
shuāi wēi
  • decline;wane;decadent;disintegrate
衰微 [shuāi wēi]
  • [decadent] 衰落;不兴旺

  • 他要给我们衰微的民族,开一剂救济的文化药方。--《闻一多先生的说和做》

衰微[shuāi wēi]
  1. 民国时期山东佛道教的衰微

    The Decline of Buddhism and Taoism during the Republican Shandong

  2. 格拉古兄弟的改革与罗马共和宪政的衰微

    Brothers Gracchus ' Reforms and the Decline of Roman Republic Constitutional Government

  3. 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓废必致灵魂。

    Years may wrinkle the skin , but to give up enthusiasm wrinkles the soul .

  4. 岁月悠悠,衰微只及肌肤;热忱抛却,颓唐必至灵魂

    Worry , fear , self-distrust1 bows heart and turns the spiring back to dust .

  5. 当时的墨西哥政府衰微,由总统JoseJoaquinHerrera执政。

    A weak government was in power in Mexico , headed by President Jose Joaquin Herrera .

  6. Slidell于1845年12月到达墨西哥城,这时的墨西哥政府更加衰微,Herrera担心如果会见美国外交官,他将被迫退位。

    Slidell arrived in Mexico City in December , eighteen hundred forty-five . The Mexican government had grown even weaker . And Herrera was afraid he would be forced from power if he met with the American diplomat .

  7. 然而基尼必至衰微,直到亚述把你掳去。

    Yet you kenites will be destroyed when Asshur takes you captive .

  8. 中国传统写实绘画衰微的原因

    Reason of the declination of the Chinese traditional realistic painting

  9. 文化视域内中国美术电影的衰微

    The Decadency of China Animated Film on the Background of China Traditional Culture

  10. 论述了墨学衰微的原因。

    Discusses the reasons for the decline of mohism .

  11. 这个政党已经衰微,只剩下一小股涣散的余党。

    The party has dwindled to a disorganized rump .

  12. 后来随着封建文化的衰微,小说语言也走向衰落。

    With the feudal culture declining , the language of fictions went downhill .

  13. 这在明王朝国势衰微、大厦将倾的时代背景下,尤为难能可贵。

    Such thought was particular valuable in the declining time of Ming dynasty .

  14. 阿伦特认为现代性危机的根源就在于公共领域的衰微。

    Arendt think modern crisis is rooted in the decline of the public domain .

  15. 但在当前,壮剧却呈现出日渐衰微、令人担忧的局面。

    But in the current , the situation of Zhuang drama is not optimistic .

  16. 近代,中医日益衰微。

    TCM has gradually declined since modern times .

  17. 它看尽帝国崛起,衰微

    It has seen empires rise and fall ,

  18. 大国兴起而又衰微。

    Great nations have risen and declined .

  19. 也意味着荆楚文学神话浪漫主义文学创作的衰微。

    Meanwhile , it also implicate the creation of JingChu myth romantic literature become declined .

  20. 残留的月光,衰微,衰微!

    Hang-over moons , wane , wane !

  21. tradition:传统decadent:衰微的自2000年就开始的传统节目,而且一年比一年堕落。

    a tradition since the year 2000 , each one more decadent than the last .

  22. 现代主义潮流在中国日渐衰微。

    Modernism is decaying in China .

  23. 这种痛苦还不是死亡,这想法从他逐渐衰微的意识里摇曳了出来。

    This hurt was not death , was the thought that oscillated through his reeling consciousness .

  24. 本文讨论的是中国父权从兴起到衰微的演变过程。

    It is discussed in the thesis that the evolvement about father 's right in China .

  25. 逻辑合理性及其衰微

    Logical Rationality and Its Wane

  26. 1923年以后,通信栏趋于衰微。其主要原因有二:一是知识权力化,二是政治权力化。

    After 1923 , the correspondence column declined because of the knowledge authorization and the political authorization .

  27. 雀鸟一叫,人就起来,歌唱的女子也都衰微。

    When men rise up at the sound of birds , but all their songs grow faint ;

  28. 晚唐五代时期,唐传奇创作进入衰微阶段。

    The Creation of Tang legend went into the decline stage in Late Tang and Five Dynasties .

  29. 她的美貌不久就衰微了。

    Her beauty soon withered .

  30. 在发动侵华战争、构筑总体战体制以后,日本金融体制发生了急剧变化,主要表现为资本市场日趋衰微,以向银行借贷为主的间接金融体制开始形成。

    The capital market declined gradually and the indirect financial system which continued after World War II formed .