
guī yú
  • be attributed to;belong to;result in
归于 [guī yú]
  • (1) [belong to]∶属于(多指抽象事物)

  • 荣誉归于集体

  • (2) [result in]∶以为结果

  • 风停了,咆哮的大海也渐渐归于平静

归于[guī yú]
  1. 科学研究立项中,人们发现一些课题很难归于某一传统学科,而且越来越难。

    At standing article of scientific study , People hard hold some subject belong to one tradition branch of learning .

  2. 景观题名是园林规划设计不可缺少的一环,其权限和职责,应归于规划设计人员。

    Landscape inscriptions are absolutely necessary in construction work and landscape planning , which competence and duty should belong to designers .

  3. 我讨厌他把一切功劳归于自己。

    I didn 't like his taking all the credit .

  4. 我讨厌他把所有的功劳归于自己。

    I didn 't like him taking all the credit .

  5. 人们把发现夏威夷的功劳归于库克。

    Cook is credited with discovering Hawaii .

  6. 这项援助归于政府间的技术合作这一类别。

    The aid comes under the rubric of technical co-operation between governments .

  7. 他认为不管怎样,她的竞选活动都可能会很快归于沉寂。

    He thought her campaign would probably fade out soon in any case .

  8. 洛杉矶归于一种不稳定的平静之中。

    An uneasy calm has settled over Los Angeles

  9. 他们把发明的成功归于黄工程师。

    They attributed the success of their invention to Engineer Huang .

  10. 他把他的失败归于设备差。

    He ascribed his failure to poor equipment .

  11. 光荣归于人民。

    The honour belongs to the people .

  12. 他们把一切功劳归于自己,把一切错误推给别人。

    They claim all the credit for themselves and shift all the blame on others .

  13. 光荣归于祖国。

    The honour ( or credit ) goes to the country .

  14. 光荣归于伟大的祖国。

    Glory belongs to the great motherland .

  15. 这支球队在联赛中名列前茅,但所有的功劳都应归于守门员,因为其他球员踢得都不好。

    The team is at the top of the league , but it 's the goalkeeper who deserves all the credit - none of the other players have played well .

  16. 换句话说,Web服务提供按需业务所需要的集成和开放特性,这应归于符合开放标准。

    In other words , web services provide the integrated and open characteristics required for On Demand , due to open standards compliancy .

  17. 新的SHRIMP定年结果表明,原先划归于古元古代的丹东花岗杂岩现在被确定为中生代岩体。

    New SHRIMP dating reveals that the previously-known Paleoproterozoic Dandong granitic complex is Mesozoic .

  18. 假设W是这样一个概念:“是一个概念的外延,但不归于那概念之下”。

    Let W be the concept : to be an extension of a concept under which it does not fall .

  19. 在应用之上的所有东西应归于一个模块,所有的HTML模板应归于分离的文件。

    Everything above the application belongs in a module , and the HTML templates all belong in separate files .

  20. 主要流程(PetStoreTeamStream)和它的各种组件都将归于这个整合流程。

    The main stream ( PetStore Team Stream ) and its various components will flow into the integration stream .

  21. 那么我们应该把功绩归于沃纳·V·布朗或对航天科学有过重大贡献的某个其他科学家或工程师吗?

    Then we should be attributed to Warner V Brown achievements or space science have had a significant contribution to some other scientist or engineer ?

  22. 根据成岩作用现象及划分标志,本区侏罗系地层可划归于埋藏成岩阶段的早成岩B亚期,晚成岩A亚期及表生成岩期。

    It is evidently concluded that Jurassic rocks in this area have undergone burial diagenesis , and can be classified as B sub-period of eogenetic , A sub-period of telogenetic and epidiagentic stages .

  23. CIF还有权将归于自己的那部分铁矿石出售给嘉能可。

    CIF will also have the option to sell its share of iron ore to Glencore .

  24. 目前,一般按照对以上因素的反应将晚花突变体归于四条开花调控途径:光周期途径、春化途径、自主途径和GA途径。

    At present , the late-flowering mutants are fallen into four pathways : photoperiod pathway , vernalization pathway , autonomous pathway and GA pathway according to factors described above .

  25. 嵌段共聚物令人满意的拉伸强度归于过量的TDI所形成的脲基甲酸酯交联键。

    The satisfactory tensile strength of block copolymers may be attributed to the formation of allophanate crosslinks by the introduction of excess TDI .

  26. 但无论应用哪种方法,最终都归于对NP-Hard问题的求解。

    However , no matter which kind of method is applied , a NP-Hard question is the only problem to solve finally .

  27. DDT的使用使得生活在美国东部的猎鹰在其许多正常生活区域内归于灭绝。

    The use of DDT caused the peregrine falcon to become extinct throughout much of its normal range throughout the Eastern United States .

  28. 据文献报导,该峰应归于OC集团,因此MgO与丙烯腈的辐射接枝,可能是在MgO中的氧原子与丙烯腈中的β-碳原子之间进行的。

    According to report in reference , this peak is attributed to-O-C-group . Thus , the graft acrylonitrile on MgO may complete through oxygen atoms in MgO and β - carbon atoms in acrylonitrile .

  29. 当人们说起Skype这样的科技公司的成功故事时,大部分的赞誉会归于老板,这样说也的确有其道理。

    When the tale of a tech success such as Skype is told , much of the credit - rightly - goes to the boss .

  30. 结论IVIG治疗KD的机制可能部分归于逆转被抑制的淋巴细胞凋亡。

    Conclusion The therapeutic mechanism of IVIG for KD may be partially contributed to reverse the inhibited lymphocyte apoptosis , which provide new theory basis for treating immune-mediated disease .