
  • 网络general technology;Generic Technology;general-purpose technology
  1. 方法根据我国机械制图有关标准和CAD通用技术规范给出了AutoCAD环境参数设置的具体步骤和详细参数。

    Methods This paper describes a method of setting AutoCAD environment parameters . The method is based on the national standard of mechanical drawing and CAD general technology criteria .

  2. 如今HL集团实现了健康发展的目标,并与中国通用技术集团的战略重组,正向国际化大型装备制造企业迈进。

    Now , HL Group has achieved its goal of healthy development . Reorganized with the China General Technology Group , it is becoming a large-scale international equipment manufacturing enterprise .

  3. GB/T12752-1991船用罗兰C接收设备通用技术条件

    General specification for marine loran-C receiving equipment

  4. 高层体系结构(HighLevelArchitecture,HLA)是用于产生计算机仿真系统的通用技术框架。

    HLA ( High Level Architecture ) is a common frame applied for computer simulation system .

  5. 将计算机技术、控制技术、通用技术融合到传统的家电中去,使其拥有智能,并连接到Internet网络中去,实现实用电器的智能化、网络化。

    Embedded in the computer technology , control technology and communication technology , the household appliances have the intelligence . And they are connected with the internet .

  6. 给出一种用VB6.0编程控制Windows操作系统关机的通用技术。

    This paper gives one kind of universal technique of shutting off Windows by programming with VB .

  7. 正如上文所提到的,为满足消息身份验证的要求,用到了两项通用技术:消息身份验证代码(MessageAuthenticationCode)和数字签名。

    As mentioned above , there are two common technologies used to satisfy the requirement of message authentication : the Message Authentication Code and the digital signature .

  8. 当前,面向服务的计算变得越来越流行,WebServices已经成为集成互联网上分布和异构应用程序的通用技术。

    Nowadays , the service-oriented computing paradigm is becoming more and more popular . Web services have become a universal technology for integration of distributed and heterogeneous applications over the Internet .

  9. 提出了基于角色的DRM通用技术标准草案,可用于家庭网络、IPTV等数字版权保护场景。

    A role-based DRM technological draft standard for the home network and IPTV is proposed .

  10. 并归纳总结了在与地下管线相关的GIS系统开发中的一些共同特点,提出了一个城市地下管线地理信息系统的通用技术路线。

    Besides , common features of GIS development related with underground pipelines is summed up , and an universal model of urban underground pipelines GIS is put forward .

  11. 由于该平台的研发依托于CDMA无线宽带技术、计算机操作系统、气象基本业务系统等通用技术,提高了系统的兼容性。

    ⅳ, this platform is developed in compatibility based on CDMA wireless broadband technology , computer operating system and weather basic operating system .

  12. HLA是建模和仿真领域的通用技术框架,旨在实现仿真重用和仿真互操作。

    HLA is a general technical framework in modeling and simulation domain , its goal is to realize simulation reuse and interoperation .

  13. SDH主要应用在光纤传输网络,同时在微波通信领域、卫星通信领域也得到应用,成为通用技术体制。

    It was applied mainly in optical fiber communication , microwave communication and satellite communications , and became the generic technology system .

  14. 国际电话电报咨询委员会(CCITT)(现ITU-T)于1988年接受了SONET概念并重新命名为SDH,使其成为不仅适用于光纤也适用于微波和卫星传输的通用技术体制。

    Advisory Committee on International Telephone and Telegraph ( CCITT ) ( now ITU-T ) in 1988 to accept the concept of the SONET and SDH renamed . Applies not only to make it also applicable to fiber-optic microwave and satellite transmission system of the Common Technical .

  15. 以最新版的美国膨胀节制造商协会标准(EJMA-98)和GB/T12777-1999《金属波纹管膨胀节通用技术条件》作为设计依据,确定边界约束和性态约束条件;

    Boundary and performance constraints were determined on the basis of the newest edition of Standard of Expansion Joint Manufactures Association of American EJMA-98 and National Standards of China GB / T12777-1999 , Metal Bellow Expansion Joint Common Technical Conditions .

  16. GB/T14084-1993办公事务处理用中西文电子打字机通用技术条件

    General specification of Chinese and English electronic typewriter for office management

  17. 这是一种用来产生置信区间的通用技术。

    It is the best general technique for producing confidence intervals .

  18. GB/T7788-1987船舶及海洋工程阳极屏涂料通用技术条件

    General specification for anodic shield coating of ship and ocean engineering

  19. 任务驱动教学模式在通用技术课程中的应用研究

    The Application Study of Task-driving Teaching Mode in General Technology Teaching

  20. 环境自动监测数据处理通用技术研究

    Study on the Universal Data Processing Technology in Environmental Automatic Monitoring

  21. GB/T5226.1-1996工业机械电气设备第1部分:通用技术条件

    Electrical equipment of industrial machines & Part 1 : General requirements

  22. GB/T8874-1988粮油通用技术、设备名词术语

    General terms of technology and equipment for grain and oil industry

  23. GB/T12612-1990多功能钢铁表面处理液通用技术条件

    General specification for multifunctional solution of steel and iron surface treatment

  24. 汽车电子通用技术研发平台的研究

    The Study of General Automatic Electronic R & D Platform

  25. GB/T13345-1992轧机油膜轴承通用技术条件

    General technical requirement of oil film bearing for rolling mill

  26. GB/T13730-1992地区电网数据采集与监控系统通用技术条件

    General specification for SCADA system to the district power network

  27. GB/T5622-1985窄轨矿车通用技术条件

    Technical requirements for general purposes of narrow gauge mine car

  28. GB/T16519-1996VHS录像机磁头鼓组件通用技术条件

    General specification of video head drum assembly for VHS video cassette recorder

  29. GB/T12182-1990空中交通管制二次监视雷达通用技术条件

    General specification of secondary surveillance radar for air traffic control

  30. GB/T14082-19939磁道数字磁带机磁头通用技术条件

    Generic specification of 9-track digital magnetic head for digital magnetic tape unit