
  • 网络communication theory;Statistical Communication Theory
  1. 最后提出几个值得探索的研究方向,如:寻求一种新的适合分析非正弦窄脉冲的UWB系统的无线通信理论等。

    Finally , several valuable research directions are put forward , such as seeking a new wireless communications theory adapted to analyze nonsinusoidal UWB impulse radio , etc.

  2. 布朗运动及其本位主义已广泛地出现在许多纯科学领域中,如物理,经济,通信理论,生物,管理科学与数理统计等。

    Brownian motion has been widely popular in many purely scientific fields , such as physics 、 economics 、 communications theory 、 biology 、 management science and mathematical statistics .

  3. 其次在对扩频通信理论的分析基础上,提出了一种适合在FPGA上实现的方案,并进行了设计和仿真验证。

    Second , on the base of analysis of spectrum communication , I come up a suitable solution than can be realized on FPGA .

  4. 信道编译码一直是通信理论中的研究热点,低密度奇偶校验码(Low-DensityParity-CheckCodes,LDPC)就是研究热点之一。

    The channel coding theory is a hot research on communication system , and one of them is Low-density-parity-check codes ( LDPC ) .

  5. 本文首先介绍了链路自适应涉及到的部分通信理论,然后描述了自适应编码、功率控制、自动请求重传、OFDM动态资源分配、联合信源信道编码等常用的链路自适应技术。

    Link adaptation , such as Adaptive Modulation Coding , Power Control , Automatic Repeat Request , OFDM dynamic resource allocation technology and joint source channel coding technology etc , are described .

  6. 在这些通信理论和工程技术的指导下,完成了QPSK数字通信系统的软硬件设计和调试。

    With these communication theory and engineering technology guidance , the author has fulfilled the software and hardware design and debugging of QPSK digital communication system .

  7. 结果表明,MATLAB软件的引入可以使光纤通信理论中一些枯燥乏味的数学理论,转变为直观、清晰的图形化显示,从而有利于学生的理解,提高教学的质量和效率。

    The abstract mathematical theories in optical communication technique can be turned into the visualization display by the introduction of MATLAB . The method helps the understanding of the students to the course and improves the efficiency and quality in class .

  8. Radon变换在实际应用中必须考虑抽样取值的问题,通信理论中常用的Shannon取样定理在地球物理学等领域中并不适用,因为它要求函数是频谱有限的。

    In practical application of Radon Transform , we must consider the sampling problem . The Shannon sampling theorem is not suitable in geophysics , because it needs the function considered being band-limited .

  9. 主要内容如下:首先,对GNSS系统做了总体的介绍,从源端分析了卫星信号的特征,并对接收机的通信理论做了详细阐述。

    The main contents are as follows : First , it introduced an overview of GNSS system and analysis of the characteristics of the satellite signal . The communication theories of receiver are described deeply .

  10. 基于弹性存贮器的SDH网络指针处理原理是理解SDH通信理论的关键和难点,文章对此进行了详细解释,以帮助有关设计人员理解指针处理的实现过程。

    It is the Pointer Adjustment principle based on the Elastic Store that is the most difficult and important to understand the principle of SDH . This paper gives a detailed description for it to help you to understand the process of Pointer Adjustment .

  11. 1949年,C.E.Shannon发表了保密系统的通信理论一文,为密码学奠定了坚实的理论基础,使密码学成为了一门真正的学科。

    In 1949 , C. E. Shannon announced the paper " Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems " which learned to establish the solid theories foundation and make the cryptography become a real subject .

  12. 一种基于现代通信理论的图像质量评价技术

    An Assessment of Image Quality Based on Modern Communication Theory

  13. 空时处理始终是通信理论界的一个活跃领域。

    Space-time processing has always been an active area in the communication field .

  14. 关于计算机网络中数据通信理论的探讨

    Investigation about the theory of data-communications in computer networks

  15. 第4章阐述了数字水印技术与现代通信理论及信号检测理论的关系;

    And in Chapter 4 , the process of watermarking embedding and detection are discussed .

  16. 量子通信理论研究

    Study on the Theory of Quantum Communication

  17. 地下感应式通信理论的研究

    The Research of Subsurface Induced Communication Theory

  18. 译码错误率问题是通信理论和实践当中的一个基本问题。

    Decoding error probability is one of the fundamental problems in the communication theory and practice .

  19. 井下漏泄通信理论分析及系统实现方案探讨

    Theory Analysis of the Leaky Communication in Underground and Discussion on Actualizing Projects of the System

  20. 现代通信理论最重要的两个分支&信息论与最佳接收理论,是支撑当代通信技术飞速发展的两块坚实的理论柱石。

    Information theory and optimal receiver theory are the two most important branches of modern communication theory .

  21. 这些结果推广了保密系统的通信理论,对密码体制的设计和理解提供了帮助。

    These results develop communication theory of secrecy system and help to design and understanding of cryptosystem .

  22. 在信息论和通信理论中,用来传递信息的一种有序的字符系列。

    In information theory and communication theory , an ordered series of characters intended to convey information .

  23. 基于这些通信理论基础,本文详细论述了分布式干扰的核心组网技术。

    Based on that , the core of networking technology of distributed jamming is discussed in detail .

  24. 通信理论和技术的态势

    On communication theory and techniques

  25. 移动信道中信号的传播特性是移动通信理论研究的基础。

    How the signal travels in the mobile communication channels is the foundation of mobile communication theories and researches .

  26. 提出了改进的办法,并将其运用于超窄带通信理论,得到了正确的结果。

    After advancing an improved method and using it into the UNB communication theory again , we find the right result .

  27. 基于信道特性研究的基础上,建立信道模型、实现仿真是对无线通信理论分析和系统设计既经济又有效的手段。

    Channel characteristics research , radio channel model and simulation are the base of the wireless communication theory analyses and systems designs .

  28. 另外,与经典通信理论类似,量子通信的理论基础也有待进一步的改善。

    In addition , similar to the theory of classical communication , the fundmental theory of quantum communication is required to be established .

  29. 本文首先分析、归纳了基于通信理论和基于信息论的两种数字水印技术分析方法。

    At first , this paper summaries and analyzes two digital watermarking technology analysis methods which base on communication theory and information theory .

  30. 然而,随着无线通信理论的进步和技术的发展,新的无线通信系统不断涌现,无线业务也在不断膨胀。

    However , as the development of theories and technologies , new wireless communication systems are keeping emerging , and wireless services are expanding .