
  1. 于登云表示,我国当前开展的探月工程包括“绕、落、回”三个阶段,目前已成功完成前两个阶段的工作。

    China 's current lunar program involves three phases : Orbiting , landing , and return . The first two phases have been completed successfully , Yu said .

  2. 中国探月工程副总设计师于登云9月20日表示,我国探月工程下一项任务“嫦娥五号”将展现和检验我国的空间技术和工程能力。

    Chang'e 5 , the next mission in China 's lunar exploration program , will demonstrate and test the country 's technological and engineering capabilities in space , according to a key figure in the project .

  3. 于登云表示,我国正开展空间站研制和载人登月深化论证,还计划建设无人月球科研站,开展载人登月工作。

    According to Yu , China is conducting a further verification study for the research and development of a space station and manned lunar mission , and it plans to set up an unmanned lunar research station for manned landings on the moon .

  4. 于登云说,我国将于2020年年底之前在海南文昌航天发射中心通过长征五号重型运载火箭发射“嫦娥五号”探测器。

    Yu Dengyun , deputy chief designer of China 's lunar exploration program , said on Sunday that Chang'e 5 will be launched by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket at the Wenchang Space Launch Center in South China 's Hainan province by the end of 2020 .