
  • 网络signal;DI-P;through signal
  1. 其中BMP具有非常重要的作用,通过信号转导,具有诱导干细胞成骨的作用。

    BMPs has a very important role in the process through signal transduction .

  2. 该系统以PLC的先进功能特别是高速计数功能为核心,通过信号控制和数据运算,实现铸坯切割的自动定尺。

    According to the core of PLC ′ s advanced functions , especially its high-speed count function , the automatic cut to length is realized by signal control and data computing .

  3. 这种新方法通过信号子空间的奇异值和奇异向量得到CDMA系统的线性最小均方误差(MMSE)多用户检测器。

    The proposed detector uses singular values and singular vectors of the signal subspace in a linear MMSE multiuser detector for the DS CDMA system .

  4. 分别将淋巴瘤淋巴结标本和反应性增生淋巴结标本的mRNA与表达谱芯片杂交,通过信号扫描、处理后获得两者的表达差异基因。

    Methods The mRNA of the tissue from the lymphoma and reactive lymph node are marked with biotin respectively and hybridized with expression profile microarray , and the differential expressed genes are obtained .

  5. 匹配跟踪(MP)算法是一种冗余算法,通过信号x在所选择的最佳向量(最佳基)上的反复正交投影而逼近原信号。

    Matching pursuit ( MP ) algorithm is a redundant algorithm , which approximates raw signals by an orthogonal projection on the selected best vectors ( the best atoms ) of signal x.

  6. 方法分别制备卵巢癌原发灶和肝转移灶组织标本mRNA,线性扩增后与人类寡核苷酸芯片杂交,通过信号扫描、处理后获得两者的表达差异基因。

    [ Method ] The mRNA of the tissues from the in situ site and hepatic metastasis were extracted respectively and hybridized with human oligo microarray after amplification , and the differentially expressed genes were obtained .

  7. 其次,使用无缺陷的钢板,在理想状态下激发单一模式的Lamb波,通过信号采集系统对信号进行采集,保存数据后,将采集信号进行处理,进一步了解了Lamb的频散特性。

    Second , it used the faultless steel plate to stimulate Lamb wave of single pattern in ideal condition , collected signal through the signal acquisition system , and saved these data .

  8. 采用红外调制光源,通过信号处理等一系列技术手段实现了该定位系统对有效的位置信号的提取,提高了系统的环境适应性和观测系统的鲁棒性,保证了测量系统的3D位置测量精度。

    The modulated infrared source and a series of method of signal processing is applied to realize the acquisition of the available signal . The adapting ability and the robustness of the location system is improved and the 3D measurement precision is guaranteed .

  9. BCI的技术关键在于通过信号分析、特征提取和模式识别等方法从脑电信号中识别出大脑思维操作意图,并将之转换为控制命令。

    The critical step in BCI is how to using signal processing , feature extraction and pattern recognition techniques to extract mind intents and transform them to output operation commands .

  10. 其中Toll样受体9识别细菌和病毒DNA中的CpG基序,然后通过信号转导激活B细胞、树突状细胞以及产生各种细胞因子最终导致自身抗体的产生和免疫网络的失衡。

    Toll-like receptor 9 recognizes CpG motifs in microbial DNA . Then through the signal transfer , B lymphocytes and dendritic cells are activated , meanwhile different kinds of cytokines appear . At last , autoantibodies are produced and the immune network turns to be unbalanced .

  11. 在激光器的压电陶瓷(PZT)上,加上交流调制信号和直流扫描电压,通过信号检测、相敏检波、积分和高压放大等伺服回路,实现了在多普勒曲线中心处的频率稳定。

    The frequency stabilization at the center of Doppler curve has been realized after signal detecting , phase sensitive detecting , integrating and high voltage amplifying circuits with an AC modulated signal and a DC scanning voltage applied to the PZT of laser .

  12. 二频机抖激光陀螺(DRLG)是应用最广泛的一种RLG,它通过信号读出装置输出两路相位差为π/2的正弦拍频信号。

    The mechanical dithered ring laser gyro ( DRLG ) is the most widely used one in all kinds of RLG . Two beat frequency signals with π / 2 phase difference are generated in DRLG by signal readout apparatus .

  13. 在硬件上,CSP-CAT硬件系统通过信号转换箱与原CSP实验台中的C7控制器相连,当操作屏上的CAT/C7旋钮处于CAT位置时,被试阀及其控制信号被接入CSP-CAT系统进行控制与测试。

    On the hardware , CSP-CAT hardware system links with C_7 controller of original CSP bedstand by signal converse case . When CAT / C7 knob is on the place of " CAT ", the tested valve and control signal are joined to CSP-CAT system .

  14. 细胞通过信号传导通路将来自细胞外各种刺激传导入细胞核内,调节基因的表达,从而使细胞产生增殖、分化、凋亡等生命活动。

    A plethora of extracellular stimuli were transmitted into the nucleus through signal transduction pathway .

  15. 信息通过信号作为荷载者进行传递、交换。

    Signal is the loader of information , which is used to transfer and exchange information .

  16. 通过信号频域分析找出测点各方向的振动位移幅值,结合规范规定初步判定该结构在风振作用下,振动位移过大是否满足规范要求。

    By signal frequency domain analysis to find the various measuring points in all directions vibration displacement amplitude .

  17. 目的通过信号检测理论和心理物理学实验来研究人体感觉系统中噪声增强感觉的现象。

    Objective To study the stochastic resonance phenomenon in biological sensory systems through signal detection theories and psychophysical experiments .

  18. 不同的目标信号携带不同的信息,分类识别的关键是通过信号处理寻找目标的不变特征。

    Different objects ' signals bring different information . Finding invariant characteristics is the key of target classification and identification .

  19. 任务间通过信号量机制实现同步与互斥,通过消息和邮箱机制实现任务间的通信。

    Inter-tasks use semaphore mechanism to achieve synchronization and exclusion , and use message and mail mechanisms to achieve communication .

  20. 数据预处理模块主要通过信号放大电路以及滤波电路对传感器的信号进行放大、滤波等处理。

    The analogy signal is amplified and filtered by data preliminary procession block , such as amplify circuits and filter circuits .

  21. 对于大多数得肿瘤的成人,癌细胞是由于控制回路为了应对恶劣环境通过信号通路重组而导致的。

    For most tumors of the adult , cancer cells result from the rewiring of control circuits in response to a hostile environment .

  22. 通过信号分析与处理的方法,提取出与金属和非金属粘接状态和粘接质量有关的特征量。

    Extracting the features related to the adhesive state and quality between metal and nonmetal , through the methods of signal analysing and processing .

  23. 活性氧通过信号通路介导心肌细胞肥大和凋亡;通过灭活一氧化氮等机制导致内皮功能紊乱。

    Reactive oxygen species can mediate signalling pathways in cardiac hypertrophy and cardiomyocyte apoptosis , and lead to endothelial dysfunction by inactivating nitrogen monoxide .

  24. 因此,采用高精度线加速度计并通过信号处理提高其精度,以及实现加速度到速度和距离的高精度转换具有现实的意义。

    So it is provided with the practical significance to improve precision and realize the high precision transform from acceleration to velocity and distance .

  25. 对采集信号进行滤波处理,通过信号的存储和回放模块,对信号进行存储,以便离线分析。

    Filtering the collected signals , through the signal storage and playback module , the signal is stored in order to off-line analysis . 3 .

  26. 通过信号预处理使漏磁信号图像化,并提出一种基于管道漏磁检测技术的缺陷几何特征量化的方法。

    Through the preprocessor so that the MFL signals into image , and presents the methods of quantitative recognition for the measure of defects base on MFL inspection .

  27. 本文在抽象的混杂系统模型基础上,给出混杂系统的符号模式系统,使对混杂系统的控制由通过信号控制变为对符号的操作。

    And the model is elevated to the hybrid system symbolic mode . The manner of controlling hybrid systems is changed from operating signals to handling symbols . 2 .

  28. 在自动控制系统中,起调控功能的过程是系统中各个部分之间通过信号进行的传递和反馈;

    In the automatic control system , the regulation and control function is the transmission and feedback that are carried on through the signal among each part of the system .

  29. 光耦合非接触式测温传感器用热电阻直接测量温度,然后通过信号的转换,最后以光信号形式将温度信号非接触传送出去。

    A non-contact temperature transducer based on light coupling detects the temperature directly with resistance thermometer , and then transports the signal by a non-contact method in order to obtain high accuracy .

  30. 其基本原理是:利用摄像机获得对象的二维图像信息,通过信号转换将图象信息转变成计算机能接受的数字图象[6]。

    Its fundamental principal is that it can acquire the two-dimension image information by using cameras and can convert the image information into digital image that the computer can accept by using signal conversion .