
  • 网络Tonghua City
  1. 加入WTO,会使中国农业经济与世界经济形成一体化,也必将波及吉林省通化市农业经济。

    Chinese entrance into WTO will make Chinese agricultural economy and world economy form an integrity . It will also infect the agricultural economy of Tonghua city of him province .

  2. 本文以GIS在通化市邮政局邮政物流配送系统中的应用为例,为了解决邮件的分拣环节存在的问题,运用计算机系统来简化处理流程,共享分拣和配送信息。

    All in Tonghua City Post Office postal logistics and distribution systems development , for example , to address the sorting of mail link problems and the use of computer systems to simplify the processing procedures , information sharing sorting and delivery .

  3. 通化市农村剩余劳动力的有效转移

    The Effective Transference of Countryside Surplus Labor Force in Tonghua City

  4. 通化市邮政局办公自动化系统分析与设计

    Design and Analysis the OAS of the Post Office in TongHua City

  5. 通化市中小学普遍存在体育场地和设施短缺的现象。

    There exists a widely shortage of stadium and equipment .

  6. 通化市环境地貌与城市建设研究

    Features on Environmental Geomorphology and Urban Construction of Tonghua City

  7. 浅谈通化市生活垃圾的处理及防治措施

    Talking about the Disposal of Rubbish and Prevention Measures of Tonghua City

  8. 通化市城镇体系调整与优化研究

    The Research about the Adjustment and Perfection of Urban System in Tonghua

  9. 通化市水稻高产群体的形成要素分析

    Analysis on Formative Factors of High Yielding Population of Rice in Tonghua District

  10. 浅议通化市环境保护公众参与现状

    Study on Public Participation and Current Situation of Environmental Protection in Tonghua City

  11. 吉林省通化市地质灾害气象预报预警方法介绍

    Weather forecast warning methods of geological disasters of Tonghua City , Jilin Province

  12. 通化市肾综合征出血热宿主动物的调查研究

    Investigation on the host animals of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome in Tonghua city

  13. 浅析通化市森林分类经营

    Discuss on Forest Classification Management of Tonghua

  14. 2008年通化市暗娼人群艾滋病知识知晓及性行为情况调查

    Investigation on AIDS Knowledge and Behavior among Commercial Sex Workers in Tonghua City in 2008

  15. 现代通讯条件下通化市森林防火无线电通讯二级网的建设思路与探讨

    Discussion on building second forest fire control network under modern communication condition in Tonghua City

  16. 关于通化市生态建设的探讨

    Discuss on Ecological Development of Tonghua City

  17. 通化市哈泥河饮用水源污染现状及防治对策

    Current Situation and Countermeasures of Drinking Water Resource Pollution for Hani River in Tonghua City

  18. 浅论通化市环境与可持续发展

    Environment of Tonghua City and Sustainable Development

  19. 通化市蚕业生产发展对策

    Countermeasure on Developing Tonghua Silk Industry

  20. 通化市900名孕妇、哺乳期妇女碘营养水平检测结果分析

    The Iodine nutrition level analysis of 900 cases pregnant and lactation period woman in Tonghua city

  21. 中国移动吉林公司通化市分公司班组文化建设研究

    Cultural Construction of Teams and Groups in Tonghua City , Jilin , China Mobile 's Branch

  22. 通化市2008年妇幼保健监测及年报质量控制督导结果分析

    Quality Control Analysis of Monitoring and Supervision of Women and Children in 2008 , Tonghua City

  23. 结论:说明通化市孕妇、哺乳期妇女在一定程度上存在碘营养水平不足的情况。

    Conclusion : The results showed that pregnant and lactation period women were iodine nutrition deficiency on the some degree .

  24. 吉林东部山区坡度等级上景观格局分异研究&以通化市为例

    Landscape Heterogeneity Analysis on Gradient Scale of Mountainous Area in Eastern Jilin Province & A Case Study of Tonghua City

  25. 为加强通化市中小学学校体育工作提供理论依据。

    Therefore , we could provide some theoretical foundation to strengthen the P.E education for elementary and secondary school in Tonghua .

  26. 同时,为通化市其他尚处于零散、规模不经济的林木小企业未来的发展提供了借鉴意义。

    Meanwhile , our study provides a reference for the future development of the rest Still fragmented , diseconomies of scale small enterprises .

  27. 在深入调查的基础上本文分析了通化市环保产业的现状和存在的问题,并提出了相应的对策和建议。

    On the basis of deep investigation this paper analyzes the actuality and problem of environmental protection industry of Tonghua City , and put forwards some countermeasure and suggestion .

  28. 北京警方透露,这名嫌疑人姓高,25岁,来自吉林省通化市,他在三里屯酒吧南口毫无缘由地砍伤两名被害人。

    Beijing police said the 25-year-old suspect , surnamed Gao , who is from Tonghua , Jilin province , attacked the two without provocation at the " south entrance of Sanlitun Bar Street . "

  29. 多年冻土区公路路基阴阳坡温度及变形差异分析吉林东部山区坡度等级上景观格局分异研究&以通化市为例

    TEMPERATURE AND DEFORMATION DIFFERENCES BETWEEN SOUTHERN AND NORTHERN SLOPES OF HIGHWAY EMBANKMENT ON PERMAFROST Landscape Heterogeneity Analysis on Gradient Scale of Mountainous Area in Eastern Jilin Province & A Case Study of Tonghua City

  30. 主要研究结论如下:(1)通化市1951-1980年平均地面温度变化呈上升趋势,平均上升速度为0.34℃/10a。

    The main findings are following : ( 1 ) The annual average surface temperature are on the rise with an average increase rate of 0.34 ℃ / 10 years in 1951-1980 in Tonghua City .