
tōnɡ xínɡ zhènɡ
  • pass;permit;pass check;safe-conduct;open sesame
通行证 [tōng xíng zhèng]
  • (1) [pass;permit;safe-conduct]

  • (2) 允许在一特定地区或地方自由走动或进出其边界范围的书面许可证

  • (3) 比喻解决某些问题的先决条件

  • 在医院里,有了文凭就算有了不断向高一级技术职称发展的起码通行证

  • (4) [protection] ∶保护或保证不受骚扰或逮捕的文字证件

  1. 我向保安员出示了通行证,他挥手让我通过。

    I showed my pass to the security guard and he waved me through .

  2. 虽然他有通行证,卫兵还是直勾勾地盯着他。

    The guard eyeballed him pretty hard despite his pass .

  3. 无保安通行证不得入内。

    There is no admittance without a security pass .

  4. 我弄到了进兵营的通行证。

    I got myself a pass into the barracks

  5. “通往更加光明的未来的通行证”,这话听起来像句老掉牙的广告词,但这次这句套话却言之有物。

    ' A passport to a brighter future ' : it sounds like a worn-out advertising slogan , but for once the cliche has substance .

  6. 没有特别通行证,一律不准通行。

    Nobody is allowed through without a special pass .

  7. 哨兵不让没有通行证的人通过大门。

    The guard won 't let anyone through the gate without a pass .

  8. 拿着这张通行证就可以通行无阻。

    This pass will let you through .

  9. 如果你不出示通行证,卫兵不会让你进去的。

    The guard won 't let you in if you don 't show him your pass .

  10. 这种通行证由国防部负责签发。

    The defence department is responsible for the signing and issuing of this type of travel permit .

  11. 欧盟坚称,私人信息或数据不会通过使用通行证被交换或分享。

    The EU maintains that no private information or data will be exchanged or shared through usage of the certificate .

  12. “好的”的行为有时会成为“坏”行为的通行证,因为你已经树立了一个健康的自我形象。

    The " good " action somehow licenses the " bad " action , because you have a self-image as a healthy person .

  13. 系统所需的所有数据都会存储在给个人发放通行证的各国内部。

    All data that needs to be retained for the system to work is stored in the country that issued the individual their certificate .

  14. 6月1日起,保加利亚、克罗地亚、捷克共和国、丹麦、德国、希腊和波兰已经开始接收外来游客的欧盟新冠数字通行证。

    As of Tuesday , Bulgaria , Croatia , the Czech Republic , Denmark , Germany , Greece and Poland have begun accepting the EU Digital COVID Certificate from outside visitors .

  15. 11月27日,卡尔加里动物园表示,经过“数月的努力”,终于拿到了国际通行证,“把我们喜爱的大熊猫送回家”。

    The zoo said on Friday that after " months and months of hard work " it had secured international permits " to get our beloved pandas home to China " .

  16. 德国、希腊等国已经开始发放疫苗通行证,预计7月1日前欧盟所有27个国家都将推行。

    Germany and Greece are among the countries already issuing the passes , and the certificates are expected to be rolled out in all 27 European Union countries as of July 1 .

  17. 拥有CE认证标志,就意味着您的产品在欧盟市场上获得了通行证。

    Owning CE Certificate means the product gets passport to the European market .

  18. 人员的长期进港证、车辆B类通行证的使用单位必须在证件到期前1个月提出续办申请。

    Personnel 's long-term entry harbor passport , vehicle class B passport , it must apply for continuous application before one month for passport become due .

  19. 它们可能还会逐渐耗尽你具有的创业才能,因为它们强迫你进入一种名为MBA通行证的模版。

    They might also sap what entrepreneurial flair you have as they force you into the template called an MBA pass .

  20. 然后,卡塔尔人将接手保时捷SE的大部分大众认购期权,这是他们进军德国工业核心地带的通行证。

    Then the Qataris will take on most of Porsche SE 's options over VW ; this is their passport into Germany 's industrial heartland .

  21. 随着国际贸易交往的增多,ISO9000质量认证证书成为企业产品通向国际市场的通行证。

    With increase of international business , ISO 9000 Quality Certification has become a password to international market for the enterprise .

  22. 这意味着,大型并购不管是否愿意,反正(attheveryleast,注意与atleast的区别)必须取得官方通行证(意译),官方的评估至少30天,也有可能180天。

    At the very least , this means large mergers must be blessed by the Chinese authorities , which will have a minimum of30 days to assess them-and will be able to extend their review to180 days .

  23. 用户只要在任何一个微软授权的站点获取通行证(passport),就可以自由地访问任何其它微软授权的站点。

    The users only have to get a password in any Microsoft authorized website , and then they can freely access any Microsoft authorized website .

  24. 有些好几年都没联系的人给我写E-mail问我近来怎样,然后就开口问我有没有场地通行证。

    I get emails from people I haven 't heard from in years asking me how I 'm doing and then asking if I can scrounge them some ground passes .

  25. 许多人将会质问,在一个青少年程序员和初创企业盛行的时代,长期被视为领导层通行证的MBA究竟还有多少相关性?

    Many will ask just how relevant is the MBA , long seen as a passport to leadership , in an era of teenage coders and start-ups ?

  26. 这是一张通往Apache和Codehaus社区中大多数大型项目的通行证。

    This is a passport to most of the large projects in the Apache and Codehaus communities .

  27. ISO14000环境管理体系标准&进入世贸的绿色通行证

    Standard for ISO 14000 environment managing system - " Green Pass " to WTO

  28. 领袖,我们会从Akbar导演那里搞到通行证的

    Leader , we get the passes for it from the director Akbar .

  29. 实际上,金山大学与比勒陀利亚大学(UniversityofPretoria)举行比赛时,可鄙的通行证法禁止纳尔逊与他的黑人同学前往后者所在的60公里左右以外的邻市。

    Indeed , when Wits played the University of Pretoria , the despicable pass laws prevented Nelson and his fellow black students from travelling the 60 or so kilometers to the neighboring city .

  30. 随着全球范围内环境意识的增强,ISO14000系列标准认证已成为产品进入国际市场的绿色通行证。

    Adapting to increase of environmental protection in word wide , certification of ISO 14000 series standards became the pass of entering international market .