
  • 网络Delay time;intercept time
  1. 最重要的是,这些app可利用输入的数据计算出准确的月经周期,在经期延迟时向年轻女孩发出警报,甚至可以告诉她为何她会情绪低落。

    Most important , the apps transform the input into crunchable data that can tell a young woman when her period is due , when it 's late and even why she might be feeling so blue .

  2. 发生延迟时总是最小化此消息。

    Always minimize this message when a delay occurs .

  3. 转换波延迟时静校正

    P-SV converted wave static corrections by delay times

  4. 用延迟时方法联合表层调查资料建立较合理的初始模型;

    Using delay - time method and surface survey data to build reasonable initial model ;

  5. 当一个扩音器播放的录音比其他扩音器稍有延迟时,志愿者无法跟随录音一起呐喊。

    The men could not follow the chant when one loudspeaker played a little behind the others .

  6. 文中推荐的仪器系统延迟时测试方法,可较好的解决误差过大的问题。

    The test method of instrumental delay recommended by the paper can better solve the problem of large errors .

  7. 当采用相关法估计时间延迟时,多径时延的分辨率受到相关函数主(?)宽度的限制。

    Multipath time delay estimation is constrained by the width of the signal correlation function when using correlation method .

  8. 当网络控制系统存在非线性随机延迟时,不能直接使用传统的控制方法。

    Traditional control methods can 't be applied directly into Networked Control System ( NCS ) with nonlinear random delays .

  9. 当用户与远程环境有通讯延迟时,可利用虚拟环境预显示系统进行实时操作;

    Me operator also rely on pre-display system of VE to finish real-time tele-operation , when there are communication postpone ;

  10. 文中给出了转换波延迟时静校正量的计算公式,并用实际地震数据进行了检验。

    The paper gave computational formula of converted wave statics by delay times and proved the method by practical seismic data .

  11. 本文研究线性系统状态反馈控制存在延迟时的镇定问题。

    This paper studies the stabilization problem of the linear control systems in which there exists time-delay in the state feedback .

  12. 结合实例介绍了在流水网络计划图上标画实际进度前锋线,利用延迟时距对进度偏差进行分析的流水网络施工进度动态监测方法。

    Give an example of how to realize it by drawing the vanguard line and analyzing schedule deflection with delay distance .

  13. 专家发现,当接通被延迟时,打电话者会觉得很沮丧,他们的精神压力和血压会上升到非常危险的高度。

    Experts found callers'stress levels and blood pressure rise dangerously high as they become frustrated with the delay in getting through .

  14. 当执行遭到延迟时,需要快速响应时间、获得竞争优势的业务计划也会受挫。

    The business initiatives that demand quick response times and are geared towards gaining competitive advantage lose steam when execution is delayed .

  15. 当一个线程由于等待完成I/O处理而被延迟时,另一个线程可执行一些有用的工作。

    While one thread is delayed awaiting completion of an I / O , another thread is able to do useful work .

  16. 建立了推进器点火过程热传导模型,利用该模型分析了不同因素对点火延迟时问的影响。

    A thermal conduct model of ignition phase was established , with which the effect of various parameters on the ignition delay is analyzed .

  17. 收集有关会计程序的信息,结识几个能在付款延迟时为你提供帮助的人,霍洛维兹说。

    You 'll glean information about their procedures and get to know someone in a position to help if there 's a delay , says Horowitz .

  18. 结论以腺苷预处理的早发时相与单磷酯A预处理的延迟时相重叠可以部分增强心脏保护作用。

    Conclusion : Myocardial delayed preconditioning with MLA can be partially enhanced by the early preconditioning with adenosine and has more beneficial effects on heart preservation .

  19. 提出了迭代延迟时法:改进了延迟时法,使求取的表层的厚度更加准确。

    The paper proposes Iteration Delayed Time ( IDT ): By improving Delayed Time , it can obtain more exact depth of near surface layer . 6 .

  20. 根据实验数据,确定唯象系数具有时变性,并且推断当时间延迟时,质量力对质量流和体积力对体积流的影响减弱;

    According to experimental data , phenomenological coefficient is time variable , the action of surface force on mass flow and volume force on volume flow decreases as time decays ;

  21. 我将讨论在彼此通信出现延迟时我们需要进行的工作;延迟会导致安全性下降、漏洞被利用、资源浪费,甚至系统崩溃。

    I look at what we need to do when communicating with one another thats lags ; resulting in security compromises , exploitation of vulnerabilities , resource waste , and even system crash .

  22. 该方案以信号插值为理论基础,用最小均方滤波器替代传统的多项式插值滤波器,并采用能量检测算法以降低半周期传输延迟时的误码率。

    The new method use least mean square ( LMS ) filter instead of traditional multinomial interpolation filter , and apply energy detecting arithmetic to reduce the error code ratio within the delay of half period transmittal .

  23. 第四章对遭受白噪声干扰的随机网络控制系统,在仅有数据包丢失而无网络传输延迟时,给出了在确保系统均方稳定前提下的最大允许丢包概率算法。

    Chapter 4 againsts the random networked control system with white noise disturbance , data packet dropping probability only in the network transmission and without time delay , gives the algorithm to get the maximum allowable packet dropping probability in ensuring the stability of the system .

  24. 放射性核素迁移以吸附作用为延迟机制时,分配系数Kd是影响评估结果的关键性因素。

    And distribution coefficient Kd was the key factor affecting the evaluation results , while adsorption was the main retardation mechanism of radionuclide migration .

  25. 由于钢球磨煤机是一种多输入、多输出、强耦合、非线性、大延迟、时变的被控对象,对此采用常规的基于被控对象精确数学模型的PID控制规律难以满足控制品质的要求。

    For ball mill coal pulverizer is a controlled subject of multi-input , multi-output , strong coupling , non-linearity , big delay and change with time , so groovy controlled math model PID is difficult to meet controlled quality demand .

  26. 火电厂主汽温系统具有大惯性、大延迟和时变等特性,采用常规PID串级控制方法解决主汽温系统的扰动消除问题,结果不甚满意。

    As the main steam temperature system in power plant are characterized by large inertia , long time lag and time-variation , satisfying result can not be obtained with conventional PID cascade control method to eliminate the disturbances for this system .

  27. 分析结果表明,这个ARQ系统在信道噪声高,信道往返延迟大时,仍具有很高的通过率及很高的可靠性。

    The results show that the throughput efficiencies of this scheme both with infinite receiver buffer and finite receiver buffer are higher than other ARQ schemes and the reliability is higher too than other ARQ schemes when the channel is noisy and the round trip delay is large .

  28. 延迟非时变系统史密斯补偿控制算法的实现

    Realization for SDT compensating control algorithm for delay non - time - varying systems

  29. 指明此侦听分支是否在收到消息或延迟事件时启动。

    Indicates if this listen branch starts with the receipt of a message or delay event .

  30. 水声多径信道中的标识延迟空时扩展发射分集

    A Transmitter Diversity Scheme Based on Labelled Delay Space Time Spreading in Underwater Acoustic Communication Systems