
  1. 其项目立意是,通过为赫尔辛堡创建一种新的身份和探索未来的可能性,以城市增加环境价值。

    Their contextual project will add value to its urban environment by creating a new identity and exploring the future possibilities for Helsingborg .

  2. 自由人民党的领导成员里斯波特・恩波约德(LisbetEnbjerde)去年11月份在《赫尔辛堡日报》(HelsingborgsDagblad)上发表社论称,“如今的父亲们不是手里举着大棒的原始人,而是对家庭对亲人肩负着不断增加之责任的男人。”

    The fathers of today are not cavemen with clubs in their hand , but men that take an ever increasing responsibility for home and family , ' wrote leading party member Lisbet Enbjerde in a November editorial in the Helsingborgs Dagblad newspaper .

  3. 如果弗格森上个赛季宣布他要卖掉范尼并从赫尔辛堡租来拉尔森的话可能会在球迷中引起骚乱。

    If Ferguson had announced last season that he intended to sell Ruud van Nistelrooy and bring in a35-year-old on loan from Helsingborgs there might have been mutiny among United 's supporters .

  4. 拉尔森将会在3月中旬回到赫尔辛堡,吉尔说福格森爵士不想延长租借期。

    As things stand , Larsson is due to return to Helsingborgs in the middle of March and Gill says there has been no discussion with Ferguson over whether to extend his stay .