
  1. 张贤亮小说的情理世界

    The Emotion World and Reasonableness World of Zhang Xian Liang 's Novel

  2. 作为牺牲者的女性魅力&再论张贤亮的创作

    On the Charm of Women as Victims & Re-Study Zhang Xian-liang 's Creation

  3. 超越苦难的白日梦&张贤亮小说创作的深层心理探析

    Day-dreaming Beyond Suffering ── An Analysis of Depth Psychology on ZHANG Xian-liang 's Novel Creation

  4. 久蛰复出的作家张贤亮在长篇小说《壹亿陆》讲述了一个“人种危机”的故事。

    After a long retirement , Zhang Xianliang here narrates a story concerning " race crisis " .

  5. 失落的天空&论张贤亮小说中的女性与性

    Lost sky in female

  6. 张贤亮小说中受难的主人公的精神历程与其自身的心理人格之间有着内在的联系。

    The psychological process of protagonists suffering a lot in ZHANG Xian-liang 's novels has a close relationship with the author 's own personality .

  7. 作家张贤亮1993年发表的《我的菩提树》,尽管已流传国外,但在国内却反响不大,理论界对此作有褒有贬。

    Zhang Xian - liang 's My Bodhi Tree , published in 1993 , gains a wide popularity abroad , but evokes a little repercussions .

  8. 本文最后部分,以当代知识分子身份意识的自我认同反思张贤亮小说对当代中国知识分子的想象。

    The last part of the thesis rethinks the imagination of modern Chinese intellectuals from the self-identity of the modern Chinese intellectuals ' identity consciousness .

  9. 张贤亮笔下的女性形象都有鲜明、独特的个性特征,都有较大的丰富性、复杂性和深刻意蕴。

    The images of all labouring women in Zhang Xianliang 's works have striking , particular personalities and much plentifulness , complicacy and deep implications .

  10. 由于外在政治的压抑,张贤亮内在心理人格发生分裂,由此导致了他小说文本意蕴的双重性和价值认同的隐蔽性。

    Due to the external political repression , ZHANG Xian-liang 's internal personality was divided , and that resulted in duality of his novel and concealment of his value identity .

  11. 新时期小说叙事中的身体从男性政治化和女性雄性化的荒芜中开启新程,张贤亮唤醒了一度休克的文学身体。

    Zhang Xian liang awakened the once shocked bodies of literature . Bodies in the narrative fictions in new period open a new way from the desolation of " politicalizaion of males " and " Masculinization of females " .