
  • 网络Size;drift diameter;Bore;orifice
  1. 对于任何通径,不提供法兰连接的天然PP材料阀门。

    No flanged figures are offered in any size for natural PP.

  2. 阀门通径选择后,在这个图表中找出进口和出口压力。

    After selecting valve size , locate inlet and outlet pressures on this chart .

  3. 陆地型长绒棉新种质F2代主要经济性状相关及通径分析

    Correlation and path analysis of f_2 main economic characters in Upland fine-fiber cotton

  4. 采用EXCEL对水稻主要数量性状与单株产量进行通径分析的可信度评价

    Path analysis on rice main quantity traits and yield per hill using EXCEL

  5. 采用通径更小的截止阀,或者采用V形端口阀内件截止阀,增加开启度,往往就可以解决这个问题。

    Using a smaller valve or V-port trim to increase the percent open will often solve this problem .

  6. PLS通径模型应用中应注意的几个问题

    Some Advertent Issues in Partial Least Squares Path Modeling Studies

  7. 通径分析法在腰果播种中的应用&兼论通径分析的SAS实施

    Application of Path Analysis in Cashew Sowing

  8. 对河西走廊盐渍化草地土壤盐分组成及pH与有机质的关系进行了通径分析。

    The path analysis was carried out on the relationship between salt irons and pH with organic matter on the soil of saline grassland in Hexi Corridor .

  9. 采用相关分析和通径分析法探讨了烟支重量、吸阻和抽吸口数等指标对TPM的影响。

    The effects of cigarette weight , draw resistance and puff number on TPM were studied with correlation and path analyses .

  10. AIC、CP与通径分析

    AIC , Cp and Path Analysis

  11. 采用具有更小流量的通径更小的截止阀或V形阀内件截止阀,可能使得阀门能够具有更大的开启度,因此可以避免损坏。

    Use of smaller valves or V-Port trim with lower flow capacity may permit the valve to be open at a greater percentage , thus avoiding damage .

  12. 其他8个性状对CRE的通径系数不显著;

    That of other eight traits was not significant .

  13. 中国东部南北样带中南段典型植被NDVI与气候因子的通径分析

    The Path Analysis on NDVI of Typical Vegetations and Climate Factors in North-South Transect of Eastern China

  14. 通径分析表明,施用石灰条件下应该在控制叶片P含量的同时,尽量提高Zn、N的含量,这样才有助于提高叶片的叶绿素含量。

    Path analysis indicated that we should both control the content of foliar P , and improve the content of foliar Zn and N to increase the content of leaves chlorophyll under the condition of liming .

  15. 利用Delphi的文件操作以及数据库管理功能对通径仪硬件得到的二进制数据进行分析处理,可以自动得到管道的变径信息,这一过程对用户透明。

    Using file processing and data-base management of Delphi , original binary data gained by pipeline diameter detector can be auto-analyzed and then generate information about diameter change .

  16. 通径分析表明,AIN2、AHN和N(01)是表征紫色水稻土氮素有效性的极好指标。

    Path analysis showed that AIN_2 , AHN and nitrogen mineralization potential No_1 were the best indexes to predict the nitro - gen availability for purple paddy soils .

  17. 通径分析结果表明NAR对蔗汁糖分和蔗茎产量均为直接正向贡献。

    Path analysis indicated that the NAR had directly positive contributions to cane juice sucrose and cane yield .

  18. 通径分析结果表明:根际高浓度的CO2是影响普通地膜覆盖番茄根、叶活力的主要因素。

    The path analysis in this paper showed that high CO 2 concentration of root zone under the plastic film mulch was the major factor which limited the activities of roots and leaves of tomatoes .

  19. 统计分析方法包括:基本情况描述、t检验、卡方检验、单因素Logistic回归分析、相关分析、多元logistic逐步回归分析、通径分析、多元线性回归分析等。

    The statistic methods used in this research including statistic descriptions , T-tests , Chi-squared tests , logistic regression , Pearson Correlation , multiple logistic stepwise regression analysis , path analysis and linear regression . Results : 1 .

  20. 采用1∶1配对病例对照研究方法,运用SAS6.12软件进行条件Logistic回归分析,运用SPSS10.0软件进行通径分析。

    The 1 ∶ 1 pair matched case-control study based on hospital was conducted . The data was analyzed by conditional Logistic regression model with the statistical software SAS 6.12 . And the path analysis was done with SPSS 10.0 software .

  21. Y211-115封隔器是在RTTS封隔器基础上改进的,增大了通径,增加了一个胶筒,使高压密封更可靠。

    Based on RTTS packer , Y211-115 packer is modified to enlarge inner diameter and add one element that makes its seal in high pressure to be reliable .

  22. 若超过此值,通径大于15mm用ZDF系列多功能电磁阀作特殊订货。

    If more than this value is greater than15mm diameter with ZDF series multi-function solenoid valve for special order .

  23. 从影响粮食消费的基本要素,人口与人口结构、人均GDP、人均粮食生产、饮食习惯、科技水平、粮食价格等,通过通径分析研究分析影响粮食消费的主要因素。

    The theory analyzes the main related factors affected food consumption through path analysis , which include population and demographic structure , the per capita GDP , per capita food production , eating habits , technological level , food prices and so on .

  24. 全磷、速效氮和CEC等对脲酶活性直接通径系数都较小,而且通过其它因素对脲酶活性的间接通径系数之和也较小,不是影响土壤脲酶活性的主要因素。

    Other factors like total phosphorus , available nitrogen , and cation exchange capacity effect only limited direct or indirect coefficient on the urease activities . They are not factors affecting the soil urease activity .

  25. 各蛋白质组分含量对SIG的通径分析结果为:谷蛋白含量对SIG值的影响最大,其中不溶性谷蛋白含量起主导作用。

    Through a path analysis , it is revealed that the glutenin content has the greatest influence on the swelling index of glutenin , with the insoluble glutenin content as the key factor ;

  26. Chemtrol截止阀具有两种类型,角形和Y形,可以在任何所给通径的阀门范围内使用可互换部件。

    Both styles of Chemtrol Globe Valves , the angle and the Y-pattern , utilize interchangeable components within any given valve size .

  27. 通径分析结果:不同蛋白源日粮组转录谱差异表达基因参与的信号通路相似,主要显著通路有PPAR信号通路、氨基糖代谢、T细胞受体信号通路以及脂肪代谢等通路(p<0.01)。

    Pathway analysis : The signal pathways that the differentially expressed genes participated in both treatments were similar , including PPAR signaling pathway , Aminosugars metabolism , T cell receptor signaling pathway and so on . These pathways changed obviously after weanling ( p0.01 ) . 5 .

  28. 基于结构方程的PLS通径建模方法能够处理复杂影响因素之间的关系,并能计算出潜变量得分等独有优势,为进行收益质量分析提供了很好的方法。

    PLS path modeling method , based structural equation , can handle complex relationships between factors , and can calculate the latent variable scores and other unique advantages , provides a good way for the purpose of earnings quality analysis .

  29. 遗传相关和表型相关分析表明生化性状与泌乳性能关系密切;通径分析表明RNA,S-HT,CAMP,CGMP之间对泌乳是正向协同作用。

    The analysis of genetic and phenotypic correlation indicates that biochemical traits are closely related to milk production characters , path analysis also shows that RNA , 5-HT , CAMP CGMP have the positive effects of coordination with each other in milk production charaters or traits .

  30. 通径分析显示,接生过程的消毒、婴儿性别和脐带残端包裹为直接影响NT发生的主要因素,其通径系数分别为0.532、0.212、0.212,分别占总直接影响的42.765%、17.039%、17.039%;

    Disinfection in delivery , baby gender and umbilical cord wrapping with dressing were main risk factors according to path analysis with coefficients of 0.532, 0.212 and 0.212 respectively , accounting for 42.765 % , 17.039 % and 17.039 % of the total factors , respectively .