
  • 网络Measuring System
  1. 目前国际上通用的度量衡制度有米制、英制和美制。

    The commonly used systems in the world are the Metric System , the British System and the U.S.System .

  2. 第三个方面是分析货币改革的背景和内容,特别强调统一货币样式、单位及度量衡制度的建立。

    The third aspect analyzed the background and content of monetary reform , in particular emphasized that the establishment of a unified monetary model and unit , and a unified weights and measures system .

  3. 方药剂量一直以来都是反映方剂配伍规律的重要因素。影响古方剂量的不统一,主要原因是朝代的变迁,度量衡单位制度的发展变化所致。

    As an important factor that reflects the rules of formula compatibility , the dosage of ancient formula is mainly influenced by the vicissitudes of dynasties and development and changes of the metrological unit system .