
  • Yu Qian;【人名】Qian Yu
  1. 于谦北京保卫战及其历史意义

    On YU Qian , the Beijing Defending War and Its Significance

  2. 恩幸好我于谦追过重罪犯

    Well , luckily I 've chased felons here before

  3. 从于谦的人际关系论其人生悲剧的成因

    On The Causes of Yu Qian 's Life Tragedy Based on His Interpersonal Relationship

  4. 于谦的悲剧:一个政治学的解读

    The Political Interpretation of Yu Qian 's Tragedy

  5. 儒家传统教育是于谦廉政的道德基础;

    The traditional education of Confucianism constituted his ethical base for being an honest and clean official .

  6. 于谦是明朝正统、景泰年间著名的军事家、政治家。

    Yu Qian is an orthodox , famous military strategist in the period of Jingtai in the Ming Dynasty , politician and patriot .

  7. 新浪娱乐讯郭德纲于谦十周年专场演出今晚(14日)在京开场,现场座无虚席。

    Sina entertainment news Guo Degang ( 14th ) begins tonight in the modest tenth anniversary show in Beijing , the scene is full house .

  8. 由于受观念的束缚和性格的影响,于谦又在夺门之变中无所作为,最终惨遭杀害并被抄家,成为宫廷斗争的牺牲品。

    Yu Qian is affected by constraint and personality in idea , does nothing in " change forcing the way to ", murdered and searched and confiscate finally , become the victim of struggling in the palace .