
yán línɡ cǎo
  • ground Lily
  1. 濒危药用植物延龄草RAPD反应体系的建立

    Optimization of RAPD reaction system for endangered pharmacy plant Trillium Tschonoskii

  2. 濒危植物延龄草(Trilliumtschonoskii)的遗传多样性研究

    Studies on Genetic Diversity of an Endanger Species , Trillium Tschonoskii

  3. 延龄草(TrilliumtschonoskiiMaxim.)的胚胎学研究(二)&胚乳发育的研究


  4. 延龄草(TrilliumtschonoskiiMaxim.)的胚胎学研究初报Ⅰ.&大孢子的发生及雌配子体的形成

    Investigation on embryology of Trillium tschonoskii maxim . ⅰ . & megasporogenesis and the formation of the female gametophyte

  5. 延龄草(Trilliumtschonoskii),俗称为头顶一颗珠,为百合科延龄草属的多年生草本植物,主要分布在东亚及北美。

    Trillium tschonoskii Maxim , locally named " a pearl on head " , a perennial herb of Liliaceae , mainly distributes in east Asia and north America . In China , T.

  6. 延龄草药材质量标准及化学成分的研究

    Quality Standard and Chemical Composition for Trillium Tschonoskii Maxim

  7. 延龄草一种北美天南星科植物,在早春开花。

    Any of various North American aroid plants that bloom early in the spring .

  8. 本研究采用计盒维数刻画了延龄草不同生境下的种群空间分布格局。

    This study depicts the population space distribution under different living circumstances using Box counting dimension .

  9. 欧洲草,黄绿色花类似并和延龄草关系密切;被认为有毒。

    European herb with yelow-green flowers resembling and closely related to the trilliums ; reputed to be poisonous .

  10. 美国东北部的一种延龄草,具有无柄的叶和红色或紫色的花,有刺激性气味。

    Trillium of northeastern United States with sessile leaves and red or purple flowers having a pungent odor .

  11. ITS区序列分析:本研究测定了巧种及变种和一种延龄草的ITS区序列。

    ITS sequence analysis : We sequenced the ITS region of 15 species or variants in Genus Paris and a species Trillium tschonoskii .

  12. 重楼属是延龄草科一个特征鲜明的属,共约17&18种,分布于欧洲和亚洲,以中国为分布中心。

    Paris is a well delimited genus of Trilliaceae and amounts to17-18 species which are distributed in Europe and Asia , chiefly in China .

  13. 薯蓣皂素是一种重要的甾体皂甙化合物,它的葡萄糖苷(延龄草苷)是许多药用植物的活性成份,但含量相当少,不利于工业化生产。

    Trillin is a glucoside of diosgenin which is an important kind of steroidal saponins . It is the active ingredient in medicinal plants of dioscoreaceae .

  14. 延龄草一种延龄草属的植物,产于北美洲、喜马拉雅山脉和东亚,通常有三片轮生的叶和各种颜色的三瓣花。

    Any of various plants of the genus trillium , of North america , the Himalaya mountains , and Eastern asia , usually having a single cluster of three leaves and a variously colored , three-petaled flower .