
  • 网络Normalized frequency;f-fc
  1. 计算了上升内包层、匹配包层和凹陷内包层光纤耦合系数随归一化频率V的关系曲线。

    The coupling coefficients as a function of normalized frequency parameter V are calculated for fibers with raised , matched , and depressed inner cladding indices .

  2. 对其色散关系的分析表明,该设计对归一化频率为0.5263的TE极化光波具有负折射特性。

    The PhC should exhibit the negative refraction to the TE electromagnetic wave with normalized frequency of0.5263 by analyzing its dispersion .

  3. W型单模单偏振光纤基模截止归一化频率

    Normalized cut - off frequency of fundamental mode in W-tunneling optical fiber

  4. 根据换能器等效电路网络分析法,就x切LN/Hg2I2声光器件的电极层各种金属材料和厚度计算了换能器损耗TL随归一化频率f/f0的变化关系。

    According to the equivalent circuit net analysis method , it calculated the functional relationship between transducer loss TL and normalized frequency f / f_0 for the x-cut LN / Hg_2I_2 acousto-optic devices , with different metal coating materials and thickness .

  5. 提出了一种语音识别线性预测分析方法:基于谱自相关和频率抽样获得谱包,即由归一化频率估计谱包,此谱包规定在Mel频率级;

    A linear predictive analysis method of speech recognition for estimating sample autocorrelation from the speech signal spectral envelope is proposed based on spectral autocorrelation . To obtain spectral envelope from estimating frequency samples a frequency normalization can be applied to the estimated spectral envelope .

  6. 光子晶体光纤的归一化频率参量及模式特性研究

    Study on the Normalized Frequency Parameter and Mode Properties in Photonic Crystal Fiber

  7. 要得到折射率为-1的情况,则入射光归一化频率越小,光子晶体的波导宽度要相应越大。

    To obtain refractive index of-1 decreasing the incident light frequency and enlarging the waveguide width are both necessary .

  8. 且所有参数的估计偏差受归一化频率变化影响很小。

    The bias of the estimate for all parameters change much less with the normalized frequency than by improved KT algorithm .

  9. 根据群模态折射率差与归一化频率的关系,对光纤的参数进行了研究。

    According to the relation between group modal refractive index difference and normalized frequency , the optical fiber 's parameter is researched .

  10. 在信号处理和计算机仿真中,明确模拟频率、数字频率及归一化频率等各种频率之间的关系是十分重要的。

    To distinguish the differences among analog frequency , digital frequency and normalization frequency is very important in signal processing and computer simulation .

  11. 由于在设计过程中耦合器的带宽是相对带宽,因此根据归一化频率选择的不同,基本上能实现任意频率范围的耦合器。

    Because of the related bandwidth in the design process , coupler with arbitrary frequency domain can be designed according to the different choice of normalizing frequency .

  12. 测量了拉制成的有孔光纤的数值孔径和归一化频率等传输参数,并基于有效折射率方法与理论值进行了比较。

    Transmission parameters such as numerical aperture and normalized frequency of the fabricated holey fibers have been measured and compared with theoretical values based on effective index method .

  13. 发现晶纤传输模式的数量随着归一化频率的增大而逐渐增多。

    It is found with the increase of the normalized frequency , the number of the propagation modes of the weakly anisotropic a-axis step-index single crystal fiber increases .

  14. 同时利用同样的软件对全内反射型光子晶体光纤进行了模拟,通过计算对其有效折射率,归一化频率以及数值孔径等参数进行了具体的分析,为今后的实验研究提供了数据参考。

    Using the same software at the same time total internal reflection photonic crystal fibers was simulated by calculating its effective refractive index , the normalized frequency and numerical aperture parameters .

  15. 本文描述的单模光纤参数测量的远场法具有一次实验便可确定单模光纤归一化频率、纤芯直径和数值孔径这三个主要参数之特点。

    The three main parameters , the normalized frequency ( V ), the core diameter ( 2a ) and the numerical aperture ( NA ) of single mode fibers are determined by observation of the far-field pattern .

  16. 用FDTD法计算外开槽同轴波导的归一化截止频率多槽[有齿,花键]轴

    FDTD Method Analysis of the Normalized Cut off Frequency of Coaxial Waveguides with Outer Slotted spline shaft

  17. 存在中心凹陷时α光纤的LP(11)模的归一化截止频率

    Normalized cut-off frequencies of the LP_ ( 11 ) mode in α - power fibers with a central dip

  18. 本文利用无量纲参数、变分-有限元法和优选法来确定任意折射率剖面光纤LP(11)模的归一化截止频率Vc。

    Variation-finite element and optimum-seeking methods for determination of the normalized cut-off frequency Vc of the Lpa anode in an optical fiber with dimensionless parameters are presented in this paper .

  19. 本文详细讨论了折射率中心凹陷对W型单模光纤的归一化截止频率、归一化传输常数、色散特性和功率分布的影响。

    Effects of central dip in refractive index on the normalized cut-off frequency , normalized propagation constant , dispersion and power distribution of W-type single-mode fibers have been studied in detail .

  20. 双介质加载波导截止频率的边界元解法用FDTD法计算外开槽同轴波导的归一化截止频率


  21. 最后提取二种ASIP的性能参数分别进行了分析,并使用归一化的频率对二者进行了比较。

    Finally , we extracted and analyzed performance parameters of the two realizations of ASIP , and compared them using normalized frequency .

  22. 针对近期提出的基于多项式近似的LS信道估计算法,我们提出了该算法在参数选择上的约束定理,指出了该算法当信道归一化多普勒频率较大时的局限性。

    With respect to a newly proposed polynomial approximation based LS estimator , we propose a restriction theorem on its parameter selection , and show the limitation of the algorithm in scenario where the wireless channel has a larger normalized Doppler frequency .

  23. 为设计窗数字滤波器要求给出滤波器的归一化截止频率和窗参数。为便于比较,程序中还配备了HANNING窗、HAMMING窗和KAISER窗。

    The normalized cut off frequency and the window parameter must be given in order to design the digital filters , For the sake of comparison , the program also provides with HANNING window , HAMMING window and KAISER-widow , The program is made up of module contruction .

  24. 在每条路径上具有相同的归一化单频率偏移(NSFO)条件下,通过数学技巧推导了由NSFO产生的归一化信道间干扰(ICI)功率(NIP)公式的简单形式。

    Normalized interchannel interference ( ICI ) power ( NIP ) caused by normalized single frequency offset ( NSFO ) has been derived to be one third of the square of NSFO by mathematical skills under the condition that each path has the same SFO .

  25. 然后,利用微型计算机计算了光纤中导模的归一化截止频率、归一化径向相移常数、场模函数、群时延以及光纤的色散和带宽等参数。

    Constant , field-mode distribution , group delay time , dispersion , band-width and etc. in optical fibers are computed by microcomputer .

  26. 定义了归一化固有频率,并且分别分析了拉索损伤位置和损伤程度对归一化固有频率的影响。

    By defining a normalized natural frequency , one may find the location and extent of cable damage with respect to the changes on the normalized nature frequency .

  27. 例如,对均匀光纤,计算出的所有导模的归一化截止频率值的相对误差为10~(-3)10~(-5)。

    For example , for a homogeneous optical fiber the computed relative error of normalized cutoff frequency for all guide-mode are between 10 ~ ( - 3 ) and 10 ~ ( - 5 ) .

  28. 本文详细分析了双包层三角形单模光纤的归一化截止频率、归一化传输常数、色散以及功率分布等传输特性与内包层参数的变化关系,给出了它们之间的一般关系曲线。

    The relationship among the normalized cut-off frequency , normalized propagation constant , dispersion and power distribution of triangular-core doubly clad single-mode fibers and the inner cladding parameters has been studied in detail . And the universal curves for their general relations are given .

  29. 归一化比例函数在频率域CSEM中的应用

    The Normalized Amplitude Ratio Function Applied in Frequency-domain CSEM