
  • 网络communications transponder
  1. Ku频段通信卫星转发器的发展

    Development of ku Band Communication Satellite Transponders

  2. 矢量网络分析仪在通信卫星转发器地面测试中的应用技术

    Technology of using vector network analyzer in ground testing for communication satellite repeater

  3. 水下通信网转发器软硬件技术研究

    A Study on Hardware and Software of the Transponder of Underwater Acoustic Communication Networks

  4. 通信卫星转发器I/O特性地面测试的自动化测试方法研究

    Automatization Testing Measurement of Communiostion Satellite Transport I / O Characteristic Ground Surface Testing

  5. 分析了军事卫星通信透明转发器的特点,设计了其用于抗干扰技术研究的计算机仿真链路模型,提出了仿真系统设计的总体方案和抗干扰性能评估方法。

    This paper analyzes the characteristics of a military satellite transparent transponder , describes the computer simulation link model for study of anti-jamming technologies and proposes the overall project of the simulating system and the evaluating method of anti-jamming performance .

  6. 文章介绍了通信卫星转发器中使用的自均衡类椭圆函数滤波器的设计方法,这种滤波器采用了四腔双模列式结构,实现了一个虚轴和一个实轴传输零点对的传输特性。

    A general design procedure is presented for self equalized pseudoelliptic filter used for communication satellite in a 8 pole asymmetric dual mode in-line configuration the filter realized useful transmission characteristics with a transmission zero pair at real and imaginary axes .

  7. 通信卫星Ka波段转发器技术的研究

    Communication Satellite Ka - Band Transponder Technology Research

  8. 所谓卫星移动通信系统是指由许多可移动的卫星通信终端在卫星转发器支持下构成的通信系统。

    So-called satellite mobile communication system is the one composed of many mobile terminals supported by a satellite reaper .