
  • 网络Waste-to-Resource;C-POWER
  1. 基于AHP的工业固体废物资源化途径的评价研究

    Analysis on the approaches of utilization for industrial solid waste based on AHP

  2. 贵州工业固体废物资源化探讨

    A Discussion on Resource Recovery of Industrial Solid Waste in Guizhou

  3. 氨碱厂废物资源化利用的研究

    Study on Utilization of Wastes in Ammonia - Soda Factory

  4. 工业固体废物资源化与住宅产业现代化

    Resource Application of Industrial Solid Wastes and Housing Industrial Modernization

  5. 电镀废物资源化利用的问题与宏观管理对策

    Problem of the Resources Utilization on Electroplating Waste and Relevant Macroscopic Administration Tactics

  6. 四川安县灾后重建中建筑废物资源化的实现

    Reuse and Recycle of Building Wastes during Reconstruction in Anxian of Sichuan Province

  7. 堆肥法是目前有机固体废物资源化的一种有效处理方法。

    Composting is an effective disposal method for resource utilization of organic solid wastes .

  8. 超(亚)临界水氧化法在固体废物资源化中的应用

    Application of supercritical ( subcritical ) water oxidation in the resource recycling of solid waste

  9. 建立生态工业孵化器、信息系统和废物资源化中心等的生态产业链支持系统。

    Establishing supporting system of eco-industrial chains , which includes eco-industrial incubator , information systems and resource center for reclaiming waste .

  10. 生态建筑是集沼气净化、废物资源化和绿化美化为一体的自身良性循环的建筑物(群)。

    A ecological architecture is a building of self positive cycle , which incorporates biogas purification , resource recovery of wastes , afforesting and beautifying .

  11. 为此,通过对常见几种有机固体废物资源化利用技术的特点和存在问题进行了分析,探讨了未来发展趋势。

    Through the analysis of the characteristics and the problems of the common organic solid waste Resources Disposal technique , approaches the trend in the future .

  12. 文中简要的介绍了固体废物资源化的有关技术和我国开展固体废物综合利用的措施及手段。

    The paper briefly introduces the technology of resource recovery of solid waste and the measures and instruments of comprehensive utilization of solid waste in China .

  13. 同时提出了实现废旧电子电器、废电池及废铅蓄电池等社会源危险废物资源化的途径。

    And the way to recycle hazardous wastes from social source is brought up , such as old electronics electric appliances , waste battery and waste storage battery .

  14. 文摘:在固体废物资源化认识的基础上,指出了沈阳市固体废物管理工作存在的一些问题,提出建议。

    Abstract : on the base of solid waste transforming resources , the problems existed in solid management were put forwarded , and give some suggestions on solid waste management .

  15. 废物资源化的关键是如何构建科学的模式,但目前这方面的研究尚处于发展阶段,还没有起到指导实践的作用。

    The key of utilize solid waste is to design proper mode , but the present methodology study on mode is still in development , and can not direct the practice .

  16. 随着经济和废物资源化研究的发展,粉煤灰再利用已成为必然趋势,为粉煤灰商品化奠定了良好基础。

    Along with researching waste material utilization and economic effect , the reutilization ofcoal ash has became an inexorable trend . So that a sound foundation for coal ash commercialization is laid .

  17. 回收硅微粉,尽可能使废物资源化和无害化,减少工业生产对人类和环境的影响,既有经济效益,又有社会和环境效益。

    Recovery of silicon tiny powder possibly makes discards recycle harmlessly and reduces impact of industrial production on human and environment . It not only has economic benefit , but also has social and environment benefit .

  18. 垃圾焚烧发电不仅可以解决垃圾占地问题而且实现了废物资源化,因而成为垃圾处理的主要发展方向。

    Incinerating MSW to produce electricity can not only solve the problem of land occupation by waste , but also achieve resource utilization of waste ; and thus it has become an important alternative of waste treatment .

  19. 针对造成农村固废污染环境的主要问题和背景因素的变化趋势,提出了农村固体废物资源化和无害化处理的目标和任务,具体技术对策、经济对策和管理对策;

    The objectives , tasks , detail technologies , and economic and managerial countermeasures on treating rural solid waste circularly and harmlessly in Dianchi watershed are presented based on the main problems and variation trends of rural solid waste .

  20. 通过对废物资源化的分析和经济价值的评价,建立企业的预算管理机制,为科学决策提供了第一手材料;

    By the analysis of recycle waste resources and the evaluation of economy value , we ( our company ) have set up the budget management system of enterprise , which provided the firsthand material for scientific decision - making .

  21. 该絮凝物富含蛋白质,无毒无害,可作为动物饲料添加剂,实现环境治理与废物资源化相统一的经济效益和社会效益,促进生产的可持续发展。

    The floccules are rich in protein , nonpoisonous and harmless to the environment , can be used for the animal fodder additives . This can realize the unification of economic benefits and social benefits , and promote the sustainable development of production .

  22. 从改进工艺、改造设备、废物资源化、重复用水和加强环境管理等方面,叙述了中型氮肥厂加强生产全过程控制实现增产减污的途径。

    This paper deals with an affective way of increasing production and reducing pollution by enhancing integrated control of production process in the middle sized nitrogenous fertilizer plants , including process improvement , equipment modification , waste comprehensive utilization , water reuse and strengthening environmental management and so on .

  23. 福建省危险废物的资源化

    Changing the Hazardous Waste into Resources in Fujian Province

  24. 固体废物的资源化和综合利用技术

    Resource Recovery and Comprehensive Utilization Technology of Solid Waste

  25. 浅论工业固体废物的资源化和减量化

    Approach on Reuse and Decrement of Industrial Solid Wastes

  26. 为此,充分利用钢、铁渣和回收钢、铁渣中的金属铁,是冶金企业实施循环经济,降低消耗、降低成本、废物再资源化,实现资源可持续发展的有效途径。

    Thereof , utilization of iron and steel slag and residues and recovery of useful metals from them are taken as an effective way to implement circulating economy , decrease consumptions and costs , make wastes become new resources and realize sustainable development of resources .

  27. 通过分析人与环境所组成系统的物质流动规律表明,可持续发展不仅需要提高自然资源的生产利用率,还需要提高产品的重复利用率与废物再资源化率。

    After the material flow of man environment system is analyzed , it indicates that not only the natural resource utilization rate , but also the product repeat using rate and the waste recovery rate are required to improve greatly in order to achieve sustainable development .

  28. 主要从事太阳能生物制氢、物质发酵制氢、机废物处置与资源化利用、源微生物应用等研究。ABR发酵产氢系统的运行控制及产氢效能研究

    Our work focus on the research field of Photobiological hydrogen production , fermentative hydrogen production , dispose and resource utilization of organic waste , application of microorganism resource . Performing Characteristics and Hydrogen Production Efficiency of an Anaerobic Baffled Reactor Used as a Fermentation System

  29. 废物资源的功能化技术及其意义

    The Technologies and Meanings of Waste Resources Functionalization

  30. 制浆造纸行业固废物的产生及资源化利用

    The Creation and Utilization of Solid Wastes in Paper Industry