
  • 网络source software;Open Source Software
  1. 拥护者认为开放源代码软件安全性更高。

    Supporters say open source software is more secure .

  2. 加内特·米歇尔:比尔,在采访节目的最后,斯科特·麦克尼利已经开始着手开放源代码软件的构想了,是吗?

    GARRET MICHEL : And finally , Bill , there was talk there at the end of the interview that Scott McNealy is really into the whole idea of open source software isn 't he , as it was ?

  3. Java™应用程序的一个总趋势是在开发应用程序时使用开放源代码软件。

    A general trend in the world of Java ™ applications is to use open source software while developing applications .

  4. 谷歌将不直接从chrome操作系统这样的开放源代码软件中赚钱。

    Google makes no money directly from open-source software like Chrome OS .

  5. YetAnotherComputerAlgebraSystem(Yacas)具有漂亮的用户界面和开放源代码软件的所有其他强项。

    Yet Another Computer Algebra System ( Yacas ) has a beautiful user interface and all the other strengths of open source software .

  6. 以Linux为代表的开放源代码软件现已成为挑战软件版权专有制度的革新力量。

    Open source movement , represented mainly by Linux , is becoming an innovative force which challenges the exclusive institution of copyright of proprietary software .

  7. 通过使用廉价的液晶显示器,省去硬盘,并在机器上运行开放源代码软件而非微软的windows,成本得到了降低。

    Costs were cut by using a cheaper form of liquid crystal display , leaving out the hard disk and running the machine on open-source software rather than Microsoft Windows .

  8. 嵌入式可配置操作系统eCos(embeddedConfigurableoperatingsystem)是一种开放源代码软件,完全免费、无版权限制的,适合于深度嵌入式应用的实时操作系统。

    ECos ( embedded Configurable operating system ) is an open source , royalty-free and none copyright limited real time operating system , fits for embedded application and development .

  9. 在平台应用示范研究中,结合开放源代码软件建立了两个应用示范实例:山东遥感综合试验数据服务系统和林业空间数据与GoogleEarth数据的集成。

    Two demo cases were studied : data service system for Shandong general remote sensing experiment area with open source software , and integration of forest spatial data and images in Google Earth .

  10. 不过,尝试在Java应用程序中实现这些集成模式时,我们发现,并没有任何单个开放源代码软件能提供同时实现所有四种模式的功能。

    While trying to implement these integration patterns in a Java application , however , we discovered that no single open source software gave us the capability to realize all the four patterns .

  11. 开放源代码软件主要优势之一就是它能让您“即装即用(outofthebox)”,这在以前需要靠您自个花上数周甚至数月的时间。

    One of the major advantages of open-source software is that it allows you to instantly gain benefits " out of the box " that previously would have taken weeks or months to develop on your own .

  12. Globustoolkit和Linux均为开放源代码软件,加上Linux系统良好的稳定性和兼容性,因此两者的结合是很自然的。

    Being open source software , in addition to the good stability and compatibility of Linux system , the combination of Globus Toolkit and Red Hat Linux is natural .

  13. 福特正在两边同时押注。此前,该公司曾在三年前发布竞争的技术、开放源代码软件SmartDeviceLink(SDL)。

    Ford is hedging its bets after releasing its rival technology , SmartDeviceLink , as open-source software three years ago .

  14. Libsafe是在LGPL下授予许可证的开放源代码软件。

    Libsafe is open source software licensed under the LGPL .

  15. 简而言之,非常多的开放源代码软件用户,会因此而对GPL软件的替代品产生兴趣。

    In short , there is a large base of OpenSource consumers that are suddenly very interested in understanding alternatives to GPL licensed software .

  16. 容易获得的廉价硬件(处理器、内存、硬盘、以太网卡等),再加上开放源代码软件,这些都促使人们采用基于Linux的Beowulf集群。

    The easy availability of inexpensive hardware ( processors , memory , hard disks , Ethernet cards ) combined with open source software quickly drove people to adopt Linux-based Beowulf Clusters .

  17. 在开放源代码软件平台下,创建了多薄层RAMs计算设计和性能预报智能系统。

    Therefore , under the open source software system , the intelligent system of calculating design and performance prediction towards multi-layered RAMs was created successfully .

  18. developerWorks最近刊出了一些文章,指出了开放源代码软件在科学和工程工作中的地位日益重要(请在参考资料中查看这些文章的链接)。

    DeveloperWorks has published several recent articles on the expanding role of open source software in scientific and engineering work ( please see Resources for links to those ) .

  19. 考虑到开放源代码软件的一些特性,很多Linux™应用程序被分配到包含源代码的“tarball”中,在运行应该程序之前,需要编译这些源代码。

    Given the nature of open source software , many Linux ™ applications are distributed in a " tarball " containing source code that you must build before you can run the application .

  20. 本文就授权开放源代码软件使用最著名的GPL许可证的主要内容作了介绍,对使用GPL许可证应该注意的若干问题进行了分析。

    This paper deals with the main contents of most famous GPL license that used in authorizing Open Source code Software . Questions about utilization of GPL license are analyzed .

  21. Rahul很喜欢修改开放源代码软件,并使用它作为健壮的、可伸缩代码的框架,以设计自己使用的自动化工具。

    Rahul enjoys tinkering with open source software , which he uses as a framework for designing robust , scalable code for the design automation tools he works on .

  22. 开放源代码软件协议的若干法律问题之探讨

    Discussion on the Legal Issues about the Open Source Software License

  23. 开放源代码软件的应用研究

    The Research of Open Source Software Application OPEN SOURCE CODE

  24. 开放源代码软件的出现具有重大的理论与现实意义。

    The appearance of open source software has great theoretical and practical significance .

  25. 开放源代码软件的成功是新经济时代中一个不同寻常的现象。

    The success of open source software ( OSS ) is an astonishing phenomenon .

  26. 其次研究了开放源代码软件的组织形态和生产组织方式。

    Secondly , we research on the organization form and production mode of OSS .

  27. 近期出现的开放源代码软件为我们提供了新的案例。

    Open source software , which arose recently , provides a new case for us .

  28. 开放源代码软件倡导自由和开放的精神,完全打破了以往的商业惯例。

    It advocates the spirit of freedom and openness , and breaks the old business practices totally .

  29. 可自主运行的工具可以通过各软件供应商或通过开放源代码软件渠道获得。

    Tools that can run autonomously are available through various software vendors or through open source software channels .

  30. 4月,司法部要求网威专利出售进行调整,以保护开放源代码软件。

    In April the Department of Justice demanded changes to Novell 's patent sale to protect open-source software .