
dù jià cūn
  • Resort;holiday village;vacational village;holiday tour arena;tourist place to spend one's holidays
度假村 [dù jià cūn]
  • [tourist place to spend one's holidays;holiday tour arena] 供度假用的大型旅游场所

度假村[dù jià cūn]
  1. 入住宾馆,稍事休息,到国家AAAA级风景区山东盈泰生态温泉度假村用晚餐,泡温泉。

    Stay in the hotel and take a rest for a while , then go to the national AAAA-level scenic spot Shandong Yingtai Ecological Spa Holiday Village to have supper and bath in hot spring .

  2. 武夷山中华民俗风情旅游度假村概念规划

    Conceptual Planning for " China Folk-custom Tourism Holiday Village " in Mount Wuyi

  3. 该公司凭借其新开发的“中央公园”度假村而赚了个盆满钵满。

    The company has struck gold with its new holiday development , Center Parcs .

  4. 这种早餐在亚洲和太平洋地区特别受欢迎,尤其在泰国、斐济和马尔代夫等地气候温暖的私人度假村。

    These breakfasts are particularly popular in Asia and the Pacific , especially at warm-weather private villa resorts in places like Thailand , Fiji and the Maldives .

  5. 如果哪天晚上你想暂离度假村,不妨去看看今春举办的周三夜旧城艺术之旅(OldTownArtWalk)。

    For a nighttime resort respite , check out the Old Town Art Walk on Wednesday evenings this spring .

  6. 最近几年开张了许多新酒店,包括丽嘉集团的普雷湾(PhulayBay)度假村。

    A number of hotels have opened in recent years , including Phulay Bay , a Ritz-Carlton property .

  7. 我的目的地是HumberValley度假村,这是2002年开放的。

    I am headed for Humber Valley Resort , which opened in2002 .

  8. 休眠事件是欧洲唯一的事件致力于酒店度假村VI设计,开发和架构。

    The Sleep Event is Europe ′ s only event devoted to hotel design , development , and architecture .

  9. 维拉滩更像一个家庭度假村,当地居民、房地产经纪人彼得梅森(PeterMason)说。

    Vera Playa is very much a family resort , says local resident and estate agent Peter Mason .

  10. 夜晚,我们在莫干山选择了从老景区往山下、位于半山腰的一处相对较新的度假村,名叫NakedRetreats。

    For our one-night stay , we pick a relatively new place down the mountain from the old resort area .

  11. 例如,在clubmed,度假村经理叫作“chefdevillage”,即“村长”。

    At Club Med , for instance , the resort manager is called the " Chef de village " , or in English , " village chief " .

  12. Spa指水疗,凡是与spa相关的地方(包括温泉度假村)一般都提供各种各样的身体保健项目。

    The term spa is associated with water treatment , spa towns or spa resorts ( including hot springs resorts ) typically offer various health treatments .

  13. 我在PointsHound网站搜出了200多家酒店,包括奥兰多华尔道夫-阿斯多利亚饭店(WaldorfAstoriaOrlando)、奥兰多沃特迪士尼世界度假村(WaltDisneyWorldResort)和迪士尼当代度假村(Disney’sContemporaryResort)的四季酒店(FourSeasonsOrlando)。

    PointsHound turned up more than 200 hotels , including the Waldorf Astoria Orlando , Four Seasons Orlando at Walt Disney World Resort and Disney 's Contemporary Resort .

  14. 波拉波拉岛四季度假村(TheFourSeasonsResortBoraBora)计划于今年8月推出浪漫客房服务菜单,包括为情侣提供拍照服务。

    The Four Seasons Resort Bora Bora is planning to unveil a ' Romance ' room-service menu in August that will feature a couples ' photo session .

  15. 度假村由新西兰LuxuryLodges酒店协会主席穆雷•麦考(MurrayMcCaw)及其妻子伊莱恩(Elaine)重新翻建。

    The lodge has been transformed by Murray McCaw , chair of Luxury Lodges of New Zealand , and his wife Elaine .

  16. 东方乐园株式会社(OrientalLandCo)负责管理东京迪士尼度假村(TokyoDisneyResort)。该公司已经关闭了旗下的公园和酒店,以对损失进行评估。

    Oriental Land Co. , which runs the Tokyo Disney Resort , has closed its parks and hotels to assess damages , but it 's planning to announce a reopening later this month .

  17. 在周六的节目之前,Sasha和Malia就被发现在度假村泳池旁边戏水。

    Before Saturday 's show , Sasha and Malia were spotted splashing around the resort 's pool .

  18. 墨西哥网球公开赛即将于周一在太平洋阿卡普尔科度假村开始。比赛开始之前,职业网球联合会ATP提醒参赛选手注意安全。

    The professional tennis association , the ATP , has warned players about security ahead of the start of the Mexican Open in the Pacific resort of Acapulco on Monday .

  19. 来自俄勒冈州班德(Bend)的摄影师格兰特・米达尔(GrantMyrdal)为胡德山草地滑雪度假村(MountHoodMeadowsSkiResort)雪坡上的滑雪者们照相。

    Grant Myrdal , a photographer from Bend , Ore. , offers shoots with skiers and snowboarders on the slopes of Mount Hood Meadows Ski Resort . '

  20. 晚餐期间,我们为葡萄酒如何搭配争得不亦乐乎;我们争着解读斯蒂夫•诺里斯为推销千洞湾度假村而想出的词:“luxurywithaconscience”(用心打造奢华)。

    Over dinner and an increasingly voluble debate about wine matching we wrestled with a phrase coined by my tour operator to sell the lodges : " luxury with a conscience . "

  21. 将你自己置身于新开业的安缦威尼斯度假村(AmanCanalGrande)内。该度假村坐落在里阿尔托桥(RialtoBridge)附近,由一处罕见的宫殿翻修建成。

    Park yourself at the newly opened Aman Canal Grande , a restored and rare palazzo monumentale near the Rialto Bridge ( amanresorts . com ) .

  22. 经济繁荣、MTV播放的是具有异国情调的度假村,《老友记》描绘了年轻人居住在曼哈顿宽敞舒适的公寓里。

    The economy boomed , MTV broadcasted from exotic spring-break locales , Friends portrayed young adults living comfortably in roomy apartments in Manhattan .

  23. 体育与好客天性将在CromlixHouseHotel酒店完美相融,这座有15间客房的度假村由邓布兰(Dunblane)一座维多利亚风格的楼房改建而成,是本地名人、网球冠军安迪·莫瑞(AndyMurray)的产业,预计在4月份开张。—

    Sports and hospitality will meet at Cromlix House Hotel , a 15-room resort that the tennis champion and local hero Andy Murray plans to open in April in a Victorian mansion in Dunblane . -

  24. 这里两万平方英尺的spa浴场有一个瑜伽和普拉提练习室、一个健身中心和一个水疗室,此外度假村还提供鸡尾酒调制课程和舞蹈课程。

    The 20,000-square-foot spa has a studio for yoga and Pilates , a fitness center and a hydrotherapy circuit , but the resort also offers cocktail-making tutorials and dance classes .

  25. 度假村之外的蓬塔卡纳也能找到很多活动,比如高空滑索、骑马以及殖民区(ColonialZone)一日游。该殖民区是联合国教科文组织的世界遗产地之一。

    Outside the grounds , in Punta Cana , one can also find activities such as zip lines , horseback riding and day trips to see the Zona Colonial ( Colonial Zone ), a Unesco World Heritage site .

  26. 此外,定于2014年竣工的bahamar项目将对另一个热门旅游目的地亚特兰蒂斯度假村(atlantisresort)的领先地位提出挑战。

    Meanwhile the BAHA Mar project , due to be completed in 2014 , will challenge the pre-eminence of the Atlantis resort as the cool tourist destination .

  27. 公司产品主要用于办公写字楼、高级会所、豪华KTV、休闲度假村、星级酒店和别墅豪宅等高档室内外场所;

    Our products are mainly used at Office Building ; High Club ; KTV ; Villa Village ; Luxurious Hotel and other luxurious building .

  28. 太浩湖地区正在复苏,斯阔谷(SquawValley)与Homewood等度假村都在努力改进,试图申办2026年冬奥会。

    Tahoe is resurgent , as resorts from Squaw Valley to Homewood undertake improvements with an eye toward bidding for the 2026 Winter Olympics .

  29. 游戏的剧情由电影制片人拉里o法森顿和格拉哈姆o雷兹尼克与游戏开发商SupermassiveGames精心打造。故事中,八位好友被困在遥远的山区度假村,还有一名不受限制的精神病人。

    The story , which was crafted by filmmakers Larry Fessenden and Graham Reznick alongside game developers Supermassive Games , traps eight friends in a remote mountain getaway with a psycho on the loose .

  30. 这里是佛吉尼亚Fairfax镇的老镇宠物度假村,或许这是世界上最奢华的宠物度假村。

    This is the Old Town Pet Resort in Fairfax County , Virginia , the most luxurious largest pet resort in the , probably in the world .