
kāi yào
  • prescribe;write out a prescription;make a prescription;prescribe drugs
  1. 你的医生会根据你的这一病情开药。

    Your doctor may prescribe drugs for this condition .

  2. 药剂师的工作是开药吗?

    Is a pharmacist 's work to prescribe medicine ?

  3. 负责开药的是医生,而不是药剂师。

    Doctors , not pharmacists , are responsible for dishing out drugs

  4. 医生仅仅是开药而不配药。

    Doctors confine themselves to prescribing rather than dispensing .

  5. 中医在这方面很有帮助。但是特殊的是,针对一些健康问题,中医不会给你开药。

    TCM helps to do that . Quite specially , for some health problems , a doctor of TCM will not give you medicine .

  6. 除了为大量开药的医生支付款项,让他们推销Subsys外,Insys还聘用了这些医生的家人。

    In addition to paying high-prescribing doctors to speak on behalf of Subsys , Insys also hired the doctors " family members .

  7. 病人愿意从没有开药权力的保健工作者那里开药是因为一种“白大褂”效应,Bhatt认为。

    The fact that patients are willing to take prescriptions from healthcare workers who do not have the authority is due to the'white coat'effect , says Bhatt .

  8. 我想出书也很象开药。

    I think pushing books is a lot like pushing medicine .

  9. 内鲁卡还说,这与我开药的方式基本相同。

    ' It 's basically the same way I prescribe medicine .

  10. 政府对开药活动的指导不力也带来了严重的后果。

    Weak government guidance on prescribing practices has major consequences .

  11. 为儿童湿疹开药的恰当性:基于社区研究的资料

    Appropriateness of prescribing for childhood eczema : Evidence from a community-based study

  12. 你不能凭猜想就开药。

    You don 't prescribe medicine based on guesses .

  13. 一般来说,医生都不太愿意向患有此类疾病的儿童开药。

    Generally doctors are reluctant to give medications to children with the problem .

  14. 要他们继续为你爸爸开药。

    Getting them to cover your dad 's prescriptions .

  15. 开药错误或开了正确的药物,但剂量不对;

    Prescription of the wrong drug or wrong dosage of the right drug ;

  16. 所以我成了给自己开药的专家,但从未真的有效过。

    So I became rather good at self medication which never really helped .

  17. 或许他不给西方人看病开药。

    Maybe he doesn 't administer medication to Westerners .

  18. 按处方开药的名牌药品一旦专利期限过了,就可以当作非专利药被仿制。

    Brand-name prescription drugs can be copied as generics once their patents have expired .

  19. 请为我开药方治烧伤。

    Please prescribe some medicine for the burn .

  20. 其系统随后会通知饲养人,以便他开药治疗。

    Its system would then notify the breeder , who can then prescribe treatment .

  21. 为什么万事通从不给他开药治喷嚏呢?

    Why won 't Doc prescribe him something ?

  22. 当实习医生需要开药或鉴别情况时会犯更少的错误。

    The interns made fewer mistakes when they had to order medicines and identify conditions .

  23. 是可以观察,诊断,开药或开刀的问题。辅导呢?

    It is when you can observe a problem , prescribe medicine or do surgery .

  24. 起初,她担心医生会给她开药甚至为她催眠。

    She worried she ` d be prescribed medicine , or be put under hypnosis .

  25. 有没有为这种病症开药呢?

    Was anything prescribed for that ?

  26. 另一个极端则是企业向医生行贿,以便让医生在开药时选择他们厂家的产品。

    At the other end of the spectrum , firms bribe doctors to prescribe their drugs .

  27. 红线表示采用惯常的治疗手段--也就是药剂师开药。

    And the red line is the treatment as usual -- medication with a medical doctor .

  28. 请按这张处方开药。

    Please make up this prescription .

  29. 医生们继续在开药,但是回到研究实验室,那里的发现令人气馁。

    Doctors keep writing prescriptions , but back in the research lab , the findings are discouraging .

  30. 医院制度和程序指导开药,给药和用药监测。

    Prescribing , ordering , administration , and monitoring of medications are guided by policies and procedures .