
fèi qì wù
  • waste;debris;waste material;litter;rubbish;refuse
  1. 工业固体废弃物产生量的灰色GM(1,1)预测

    The Grey GM ( 1,1 ) Forecast for the Products of Industrial Solid Waste Material

  2. 控制PET废弃物在自然界存在的时间,避免对环境的污染,对其可持续发展十分有利。

    It is profitable for the sustainable development of aromatic PET to control the existing time of PET waste material in nature , avoid the pollution on the enviroment .

  3. 他们应当停止从油轮上往海里倾倒废弃物。

    They should stop offloading waste from oil tankers into the sea .

  4. 当地工厂排放的有毒废弃物污染了这条河。

    The river has been polluted with toxic waste from local factories .

  5. 这篇报道呼吁禁止危险废弃物的进口。

    The report calls for a ban on the import of hazardous waste .

  6. 工厂的有毒废弃物污染了大段大段的河流。

    Large sections of the river have been poisoned by toxic waste from factories .

  7. 对废弃物的回收利用能够减少对垃圾场的需求,从而也有助于控制环境污染。

    Recycling also helps control environmental pollution by reducing the need for waste dumps .

  8. 英国每年会产生多达1,000万吨的有毒废弃物。

    Up to 10 million tonnes of toxic wastes are produced every year in the UK .

  9. 夏季公园游人最多的时候,及时清扫废弃物也是一项艰巨的任务。

    Keeping pace with the litter during summer , when the park is most heavily used , is also a huge task .

  10. 水管子被废弃物堵了。

    The water pipe was clogged with debris .

  11. 凹版雕刻用酸性蚀刻化学品废弃物。

    Intaglio engraving of rejectamenta acid etching chemicals .

  12. 但是,一位环境科学家帕伊·德雷克斯勒却说,通过使用未处理的人类废弃物去生产食物所产生的社会和经济效益比健康风险更重要。

    But Pay Drechsel , an environmental scientist , argues that the social and economic benefits of using untreated human waste to grow food outweigh the health risks .

  13. 这个星球大部分地区都需要接受这一现实。所以使用轻微处理或零处理的废弃物是有充分的理由的。

    " We need to accept that fact across much of the planet , so waste with little or no treatment will be used in agriculture for good reason . "

  14. 因此处理PET等塑料废弃物一直是一个令人头疼的问题。

    So it has always been a headache to deal with the waste from PET and other plastics .

  15. 随着电子工业的发展,电子废弃物污染已成为一个严重的问题。

    With the development of electronic industry , e-waste pollution has become a serious problem .

  16. 包括天和核心舱在轨测试、再生生保系统验证、机械臂测试与操作训练,以及物资与废弃物管理等。

    First , they will operate and manage the complex , including the in-orbit test of the Tianhe module , verification of the recycling and life support system , testing and operation training of the robotic arm , as well as management of materials and waste .

  17. 近日,国家卫健委和生态环境部等部委联合印发的医疗机构废弃物综合治理工作方案提出,到2020年底,全国每个地级市都要至少建一个规范的医疗废物处置设施。

    A recent official plan requires each prefecture-level city to build at least one standardized medical waste disposal facility by the end of this year . The work plan about comprehensive treatment of waste from medical institutions was released by authorities including the National Health Commission and the Ministry of Ecology and Environment .

  18. 基于GIS的小城镇固体废弃物管理信息系统研究

    Research of the Small Town Solid Waste Management Information System Based on GIS

  19. pH波动幅度大是废弃物农用治理的主要障碍之一。

    One of the main barriers is the wide pH change in two wastes as agricultural use .

  20. FRP废弃物再利用途径

    Approach to reuse of FRP waste

  21. 城市固体废弃物(MSW)抗剪强度特性研究

    Shear strength characteristics of municipal solid waste

  22. 含氯废弃物燃烧过程中HCl排放特性

    HCl emission during chloride wastes combustion process

  23. 前处理废弃物零排放(3R化)技术

    Zero Emission ( 3R ) Technology of Pretreatment Waste Materials

  24. 对几种煤和城市固体废弃物(MSW)如PVC和纤维素中的主要可燃成分进行了实验研究。

    Several kinds of coals and the major combustible components in MSW , such as PVC and cellulose were tested in this paper .

  25. 在总量上,通过对我国FDI与环境污染的统计数据进行分析,发现我国FDI总量与工业废弃物排放量呈同时上升的趋势。

    Then by analyzing the gross data related to FDI and environmental pollution , it discovers that FDI and industrial waste discharge both show uptrend at the same time .

  26. 固体废弃物(MSW)填埋方式的合理选择、填埋设施的综合利用,对填埋场的持续建设与发展有着重要的意义。

    It is very important for sustainable construction and development of landfill sites to reasonably select solid waste landfill method and comprehensively use landfill facility .

  27. 燃煤固硫理论应用于工业危险废弃物的焚烧,以减少尾气排放中有害物质SO2的含量。

    Coal burning and sulfur solidify theory is used in the incineration process for industrial wastes burning to reduce the SO 2 content in tail gas .

  28. 由于在城市的生产和生活等活动中长期排放含Hg的废弃物,致使城市土壤中的Hg含量越来越多,城市土壤的Hg污染越来越重,它所产生的危害已经引起人们的关注。

    Due to long term mercury waste drainage from industrial and domestic sludge , more and more mercury has been accumulated in the soil of urban area .

  29. 纸屑的颗粒物中金属元素的质量分数最低,RDF的最高,其余三种生物质废弃物的质量分数较相近;

    The mass fraction of metal elements in PM_ ( 10 ) from paper scraps is the lowest while that from RDF is the highest .

  30. 研究结果表明:(1)含氯废弃物是垃圾焚烧炉HC1排放最主要来源;

    Results of study show that : ( 1 ) the chlorine contained wastes are the main source of HCl emission from MSW incinerator ;