
  • 网络UMEA;Umea University;Ume
  1. 在2011年初的一个会议上,她遇到了瑞典于默奥大学(UmeaUniversity)的法国微生物学家埃马纽埃尔·卡彭蒂耶(EmmanuelleCharpentier),她已经在一个细菌物种中发现了一个相对简单的Crispr系统。

    At a conference in early 2011 , she met Emmanuelle Charpentier , a French microbiologist at Umea University in Sweden , who had already made some fundamental discoveries about the relatively simple Crispr system in one bacterial species .

  2. 二月,艺术馆将在香港一处展览空间内举办第一次展览,展品是从博物馆目前丰富的中国当代艺术收藏中选出的展品,此前,这个展览先在瑞典于默奥与英国曼彻斯特举行。

    In February , the first show of works from the museum 's already extensive collection of Chinese contemporary art will open at a Hong Kong exhibition space after previous runs in Umea , Sweden , and Manchester , England .

  3. 从20世纪90年代以来,瑞典北部城市于默奥就是硬核与重金属音乐的温床,今年,在它担任欧洲文化之都期间,将欢迎各种艺术流派。无论是户外戏剧表演、人山人海的音乐节和一支向本地硬核乐队

    A hotbed of hardcore and heavy metal music through the 1990s , this northern city will welcome all genres during its tenure as a European Capital of Culture this year . Music will take center stage at outdoor opera performances , a crowdsourced music festival and an orchestral tribute to the local hardcore band Refused .