
yán zhì qī
  • Delay period;lag period
  1. 实验结果表明外源CaM能明显抑制粟酒裂殖酵母细胞的增殖,其作用方式是延长了粟酒裂殖酵母细胞生长的延滞期。

    The results indicated that exogenous CaM could obviously inhibit the proliferation of S. pombe via elongating the growth lag phase of S. pombe .

  2. 结果:患者组血清中LDL氧化易感性明显增强(表现为延滞期缩短),即易形成OXLDL。

    Results : The sensitivity of low density lipoprotein oxidation was significantly increased ( phase_lag was shortened ) .

  3. 提出了由一组热爆炸温度和实测爆炸延滞期数据计算含能材料热爆炸临界温度(Tb)的一种数值方法。

    A numerical method for computing the critical temperature ( T b ) of thermal explosion of energetic materials from a set of data of thermal explosion temperature ( T I ) and determined explosion induction ( t I ) is presented .

  4. 以单细胞的真核模式生物裂殖酵母(S.pombe)为材料,研究钙与细胞增殖的关系。结果表明,外源钙浓度的增加能明显缩短群体生长的延滞期,促进细胞增殖。

    Taking an example of unicellular eukaryotic organisms fission yeast Schizosaccharomyces pombe ( S.pombe ) , the effects of Ca 2 + on cell proliferation were studied .

  5. 该蓝藻(南极蓝藻-B)的生长曲线表明,0~6d有一个明显的延滞期,第6天进入对数生长期,第20天达到生长稳定期。

    The growth curve of Cyanophyceae-B showed that there was an obvious lag phage in the first 6 days . The log phage then began on the 6th day and on the 20th day the stationary phage was reached .

  6. 其燃烧与环境温度有着密切的关系,当非绝热semenov数处于亚临界和临界值时,爆炸延滞期延长。

    The combustion of emulsion explosive matrix is nearly relational with the temperature of the environment , the delayed-action time will extend when the non-adiabatic semenov parameter is around the critical value .

  7. 测试和分析了B/KNO3、硝酸肼镍(NHN)和Zr/KClO4的激光点火感度和点火延滞期等激光点火特性。

    The main works and achievements are presented as follow : ( 1 ) Research on the ignition characteristics of B / KNO_3 、 Nickel Hydrazine Nitrate and Zr / KClO_4 of different mass ratio initiated by laser , i.e. , ignition sensitivity , ignition delay time .

  8. 均一温度系统的热爆炸和起爆延滞期

    Thermal explosion and times-to-ignition in uniform - temperature systems

  9. 温度具有空间分布的系统的热爆炸和起爆延滞期&Ⅱ.反应物消耗的影响

    Thermal explosion and times-to-ignition in systems with distributed temperatures ⅱ the influence of reactant consumption

  10. 在将乙酸加入自养藻液后,随着乙酸浓度的增加,细胞生长的延滞期变长,当乙酸浓度为1%时完全抑制了生长。

    As the acetate concentration increased cells needed a longer lag phase to grow , and 1 % acetate completely inhibited growth .

  11. 细胞悬浮培养的第0-3天为延滞期,3-18天为对数生长期,18-30天为平衡期和衰亡期。

    In the cell suspension culture , 0-3 d was lag phase , 3-18 d was exponential phase and 18-30 d was stationary phase .

  12. 一旦环境温度超过临界爆炸温度,随环境温度的升高,爆炸延滞期将变短;

    Once the temperature of the environment exceeds the critical explosion temperature , the delayed-action time will shorten along with the temperature of the environment ascending ;

  13. 结果表明,激光辐照可进一步促进紫外诱变株的生理活性,表现在生长延滞期的缩短和生长周期的延长。

    The results showed that the physiological activity of strains irradiated by UV could be promoted by laser , result in lag phase shorted and life cycle extended .

  14. 经两种不同方法破碎后,延滞期细胞的毒性有很大差异,冻融后的细胞毒力比超声波破碎后的毒力大。

    Toxicity of the cells in the lag phase broken by freezing-thawing method was more stronger than that by supersonic method , that meant the toxicity of cells was lowered after the supersonic treatment .

  15. 尽管方案三相对方案一而言成本略有增加,但是通过模拟结果获知,方案三可以更快的缩短加热初期的时间,即减小其微生物生长延滞期和指数期,快速达到微生物生长的稳定期。

    The simulation results shows that although the cost of scheme three increase slightly compared with scheme one , but it could shortened initial heating time , reduce the microbial growth lag and exponential phase and reach stable growth of microorganisms .

  16. 对融合子进行生长试验,发现其生长过程中延滞期稍长于葡萄酒酵母1450,对数生长期变短,与亲本葡萄酒酵母1450几乎同时达到稳定期。

    According as the experiment of growth , during the fusant growth process , the arrearage period was longer than wine yeast 1450 , the logarithm growth period became shorter , and it reached to the stable period with parent wine yeast 1450 almost at the same time .