
  • 网络Zhang Bo;Bo Zhang
  1. 1990年,张钹、张铃两位教授提出商空间粒度计算理论。

    In 1990 , Professor Zhang Bo and Zhang Ling proposed the quotient space theory .

  2. 摘要:商空间理论是国内学者张钹院士和张玲教授在研究问题求解的过程中提出的,现已经成为粒度计算的三大模型之一。

    Abstract : The framework of quotient space theory is proposed by the domestic scholars Academician Zhang Bo and Professor Zhang Ling when they research on problem solving , which has become one of the three models of granular computing .

  3. 粒计算理论之一&商空间理论,是张铃、张钹教授模拟人类智能解决问题思路而提出的人工智能求解问题的计算模型。

    Quotient Space theory which was proposed by Ling Zhang and Bo Zhang is one of granular computing theories . It is a problem solving theory in artificial intelligence . It can imitate the activity and cognitive thinking process of human intelligence .