程实例,指出在处理易生物降解和溶解性有机废水的SBR系统中,采用较高负荷运行会发生溶解氧偏低而造成的污泥膨胀。

    Through an engineering example of potato food processing wastewater treatment , it is pointed out that sludge bulking can occur because of higher sludge loading which results in low dissolved oxygen concentration in sequencing batch reactor ( SBR ) used to treat easily biodegradable and dissolved organic wastewater .

  25. 从生物强化技术、固定化微生物技术、生物脱氮技术、生物流化床技术、Fenton试剂氧化、利用烟道气处理以及电化学氧化技术等方面系统地讨论了最新的焦化废水处理技术进展。

    This paper discusses on the new development of the treatment of coking wastewater from aspects of the bio-augmentation technology , immobilized microorganism , biological denitrification technology , bio-fluidized bed technology , Fenton reagent oxidation method , treatment with flue gas , and electrochemical oxidation technology , etc.

  26. 利用液可清(ACF32)培养污泥,水解酸化、氧化沟工艺进行亚麻沤制废水处理。

    In this paper , using Aqua with ACF 32 to culture sludge and hydrolytic acidification , and then treat retting flax wastewater with oxidation ditch is studied .

  27. 国内外辛醇生产中废水处理方法探讨

    Exploration of Wastewater Treatment Methods in Domestic and Overseas Octanol Production

  28. 单杂质废水处理网络设计

    Network new design method for effluent treatment system with single contaminant

  29. 高砷高氟废水处理工艺技术研究

    Technological research on treatment of wastewater containing high arsenic and fluorine

  30. 生物滤池废水处理过程数学模型的求解和验证

    Solution and Test of Mathematical Model of Biofilter Wastewater Treatment Process